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Why isn't BattleBay pushing the E-Sports agenda for itself?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by CrawlingSkeleton, 15 Aug 2017.

  1. CrawlingSkeleton

    CrawlingSkeleton Member

    22 Jul 2017
    I have been primarily a mobile gamer for about 2-3 years now and the scenario has changed dramatically.
    To counter the technical limitations of the platform the game devs have ingeniously created experiences that often exceed expectations and give the multiplayer experiences on other platforms a run for their money.
    Mobile E-Sports isn't anything new. When a player base is dedicated to their game and the game offers enough technical and intellectual depth to be admired by it's players, it can easily turn itself into an esport on the basis of fans who watch to improve their own play (primarily) or the visual spectacle the game presents.

    The latter has been missing from the mobile gaming scene even with games which offer intellectual depth and great gameplay. Vainglory is a great example of a game that ticks all the boxes for being an esport.
    -Free of P2W
    -Deep and rewarding gameplay
    -Great community involvement
    But it's not a sight to behold, you enjoy watching pro play only if you have the desire to improve at the game.
    Clash Royale is hot on the scene right now and I bring it up to draw a contrast between it and BB. Clash Royale doesn't check the "P2W absence" box, but counters the problem using a simple method of level caps for tourney play. It's not a visual spectacle either, but it has just enough technical depth to be appreciated.

    In comes BB, and it's the first time I have enjoyed watching a mobile game for what it truly is. Just plain gameplay even back when I didn't understand any mechanics at all. It was enjoyable to watch it for both the technical complexity and the visual spectacle.
    It's the only game where the 'freemium' progression system doesn't ground itself in stats alone. As you progress in Infamy and levels the game itself evolves and becomes more dynamic introducing newer skills and strategies to develop for the player. This makes watching nightmare league battles for a relatively new player an amazing experience. I feel this particular emotion it evokes in the viewer is the essence of a true esport. When you just stare your screen and go "wow".
    But unfortunately it isn't anywhere on the trail behind the esport bandwagon even after having arguably the best game in the lot. It has no Tournament infrastructure and no standardized level caps or even friendly play options.
    Part of that is brought on by the complexity of the progression system within the game. Items, Levels, Crew Member levels and Item Perks are all extremely difficult to balance for existing accounts which may participate in the competition. But also because of it being a relatively young game and not having an extremely dynamic update cycle like Vainglory.

    I believe introduction of tournament infrastructure and balancing into the game will expand it's reach and visibility, and garner it acclaim within the community towards becoming the first 'true mobile esport'.

    -An aspiring fan
    BomberRspn, Jowiee, JDAR and 6 others like this.
  2. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    What she said ^^
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2017
  3. CrawlingSkeleton

    CrawlingSkeleton Member

    22 Jul 2017
    *She :D

    It's sexist to assume Skeletons are male good sir.
    Crashedup, • Percy • and Jerbears like this.
  4. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    I like vainglory :p
    It's really fun

    Anyway on topic, I agree that they should try. It might raise the popularity of the game as well!
    CrawlingSkeleton likes this.
  5. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    Support @Miika. Is benu working on this? I just can't see some ads about this game on gaming community.
  6. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    What u say is true and I would like to add a few pts to it
    1.First because u qouted clash royale I would like to say this that this game is way too more p2w than that game.
    In royale u can compete with commons and rare (which would be uncommon in this game) combo and reach the top of the leaderboards . Good luck with those weapon in trying to get to 4k infamy.
    2. The skill cap in this game takes a third place (unlike royale )which is after money and luck i.e if u get the parts u want then hope u get the item u wanted like canon the add perks then train the crew members in order to evolve to another tier then same cycle rinse and repeat. So luck is the first factor to play this game.
    3. No balance b/w the items.
    The fact lvl one legendary item is better than lvl50 rare is mind-blowing ( u probably spent months building it but according to rovio few dollars = months of ur gaming time)
    In royale which has balanced caps not only in tourney but in leader boards too as commons could be maxed out to lvl 13 and legendary could be maxed to lvl 5 only but here u can upgrade all ur weapons to lvl 50 even legendary. R U kidding me
    4. The balance changes r regular in royale usually season wise or on monthly basis here the developers don't give a damm about it.
    5. The royale developers actually do q&a on forums they have tied up with youtubers to get opinion of there viewers so see what need to change and what not.
    But all the developer team I have seen here is miikka and that too his cmnts here and there with pretty vague answers
    6.The developers don't give a damm about f2p or people who spent few dollars on the game which generally make up the most of the population of every game.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2017
    LightningBolts and D3X like this.
  7. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    you sure suport CR...
  8. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Buddy if I supported it I would be playing it not this game I just drew the comparison b/w a highly successful game and BB and what r few thing wrong with BB and if they can be addressed BB would be among the top grossing game on appstore
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  9. Sightrasher

    Sightrasher New Member

    11 Jun 2017
    E-Sports??? Is it considered sport to fight random people with random ships with random teammates in random maps? Also, using random dropped weapons against Legendary IV weapons big spenders? Rovio can't make E-Sports, the only thing they're good at (and that's neither true!) is making stupid mobile games where you throw weird birds on pigs with a slingshot (lol?). That's all. Wish I never installed this game. Seriously. Totally unbalanced game with stupid matchmaking. They don't care about balanced match, they just throw you on a match with 4.5k infamy players that almost oneshot you. Speeders permastunning players. Lol. Such a fail game. No wonders most of the players quit after the first wall.
  10. CrawlingSkeleton

    CrawlingSkeleton Member

    22 Jul 2017
    @Sightrasher @Crashedup See that's what I mean, the infrastructure isn't present and that's the only reason I brought up CR.
    CR did a clever thing, they got to keep their P2W freemium progression system and still can push their game as a fair esport because of the tournament and challenge level caps. If they introduced a tournament mode inside game, where tournaments can be hosted and you can pick your ship and weapons from a curated list of items (that don't belong to you and have standardized levels and types) and choose a limited no. of Crew perks then they could essentially have the same effect as CR.

    Secondly, even though BB is a lot more random and luck based on your item progression tree, it also isn't just based on stats alone and that is something no other game on mobile has yet.
    When you progress, and your ship becomes better and your items rise in levels, it's not just the stats but the gameplay that evolves with it. In CR that's not the case. Troops gain more health and more damage and that's it. No mechanical changes occur to the game at all. But the no. of stats that BB has and the way they are changed upon levelling up changes the game dramatically, longer stuns, more durable shields, high burst damage, extremely fast ships, extremely high HP ships make the highest level of BB play a lot more exciting than the beginner player's experience and that's a good incentive to climb even if you just use rares.
    Moreover the mechanical complexity of the game ensures that you can compete against epic and Legendary weapons using rares if you have the skill. Maybe you won't climb to the top of the leaderboard with them, but reaching 4k infamy is possible.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  11. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    A few problems with esports in this game:

    1) It would have to be with normalized gear, while gear is why this game makes money
    2) People would have to be geographically close to each other. Lag and disparity between what you see and what the server sees would kill any truly competitive match.
  12. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Clash royale was the sequel of Coc I believe?

    And Coc was around for idk like a decade, bb is hardly 2 years old and it's backed by rovio, a studio whose best success was as my peer mentioned throwing birds on pigs.

    They are not known for making serious games and they seem to be clueless as to how to handle a game like bb. How they actually came up with a genius game like this is baffling and beyond me. I have a feeling that they might have stolen the game from some other developers.

    Eitherways, if it really is their game and they really are taking the game the seriously then they will eventually get it done.
  13. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I agree with u that the in Cr the only increase on lvling up the troop is the dmg and health no aoe or stun duration changes and but it is so because that game doesn't need it as u move up in leagues the gameplay there changes drastically the usage of card changes and that's what makes that game so competitive and skill based that's why u can see lvl 6 player competing with lvl 11 player by the way lvl 13 is max to get into the top league there same is the case with with other card games or rather games that rely on u buying stuff but here I don't see a way for a low lvl player to be in a good league because of his skill.
    Here u have to reach lvl 38+ before reaching nightmare league to get into nightmare league that's not good because that usually takes 7-8 months conserdering all is good u get items u want and all.
    What supercell is really good about is listening to the community I feel that is the only root of all problem to this game.
    If rovio starts listening to community this game is so awesome it will get it's recognition in no time
    1.its unique
    2.Stunning graphics
    3. Fleeting with friends
    4 . Unique item mechanism and every item is well thought of even ships there is generally no balance needed there
  14. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    You've brilliantly articulated this.

    Frankly it doesn't feel like Rovio are investing in marketing Battle Bay which is a damn shame cos as a player of other online games (including Clash Royale) I can say that BB is my absolute favourite.
  15. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Did not mention any facts.

    1 Somebody told me it was kinda a sequel to Coc, also it was made by the same devs, in case you didn't notice I did not claim it WAS a sequel. Merely stated I believe so.

    2 I said rovio hasn't made many "Serious" games like battle bay before, you understand the term Serious? Angry birds, while in some stages frustrating it may be is more like a children's game played for relaxation, nothing even similar or competitive as bb.


    Please kindly read carefully and completely understand, if you can't then please kindly question what I mean instead of jumping to conclusions, assuming what I mean and putting words into my mouth.

    3 Stop assuming what I mean, I did not CLAIM they stole the game, it's just that the way they treat the game made me "FEEL" so. Re-read that sentence if you will please. Never claimed anybody stole anything.

    And for the record, in case somebody else gonna get offended No, I am NOT CLAIMING that Rovio STOLE the game from anybody.

    It appears that everybody understands battle bay's true potential including the devs but for some reason it appears as though they aren't taking it as seriously as supercells take their clash royale which is a pity cause I love bb.

    Oh and in case somebody else gets pissed

    It APPEARS, TO ME that Rovio doesn't understand or does understand it's full potential but isn't taking battle bay seriously enough. Or they really do take it seriously but simply just "MIGHT" be weak in the marketing department. Anyways, from MY POINT OF VIEW, what APPEARS TO ME as the way Rovio handles Battle Bay made me FEEL that way. Again NOT CLAIMING ANYBODY STOLE ANYTHING.

    Disclaimer: The above post and the comment before is NOT meant to hurt,offend,disrespect, piss off anybody. Everything mentioned in the above post and the comment above it is merely the op's OPINION and NOT FACT. The op should not be held responsible for whatever other people or admins ASSUME I mean as a so called "fact" and take it as offense or disrespect. In the respect that Rovio, admins or players do see it in such light, I sincerely apologize for that was not my intention neither what I actually meant.
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    THAT is NOT a CLAIM but a mere STATEMENT of what "I" FEEL.

    And I repeat, I truly was baffled when I learnt that a developer like Rovio which was used to making childish games like angry birds and angry birds spin offs were even capable of pulling something off like battle bay.

    I acknowledge how difficult developing bb must be and how COMPLETELY DIFFERENT it is from angry birds which is what Rovio is USUALLY USED to making, which is why I made that comment.

    Why must THAT particular part be seen as an "insult"?. If anything it is a compliment in my own weird way appreciating Rovio pulling off developing a game like bb.

    I do not expect you to see it the same way but at the very least please kindly refrain from twisting my words into a "disrespectful insult".
  17. saracollins

    saracollins New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    This game will never be esport.
    For that, lot of things would need to change.
    All that money has blinded them.
    And as they previously stated in a different thread, there will be no 5v5.
    Only logical thing left to do is abandon this farce. Better sooner than later.
    Rated R likes this.
  18. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It is it's own game based on some of the characters, CoC and Clash Royale are entirely different games. Complete different genres.
    5 Years ago was it's launch date. (lol a decade, iPhone 2G launched in 2007). BB is 1.5 years old, with the limited release. It's 3 months old based on it's official launch. Battle Bay isn't 'backed by" Rovio, it's wholly owned and developed by Rovio in Finland, if you looked at Rovio and their company, their HQ is in Keilaniemi, Espoo ,Finland. If you even paid attention, all the admins and developers are from Finland.
    Rovio is a way older game studio compared to game companies like Supercell or Machine Zone, so credibility so, they should be capable as a studio to come up with a good game as long as they hire developers and game designers. With proper funding and management, I can't see why they cannot design a game distinctively different than their previous titles. Mobile 3D game engines are pretty mature these days and there's not that many of them; Unreal III, Godot, ShiVa3D, Unity Mobile, UrHo3D and a few more that's lesser known.

    Saying the game is stolen is absurd.

    Judging a company based on prior trends and products whether they are capable is definitely a story, but that doesn't mean they cannot develop something different. Companies like Tandy, Nokia, Reading Corp, switched industries entirely, and were successful at doing so. So why can't a Mobile Game company develop a different genre game? I don't get how that's a huge point, in fact, it's quite shallow.
    Last edited: 16 Aug 2017
    Crashedup likes this.
  19. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017

    I "have" a "FEELING".



    See, I didn't say "I'M SURE", or "I CLAIM" but I said "I HAVE A FEELING". Last I checked I'm allowed to feel without proof.
  20. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017

    Already explained most of these points in my previous post which it seems you didn't bother to read so I request you read them.

    As for the last point, no I never claimed it's not possible for a sec to develop a game of a different genre

    All I meant is that I was surprised when they did, and I'm sure being surprised by a company releasing an excellent product in andirection they've never ventured before is something worth being baffled for, perhaps your threshold for being amazed is different but not mine.

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