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Trying to keep my sanity low level....

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by flibbidy dibbidy, 11 Aug 2017.

  1. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    This can not be true. If you would have no chance winning those battles you would not be in those battles because you would be losing infamy until you drop so low that you would start winning again. If you stay at the same infamy then it means you are winning 50% of the time and that is the level where you deserve to be. If you wish to get higher in infamy you need to do something that increases your team's chances of winning, i.e. better gear or play even better.

    There is no such thing.
  2. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I have been matched against teams which have 3 mk5s when my team has none, I agree that their skills are probably bad and hence they are as low as us. If it was just 1 mstch then it's no big deal but it happens frequently, if it was a difference 1 one bigger ship then it's no big deal but it's not always the case, I agree that it's fair since we sometimes get more mk5s then the enemy team too

    But do you really think that making a team fight against a team where 2 or more ships are bigger is fair?. Also, is it really ok for mk4s to be at 500 infamy?.

    The difference between an mk4 and mk3 is colossal, they face the same issues that we do. Will newbie players actually keep playing if they face mk4 ships at 400 infamyish?

    I'm not saying these are seal clubbers, they maybe p2p players who spent a lot quite early in the game, but that doesn't mean it isn't an issue.

    I'm ok with fighting teams where 2 ships are bigger, more crooked matchmaking, well I shouldn't be greedy expecting a perfect matchup every game.

    But please try to understand that 300-600 infamy is a place occupied by mk2-mk3s and mk4s being there is bad for the game and newbies. I'd certainly quit if I was facing mk4s at that level.

    I want this game to get more popular and get more players, players who don't just download, play a little then uninstall but players who actually keep playing for atleast a year. I'm sure you guys want the same.

    Please kindly look into this issue, it's bad for the game.
  3. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    I really couldn't agree more with what @CheekyDevilGod wrote in this thread.
    • Percy •, Cyn and CheekyDevilGod like this.
  4. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    In many other games there are other players that simply dominate. Their personal stats show them with winning percentages that exceed 80%. Games like Call of Duty, Overwatch, and Game of Legends are good examples of that. Yet even the best players on here can maybe boast win rates of 52-53%. My win rate sits at slightly above 51%. Whenever it starts pushing close to 52%, I start seeing horrible mismatches that favor the opposing team.

    This is where, I'm going to trust what the statistics that I maintain tell me. I noticed you quoted me, but cut off my statement at '50%'. Like I stated, my breakdown of matches when it comes to the total MK scores of ships comes to just under 20% in my favor, close to 25% is balanced within 2 MK points, and slightly more than 55% my opponents have a total MK score higher than my team. In a true random distribution of teams based solely on infamy, I would expect that a roughly 33%/33%/33% ratio would be there. Based on stats that I've kept on 480+ games, its not even close.

    Getting any kind of semblance of a win streak and raising my infamy, then all of a sudden being matched up where the teams are 4,3,2,2,2 against 5,4,4,4,2 or similar. Then being on the short end of the stick in those match ups continually until I lose everything that I had gained, is telling me that there is more than just infamy scores at work when it comes to match ups.
  5. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    If every game was truly a 50/50 shot and it came down to teamwork and tactics, then we wouldn't see such wild winning and losing streaks. They would be statistically very hard to achieve.

    For example, take something that is truly 50/50 - flipping a coin. Getting 10 heads or tails in a row is about a 1 in 1,000 chance. But yet we've all had such streaks multiple times in this game without playing that many games. If it were truly 50/50, you would expect your battle log to look pretty evenly distributed between wins and losses. But it doesn't. It's all crazy streaks.
    Cyn likes this.
  6. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Well, I'd hate to be a buzz kill but it doesn't get better. The game throws you in tougher, almost impossible, matches, the better you play.
    I'm facing battles with 2 or 3 mk5 ships with infamy sometimes 400 points higher infamy.
  7. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Here's something to give you hope. You may be doing better than expected.
    This is from a different thread, but of similar topic
  8. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Well, lets compare your winning and losing streaks to flipping a coin and see if they bear any resemblance:

    What do you think, are you having "crazy streaks" compared to the coin?
    The longest winning streak you have ever had was 7 battles and it happened once. 6 battle winning streaks you have had only 5 times.
    If you factor in the noise from such limited amount of samples the two graphs overlap perfectly.

    So, the two key takeaways here are:
    1. On average winning and losing streaks follow the expected probabilities.
    2. Human mind is very poor at analyzing statistical information objectively and accurately.
  9. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    All I can say is WOAH! You can do that?!:eek: Now I kinda want to see my chart!
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
    • Percy • likes this.
  10. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Of course. That is the only way we can balance the game objectively based on the actual truth and reality instead of biased opinions.
  11. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Missing the point, and I don't know why we're getting sidetracked with a forced-50% discussion.
    I don't know what the OP's gear and stats are, but it barely sounds like you're taking these complaints seriously. Let's set aside the fact that you just called the OP a liar. Saying that's the level you deserve to be in is kind of moot that early in the game, drop too low from 500 and you're just fighting bots again. Mentioning better gear is almost a slap to the face, and I'm almost insulted by it myself.

    If I may be so bold, I request that you post the average total amount of matches played among players at certain infamy levels. Reason being, the number should be pretty low for a player that low in the rankings, since the system should be allowing them to rise to a balanced spot within a reasonable amount of time.
  12. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    We'd might as well have a statistics thread. Personally, I'd find that very interesting.
    • Percy • likes this.
  13. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I wouldn't mind it. I just think some of the statistics are being abused here, since they're cherry-picking them to prove whatever point will calm down player complaints. I'm kind of surprised people looked at that "average infamies for different ship tiers" thing you posted and didn't see anything wrong with it. Average for a Mk 3 is at 558? Mk 4 is at 1137 and then Mk 5 shoots straight up to 2289? The Mk 3 average is exactly what we're talking about, and Mk 4s being that far down compared to Mk 5s is a little fishy.
  14. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Nothing fishy there in my opinion, mk4s probably make up the highest active population in the game and are the most widely spread ships infamy wise.

    You find them from 500 infamy to 2k infamy, both are ofc extremes. This is however my opinion.
  15. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    And you sir, you claim that nightmare infamy is reset so that "everybody has an equal chance of reaching the top".

    If what you claim is true, then why isn't infamy being reset for all the players every season?.
  16. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Sigh... really? What's wrong with a dev posting statistical information? We can all learn from this (or at least, those who were to stubborn to be convinced otherwise can). When someone is wrong, and statistics show it, that's not "cherry picking". That's proving a point.
    Disguised and behumble like this.
  17. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Because they aren't taking the complaints seriously. Do you not think it's a problem for new players to be running into Mk 4s at 500?
  18. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Not necessarily. Those are just terrible players that sit at the bottom of the infamy ladder because of that. There are mk4 players at 3k infamy too.

    There is of course the issue that when the amount of people already in the game is bigger than the influx of new players, you get more high level ships into the lower infamy ranges. I think this is what we've been seeing because many people started after global launch, and most of those are now mk4 / mk5. This effect will vanish over time though as people quit the game and new players keep joining.

    Also I don't have a clue about how big that effect its. Might be it's negligable, and all the mk4 at low infamy are just bad.
    behumble likes this.
  19. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yes when i started a new account and began running into these mk3-4s, I was not too surprised because of all the complaints on the forum.
    However, when you look at these mk4s load outs, number of battles, and just play with them to see their skill, you realize its not that difficult to defeat them (really the only thing they have going for them is high hp)

    So of course there are unskilled mk4s, but they dont make the whole populations of mk4s down there. There are also people trolling im sure, staying down there to get easy game. There are also some who have just had terrible luck with RNGesus and arent able to get good weapons to climb up.

    Either way, with team work and strategy you should be able to defeat theses stronger players.
    However many of the players you are with do not have strategy and team work aka why they are at such a low infamy.
    i understand how that can be difficult.

    But you shouldnt need to worry about getting to something like 1k infamy as a mk2-3, those are basically starter ships. Maybe if it was advertised more that mk4 is where things start to get interesting for good players? Progression is slow, it takes time to build up good weapons with higher tiers and thats what you need to compete.

    Anywho, i dont see why having a higher infamy is so important as you will only get matched with harder opponents anyways....Its just as fun to get squashed by nightmare league players with epics and legendaries as it is to be fighting mk4s as a mk2 :)

    Am i making sense?
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
    Cool Penguin likes this.
  20. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I'm worried about this because I don't think it's a problem that will vanish over time, and I think it's giving new players a negative opinion of the game. Best case scenario, this game is relying on players cycling in and out so that low-level doesn't get too cluttered. But what if older players aren't leaving in great enough numbers compared to the people coming in?

    Our current solution is just telling them to have fun, get better, and to not mind the blatantly imbalanced match-ups. Rovio hasn't expressed any interest in changing the matchmaking system or the infamy system to make their progression more comfortable.

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