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Okay, that is it

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Netsa, 13 Aug 2017.

  1. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I'm done with this thing. It has gotten me killed for the last time.
    Screenshot_20170813-022339.png Screenshot_20170813-022347.png Screenshot_20170813-022353.png
    I've complained before about the amount of things that Tesla Shield doesn't block, but this last match made me too angry to stick with it.

    What Happened:
    The match is down to a 2-on-2. My friendly Shooter is getting low, their Speeder is lining up an Explosive Cannon on him. I close the gap and put up a Tesla Shield between them, then realize I'm too close. He can shoot me inside my shield. I try to back away but he shoots just in time, landing a critical for just over 1000 damage. That's bad enough, but remember, the shield is still up. The enemy Shooter hits me from the side and takes my shield out, stunning me. So, I just took a thousand damage from inside the shield, then got stunned by the shield, giving their Shooter ample time to finish off both me and my teammate.

    Yes, there have been tons of times when Tesla Shield has saved my life. It's actually one of my favorite items in the game since a successful spot-block makes me feel really cool. However, especially after the nerf, it's become more of just an anti-mortar. As an Enforcer, I already have multiple anti-mortar options, so I would love to have an item that protects me against something else. I'm tired of getting hit with torpedoes through the shield. I'm tired of getting hit with Frost Blasters through the shield (followed by the aforementioned torpedo). I'm tired of mortars just missing the shield and hitting me for near-full damage. I'm tired of Speeders shooting me inside the shield. I'm tired of the self-stuns in non-long-range situations. I'm tired of Sniper and Tesla Bolt snipe-downs in long-range situations.

    I'm not trying to influence anyone else, I have no problems with anyone using the Tesla Shield. It's just dead to me.
  2. Bobbafed99

    Bobbafed99 Active Member

    15 Apr 2017
    I get you, but, ehm, it was only lv 7... (with bad perks)
    I would've held it until it was lv. 30+
    You don't know the power of a Lv 40-50 epic tesla shield with all skills applied as a bonus from Dr. Buzzkill?

    - fails fixed, thx Flying Bananasaur
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
  3. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    It was level seven, not level one
  4. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    He means Tier 1.
    No, I'm pretty sure I know what Tesla Shield is capable of with all skills applied. It will block better and last longer. Notice that none of my issues with Tesla Shield really stem from it not lasting long enough or not blocking enough damage. You could say I wouldn't be quite as pissed if that second shot didn't break the shield, but the match was already lost when that critical landed. The length and durability of my shield didn't matter for that, and there's nothing on the crew tree that changes that.
  5. Bobbafed99

    Bobbafed99 Active Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Health could be added, I agree. I'm not a pro user of tesla shield, but I agree when only 1 shot of blast canon can destroy it.. :/
    And the nerf went pretty hard on the shield stun duration..
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2017
  6. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Bad move bud.
    TS is awesome
    I'd love to get mine to t4
  7. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    if you're having trouble blocking the mortars then you should try moving slightly in the direction of the oncoming mortar. Maybe you know this idk but just a tip

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