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Matchmaking Issues

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by CheekyDevilGod, 10 Aug 2017.

  1. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    You are not wrong per se but what you wrote has nothing to do with the question at hand. Removing the 4000 infamy reset would relieve pressure slightly from the top end players just under the threshold but it has no effect on infamy distribution at the low levels. There are millions of players on the lower levels and only ~300 in the nightmare league. That is a drop in the ocean. Which one do you think out weights the other, the top 300 players losing some infamy every 2 weeks, or all the new players joining the game everyday generating new infamy?

    Do you have any other suggestions to how to simply change the distribution of players in the infamy range? Which by the way looks quite healthy no matter how I'm looking at the data, not just averages but different percentiles also.
    Miathan and H.A.D.E.S like this.
  2. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I have lost around 400+ infamy too...and was stuck at 1400 for more than a week...But now I am at 1600....Seems like everyone has lost some infamy lately.

    Don't know if it's just me but the waves in bay have gone much worse than before.
    CrazyFixer likes this.
  3. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    All the infamy generated by millions of all the new players in the lower levels goes to the top 300 in the nightmare league.

    Newbies lose their generated infamy to better newbies who lose it to warriors who lose it to masters who lose it to....well you get the point?

    All the infamy generated, it all ends with the nightmare league and that's where the problem lies, all the infamy generated by newbies, disappears every season cause nightmares are reset to 4k infamy.

    You claim it relieves pressure from the top and I say that pressure relieved at the top relieves pressure from everybody below them too. Resetting the infamy to 4k every season is like like throwing 4k gold coins in a bag and making 5 million people fight for it while adding 25k more people to the fight every day ( I know that's a poor metaphor but meh) This will only continue to build more and more pressure for everybody and if the pressure involved keeps increasing amd the fun keeps decreasing then it won't just be the newbies who start quitting.

    Also notice that raising the infamy reset cap to 5k or something is also a solution, unfortanately nit a pernanent one, we'll soon reach a point where the 5k infamy range also becones stagnant.

    A permanent solution would be to remove the infamy cap altogether. You are merely removing the cap, not making a bigger league or giving people more benefits, you lose nothing by removing the cap and gain exactly what by having it, only god can tell cause I can see no benefits to the game from that.

    Please note that making the game easier would mean that the game would become more fun for everybody, the game will become more popular than it already is right now and would result in even more people playing it.

    The solution I suggested would theroetically continue to work no matter how big the player base gets and make sure everybody has breathing room and nobody feels stuffy.

    What do you think?
  4. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I think it would be better if players gain and lose the amount of infamy by how they did in battle. I know it's difficult to implement this in game but still a suggestion.
    This will prevent mk 3/4/5/6 ships to lose infamy intentionally in battle by doing less Damage so they don't get suspended.....This way if they lose more infamy, the amount of rewards will drop automatically.
    CrazyFixer likes this.
  5. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Not the best idea, players might stop playing for the win after they lose the first ship or 2 and instead completely focus on doing max dmg or contribution.

    Your own teammates would be competing against you for the number one spot instead of competing with you to win matches.
  6. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Im just curious, why is there an infamy cap?
    Is it so that the top players still have players to play with? (as in not too long of wait times)
    In that case will there be a point where there will be enough elite players to remove it?
    I think relieving the pressure at the 4k endgame would be a good idea

    However, i dont think it would significantly affect lower infamies.
    Last edited: 12 Aug 2017
  7. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Yeah right....My theory is wrong :p
  8. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Every new player generates at minimum of 96 infamy (4 bot battles) when they start playing the game. In total 82000 infamy points are about to be shaved off tomorrow. To fill this loss 82000/96/14 = 61 new players per day would be needed. What do you guess, are we getting more than 61 downloads per day? (Hint: It's several orders of magnitude more than that)

    No, you have the proportions the wrong way around. It's like millions of people throwing money and few people taking few coins away.

    I'm not saying the infamy shave would not have it's pros and cons, but this particular topic has absolutely nothing to do with that.

    Why does every new season in sports start from zero points too? So that people would start from the same point and everybody would have to equally fight for their victory.
    Miathan and behumble like this.
  9. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I'm not talking about the infamy new players get from silly bot matches, I'm talking about the hundreds of infamy the millions of players lose due to being matched against higher level ships with higher level gear.

    The infamy lost by the people at the bottom of the table doesn't obviously goto only the 300 people at the top. Like I've been elaborately trying to explain, all that infamy is distributed to all players above them spread across 4 leagues, warrior, master, ace and then finally nightmare.

    The games infamy range is now so saturated with players that a small percentage of people who spent a lot of money very early or are extremely unskilled, or perhaps both are fighting at such low infamy levels that frustrate so many people and force some to quit. This is an issue that resides over all infamy ranges.

    Your match making system is not at all faulty and perhaps it's very possible to win against every match that's been made and perhaps the reason these matches were hoplessly lost is cause the team or some of the teammates gave up before the match even started just by looking at the opposition line up simply cause they had a combination of classes they lost against before or cause they were scared of a couple more mk5s and 4s without realising that those are probably unskilled players.

    You claim that the reset exists to give everybody an equal chance to victory, if what you claim is indeed correct then shouldn't everybody have a reset to 0 infamy at the end of every season?.

    You see, the problem from what I know isn't that you shave off infamy at the end of a season but that you only shave of infamy from one particular group of people who despite being a minority are at the top of the game and this particular reset is exactly what's making them compete again against people weaker than them which prevents the growth of the tier below

    Same happens to the next tier and the tier below.

    You either shave off infamy from everybody or nobody. You restricting the growth on the top tier makes the top tier restrict the growth of those directly below them which in turn makes the second tier restrict the growth of the tier directly below them and so on. While the 2nd and 3rd tier can and would manage cause it's a game they pit effort into and love and somehow manage, the lowest tier, the one which is full of newbies who are just learning the mechanics can't cope and would opt to quit. Catch my point?.
  10. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Ok, I give up. You have clearly made up your mind and have no interest of understanding the mathematical reality here so no point in arguing any further. Happy battling!
  11. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Reality is that from ace1 onwards (3000+) you still get matched with the 5k beasts anyway.
    So whether they have 4k,5k,6k or even 16k against thier name, the pool is so small at the top that it makes no difference.

    Im at about 3700 and 450th in the world.

    The problem is not matchmaking, its progression. If people could get gear and ships faster there would be a bigger pool so you wouldnt face the beasts, or the mini beasts or the wanna be beasts. But right now, at this point in the games launch from, idk, 2.x onwards its a lottery, and if you get sucky team mates or some idiot whos paired up with his friend 800 pts lowerr for lols, you lose.

    I deserve to be at the infamy im at because ive made it there, but one on one, when im matched against, hmm, i dunno, someone like.. Miika, i get destroyed, every time. His gear and skill level is way higher than the 800 pts or so on paper.

    Its progression and number of players, not matchmaking.
  12. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    This fallacy is actually not true either. You can not change distribution by introducing a bias or multiplier to it. If people would be getting gear faster, the top would be getting them even faster growing into even bigger beasts. This would only hold true if there would be a progress ceiling and all the top players would have reached it. But that is not the case.
  13. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    But surely, if you remove the outliers, and make progression easier, a bunch of really active people in the main player base would also progress a lot quicker and increase the pool at the higher levels. The only reason you have 300 or so people in nightmare today is due to the p2win from global launch (imagine how many it would be without pearls, A lot less).

    Make it easier to progress for the super active grinders and they will be there too. Ergo, I am more likely to face them as opposed to just the whales and pre global players with way better gear and skill than me.

    As someome who has spent what some might consider a large sum on this game, i can tell you that im done now. The reason being that i can only improve my loadout now with very specific epic items, as I have l40 rares and x2 rares waiting to upgrade. Check out my spending pattern, see how its slowed down, i bet there are thousands like me.

    However,if I knew there was at least some sort of reasonable chance to get the epics I need, id spend more, but there isnt with the way you have it set up right now, and im not rich enough to spend 10k gambling to get it. But I would spend a few hundred+ more if i felt it would improve my loadout. The last 2x 3900 boxes i opened had an epic tesla (i already have a t5 rare which is better than my t2 epic, so i wont waste resources) and a mortar i scrapped. All the rares got scrapped too, useless.

    The end result being you are losing revenue and shooting yourself in the foot. You are a business, i get it, but there are too many paywalls and progression is too slow. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And we also know once the honeymoon period has worn off and the whales move on you will improving it. I say, do it now.
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Yes, there would be more people where the current top is but the top would not be there anymore. It would be even higher. The density function of people along the progression follows normal distribution pretty nicely, and the tail end of a normal distribution is always long and thin if you don't apply a cap to progression. There is just no way around it.

    Paywall means something you can't get past without paying. There are no paywalls in progression in Battle Bay. It's just a matter of your patience do you want it now or are willing to wait and work for it.

    The speed of progression is also a very relative concept. If everybody would be gaining items 5 times faster than now, we would just have to make the progression 5 times longer also so that people would not run out of content.
  15. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    That's Samsung Game Launcher (is paired with Game Tools) When you do a long hold on the game, you press 'info' or whatever and it'll give you info on the game)
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    We have 1 game mode and what 6 maps?

    We ran out of content a long long tine ago and you are ignoring my questions
  17. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    You don't get it, I'm saying progression is bad because there are so many players stuffed into a range of 4000 infamy points. I never questioned the natch making, please read what I've said completely.

    I've even mentioned that there is nothing wrong with our matchmaking at all.
  18. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Is this what u call matchmaking? All mk5 and fixer against us mk4s....All of them had 3k and 4k+ hp. Screenshot_2017-08-14-12-02-47.png
    CrazyFixer likes this.
  19. kingofdeathnhell

    kingofdeathnhell New Member

    14 Aug 2017
    Have faced the same problem.blost 700-800 infamy in few days. i reach a level of a league and than see that my team mates are dumb. Either they don't participate at all or come out in the end when we are any to loose and hit few shots so that no one reports of floating. Others are suiciders. They play like they are here to die only. Mk5 doing worst. You said they can get mk5 but for that they need to play games and get gold as well train their crew. So if they haven't played as much games so how will they get mk5. Also doesn't understand mk1 having infamy of 1000+
    Also mk3 ships have legendary when they have played battles less than 1000. What's the developers doing. Well developers have to develop some alogrithm so that legendary are given to ones who are in certain league and top performers. Have seen mk3 and Mk4 defender and shooters having legendary weapons and doing damage of just 1000 or so even when they got killed almost in the end. That Mk4 ship had legend standard mortar and legendary breta and other two epic weapons tier 2. So In more than 2 mins he hasn't used his weapons. In 1 game 2 Mk4 ships were beside me one on each side. I did more damage than both of them together even information killed before them.

    Also the one issue raised is so many mk5 in the battles. My opp has 4 mk5 and we have 1 mk5 what a combination.

    I suggest that the developers should do matching on lot of things not just infamy. They should consider the no. Of battles one has played, the no of kills per battles as well as the weapons.
  20. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    The matchmaking has gone really bad since 3 weeks.... Facing 3-4 mk5s against all mk4s....Stuck to 1300-1500 infamy while I was at 1900.
    Most of the time there is one mk5 defender with 5500+ HP with 2 mk5 shooters including 1 fixer while our team is full of mk4 ships with no fixer....They have better HP with more firepower and it becomes almost impossible to win.
    If it goes like this, then I have to quit the game, so will others.
    CrazyFixer likes this.

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