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A random idea for BB, "Boss Battles"

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by rlxgenerate, 11 May 2017.

  1. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017

    I saw a thread that had some fan art...and that got me thinking.
    ~~~What if Rovio incorporated "Boss Battles"?~~~ Epic rewards for teamwork to take out an epic boss. You have to fleet up 5 people and you all get teleported to a foreign land where Boss minions are everywhere...teamwork is required and won't be over right away.
    ~~~Once your team takes out the minions, you have a gatekeeper to get past. He launches torpedoes and mortar's at your team and his health is based on your teams composition.
    ~~~If your team manages to survive this battle, whoever is left drudges along into the chasm where you then have to navigate mines and more mortar fire. If your team manages to get to the dock of the Boss, the battle is on.
    ~~~Whoever is alive then has the challenge of taking out the Boss and any and all rewards are strictly based on how far each individual teammate makes it. If the Boss is defeated, everyone is rewarded something. Defeating the final Boss yield epic rewards.

    ~~~Beware, if you lose, he steals your soul AND your pearls. (not all, just some, as a consequence of your disobedience to him)
    ~~~A loss yields your ship being unusable for 1 hour and 50 pearls being deducted but the rewards much outweigh the loss.

    Do you think you can form a team to navigate the mighty waters of Battle Bay, defeat the gatekeeper and claim the ultimate reward?!?!

    Only time will tell...

    Enjoy!!! Happy Thursday.
    ChickenSurprise and Insta like this.
  2. Insta

    Insta New Member

    11 May 2017
    Professional Mobile Gamer
    Wow dude, I definitely agree with this idea. But I'm pretty sure they have thought about this kind of composition before. Hopefully they add it in the future!
    rlxgenerate likes this.
  3. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    It was literally a spur of the moment, top of my head post. It started with me thinking of a movie out of battle bay. Then I thought about boss battles once a week, once every other week. I don't know. I just see potential in giving people something else to do in the game. I really feel like I found a game I can get into. It's hard for me to stick with a game that continuously keeps me interested. Only Clash Royale and Hearthstone have managed to do that for me. I've uninstalled everything else...so I would like to add my two cents in since I see myself playing this for a while.
    Insta likes this.
  4. Insta

    Insta New Member

    11 May 2017
    Professional Mobile Gamer
    I honestly feel the same way towards other games but for me it's always been Vainglory and now this game. and yeah man i think that idea is pretty dope, I have played a bunch of RPG games back when i was in high school, includes boss battles, loots, and stuff like that.
    rlxgenerate likes this.

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    It will be nice if we can have an option like this. As you should already felt the frustration due to a losing streak or bad match up if you are posting here.
    It will be nice to have something else to take our mind off PvP but still able to make some progress into the game.
    rlxgenerate likes this.
  6. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Hey Res, that was kind of the idea. I'm not saying the game isn't fun. I'm loving it. But like Insta mentioned, it gives us another element to the game.
    Obviously y'all have read my frustrations within the game and it's just me venting. But I think looking forward to "Boss Yacht" or "Boss Frigid Air" would be fun and bring some true camaraderie to the game.
  7. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Vainglory, *Puke*...lol. naw, I'm more of a Mobile Legends style, 3 lane kind of guy. Vainglory is just, odd.
  8. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    Sounds kind of like TF2's Mann vs machine mode, I like it.

    Losing the ability to use a boat for an hour on a loss is not something that players would enjoy and devs wouldn't want it because it would stop the players from playing.
  9. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    True, it was just an idea...

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