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Infamy suck

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by disorder, 11 Aug 2017.

  1. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    On my 2nd account mk1 defender at 620 infamy, a f2p account. Quite proud of my rank with my 900hp (indabrain, see file) .

    =>each battle i see mk5 or mk6 at my lvl...
    => nearly each battle there is floater mk4 doing nothing...
    Will i need to report everytime ?
    What is this joke ?
    Its a general issue and not a fucking abuse. The infamy system is wrong

    Like everytime people will said" they are perhaps bad"... Its a joke, i ve been hit several time by t3 epic, i see lvl 25 at my lvl (10here).
    In this battle the mk6, he made nothing until everyone died, and then ran kill 3 boat and stop attack/move in the middle of battlefield with his 5k hp...

    Attached Files:

    MEE NA, Netsa, Crashedup and 2 others like this.
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Holy ****, what on earth is an mk6 ship doing in that match O.O
  3. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Take a look at my thread..Reduce infamy drop limit.
    THAT is exactly what they're doing.
  4. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Infamy limit of 600 from peak is a reasonable amount. People with MK6 at 600 infamy are very rare and if the OP description is correct, look like he's tanking infamy. I am assuming that the player with MK6 probably reach 1500 sometimes already. If so, he'll be punish soon. If he never got his infamy above 1200, there is nothing the devs can do in this situation.
  5. Bug

    Bug New Member

    10 Aug 2017
    all the player has to do is never let his infamy get too high in the first place and just level his account slowly and he can continuously play at that infamy range with a mk6.

    There's a very good possibility that he's never gone I've 800. Leveling is based on crew upgrades which can be done regardless of infamy level.

    Maybe they need to base things on ship level. Or player level

    Right now it's broken and the whole infamy based reward system is broken. There are quite a few of us that are getting screwed because we're sinking too low on infamy and constantly get teamed with people who are trying to intentionally drop.
    Cyn likes this.
  6. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Matchmaking has always been the biggest complaint about this game.

    I would prefer playing with floaters than knowing people are being punished just for having a bad slide, which I have a feeling does happen in some scenarios, if it happened to me I know I'd just quit the game for good.

    My solution has always been to award infamy points based on performance. So:

    First place winning team gets 40 infamy points
    Second place winning team gets 35 infamy points
    Third place winning team gets 25 infamy points
    Fourth place winning team gets 20 infamy points
    Fifth place winning team gets 0 infamy points

    This awards a total of 120 infamy to the winner team and docks 120 from the loser team the same as now
    The losing team has the same amount of points docked for each place only in the opposite order, so first place on the losing team loses 0 infamy.

    This assures even if you can't carry your entire team and lose but get first you don't get docked, and floaters even on winning teams don't get rewarded

    It would help place people in their correct infamy group.

    I posted this before and the usual rebuttal or link to one are bare assertions on how they feel this would change the game or break the infamy system, which says to me the Devs are in denial about how broken it already is.
    Cyn and SharkTank like this.
  7. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Mk6 aside, wtf is up with so many epic items. Back in my day (4 months ago tbh) we fought with uncommons even at around 1000 infamy.
    Flying Bananasaur and behumble like this.
  8. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Bad players are bad, regardless of their weaponry. I just got my first epic yesterday, and I've been fighting tier 2+ epic items for a while already, even a ways below 1k. I suspect they'll become more and more common all up and down the ladder as the game goes on.
  9. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I played this game since about 2 weeks after global launch. I remember I didn't get my first rare weapon until I got to like 900 infamy. That said, I left the 1K-1200 infamy rank few days ago but I have to say, it's much tougher than it was 2 months ago. The global launch brought in a lot of new players.

    That MK6 have enough firepowers to be in the 3000 infamy rank. He has a T4 turbo so his captain level is pretty high. He doesn't have any legendary so he surely didn't spent (if any) like a whale. I'll say he's just tanking. My 5 years old son can survive at 1400 infamy in an MK3 Defender with much lower weapons.
  10. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    It's really obvious that he lowered his infamy purposely.
    He doesn't have any legendary so it's highly unlikely he's a paying player that goes on leveling spree with pearls.
    He also has great gears, two t2 epic items which is incredibly hard to level up if he has always been on that infamy range. Which eliminate the possibility that he's just a shitty player for being there.

    So, the only explanation is, he can play just fine, has reached higher league in the past (which explains where he get all the resources for his epic weapons), but decided to lower his infamy to get some easy kills and ruin the fun for the rest of players on that infamy range.

    Case closed.
  11. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017


    A Fixer Main
  12. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    I'm still rocking two Uncommons now at 2000+ (L30 Box, L30 Shield) and zero Epics.
    Disguised likes this.
  13. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Damm, your son must be really talented. 1400 infamy with an mk3 is hard enough these days... But 1400 imfamy with mk3 at the age of 5... That's just insane.
  14. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Fixers should be ranked with half the amount of heal points being equal to hitpoints

    I also run a mk3 fixer as a secondary to an mk4 shooter when I get bored
    Last edited: 11 Aug 2017
  15. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    His idea actually is not that bad, but a tad too extreme. Maybe make the 3rd, 4th, and 5th place get 20 infamy while the 1st and 2nd position get a bit of bonus with 30 and 25 infamy, respectively. It will motivate people to give their best to be the #1.

    And also, even though I main shooter I think healing reward need a little bit of boost so healers have the same chance to be on the 1st position as everyone else.
    All fixers players out there, you have my appreciation.
  16. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    He didn't get to 1400. I got there and he's still playing the same account as me. After 20+ matches, he'll around +/- 100 infamy. He played MK3 Defender and MK5 Shooter. My shooter have as much hps as my defender right now. I think he's better than a few players around the infamy. He knows how to lead shots and knows not to stand under a structure when using mortars. Plus, most of his weapons are max Rare T3 or Epic T2. He's getting bore with the game so he'll leave soon enough so I can go up.
  17. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I dont know about you, but nothing (except possibly the horn of @P0rthos ;)) motivates me like a floater. He wants to lose, so to get back at him, I win! :D:p
  18. chrisNazty

    chrisNazty Member

    27 Jun 2017
    wow, that is pretty bad man. honestly they really do need to get this infamy system sorted out sooner rather than later because tbh no one will stick around for long with this kind of thing happening. this is disheartening and demoralizing for a new player.
  19. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    i've talked with some player mk2 like me around 500-600 infamy. even if mk2 is not long to up, they got the same problem. Not really fun to fight against these monster.
  20. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    It's annoying, sure, but I got up to 900 at Mk2. I'm Mk3 as of a few days ago, and I've hit 1200. Infamy is a decent measure of skill. Even fighting with rares and uncommon stuff, I beat a lot of higher tier players. I think the real problem is that a lot of people think they're better than they are. I'm top of warrior 2 this season, above people 7+ levels higher than me. Just practice, you guys will get there as you learn the maps and how to play off your teammates.

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