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Unranked/free play/etc game modes?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by TheCrisco, 10 Aug 2017.

  1. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    So, I have exactly one IRL friend who plays this game. He's ~400 infamy, and I sit around 800. That's all well and fine, except that the current play mode makes it just abysmal for us to fleet up. No matter what happens, there's no way for us to bring our infamy levels closer together by fleeting, so it sort of ruins the experience for both of us. That being said, I'd like a more...relaxed? Casual? I'm unsure of a good way to phrase it, but a game mode which allows a little more latitude for players to fleet with people less spot on with their infamy without worry of tanking or artificially inflating either one's natural ranking. Either event is undesirable for most normal players, and it would be nice to have a mode where we could have fun with our friends without causing problems for our (or anyone else's) infamy. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?
    SAØS!N and BITTERSTEEL like this.
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Yup, I have seen this subject pass by several times. Lots of players (me included) want to see an unranked mode. That way I can help my guildies and friends by analyzing their strategy, and givong feedback on how to improve. Because right now everybody is saying the same. "I'm always first place in the team with 2 times as much damage as number 2. I just can't win because of my team"
  3. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    I'd like a way where I can "temporarily downgrade" my gear and end up at the lower infamy of a fleet partner, or "competition leagues" where everyone gets assigned either a fixed level of gear (eg: everyone gets Mk3 ships and Lv20 Uncommons) or a fixed amount of gold/sugar to spend on upgrades.
    TheCrisco likes this.
  4. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    The wallet warriors will be devestated with a mode like this... And that's totally fine with me lol. I'm curious how the wallet warriors will perform with the same gear power as the rest.
  5. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    "But if I damage EVERYONE, don't I get the biggest score? Wait, what's that green ship doing?"

    Undoing all your hard work.
  6. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Oooh, what about a 'sealed draft' type mode, where you start a run of games with a handful of...I dunno, green crates? Then from there, you pick one item from each crate and build a ship to use with it?
  7. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    YES. Like the Hearthstone Arena draft. "Here's three items, pick one."
  8. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Getting back on topic of this thread though:

    Even before the level of "helping people with better strategy" how about the most simple thing, one that Rovio really has in their own best interests: getting other players to try the game.

    I've got some friends who are interested in this game, but because I've been playing since global launch and they're just starting now, they're in Mk1/2 ships. Fleeting with them would be an extremely short-lived match, since they'd just get popped immediately by an Mk5. Not a good experience. Sure, they could grind their way up to Mk5 ships with me, but that's less likely to happen if they're going solo.

    If the "unranked matchmaking" were to be based on a "gear score" or similar, then I could switch down to a lower Mk ship of mine (Speeder, Defender), buy 50K gold worth of Common items, and be relatively evenly kitted out to a newbie. (Or even better, let me just temporarily "de-rank" my existing gear to play in that world.) We could play together unranked, they would have their interest kept alive to move up through the ranked score, and eventually everyone would be together.
  9. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Yeah...I'd love to have something like that. I feel bad dragging my buddy into matches, and we're not even that far separated on our starts. I can't imagine what it would be like with a month or more head start.
  10. SAØS!N

    SAØS!N Member

    6 Jun 2017
    Great Britain
    I'd enjoy an option where Gear was equal on a funmode. Really enjoy matches where its not jut some 1 sided slaughter. Something similar to our Quests that gives Gold/Sugar and refreshes daily that is unrelated to our ranking.

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