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Suggestion thread, balance changes

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zombie, 4 Aug 2017.

  1. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Allright so i've been playing the game for a while and i see some major balance issues in this game. @Stebbi @Zeus @Bennunator
    I'm Ace 3 tier, i believe it's the tier which represents the average of the playerbase, i am playing all the classes and i use a wide range of evolved epic weapons.

    1. Matchmaking: This needs to get a serious rehaul, if a team gets matched up with a fixer and the other one gets no, even worse when its 2 fixers vs no fixer, or 2fixers vs 1fixer, the team that has 2 fixers it's just an auto-win. The amount of fixers for each side needs to be even. Someone would say but yea fixers have no damage... goddamn wrong, fixers heal the whole team not just themselves, i've been losing several battles where i dealt over 10k damage because of no fixer vs fixer, it is just not right.
    Also as for some other games, when you get in a heavy losing streak, you should get matched up by a very lower tier of players giving you a chance to re-climb up and do not get, like sometimes, in a frustrating 500 not drop, which most of the times you have no control of it simply because your team sucked or you kept getting no fixers on your side.

    2.Fleet: Allow 5-man fleet, guild vs guild, i believe this game at this point really needs this, helps "fight" the frustration of getting bad teams over and over, and it will make this game very competitive, the model of premade 5v5 battles had been used by pretty much all the competitive games we have on the scene today.

    3. Weapons: Nerf all the goddamn torpedos, they are just ridicolous, i had been in a battle earlier where a shooter sat at the spawn spamming torpedos i am just saying a torpedo hit a wall so far from me it wasnt even on my screen, boom half hp... what the ****? i goddamn dodged it why am i getting punished?
    On the other hand, missiles need to be a more reliable, someone would expect missiles like homing missiles a granted hit, instead it is not, the spread should be much and much less, if someone wants a "spray" weapon he would use carronades, missiles should grant consistent damage which you do not have at the moment.
    Mines, whats the point of mines? You want to zone -> Napalm , You want to hit short range? -> Grenade... what's the point of mines? Mine activation time should be reduced to 1 second or 2 max.

    4. Shop: Daily deals need a better rotation, start to offer better stuff for 110$, like leg. parts or idk full weapons like lvl 3 evolved rare cannon, 110$ is a real lot of money, deftly it needs more bang for the buck.
  2. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Ok, nice to meet ya zombie
    1. There have been plenty examples around the forums that the number of fixers on each side doesn't mean a win or loss.
    Ive always thought 2+ fixers on a team was more heading towards a loss because of firepower. You will have to adjust ur playing style according to the number of fixers on each team though. (For example, if you don't have a fixer but the unfriends do, play offensive so they can't get healed up) I think the devs before said its still a 50/50 and adding a different number of fixers add variety to the game play.
    When you go on a huge losing streak, you do end up playing with low lvl players haha. Most of the times just have to ride the infamt wave out or take a break.
    2. Yes, larger fleets would be nice, although some people have mentioned that doing so would allow some teams to become overpowered and dominate.(as in it wouldn't be a good idea to have a 5 fleet against players who have never played together before) I definitely agree guild fleets would be great, not sure how it will all work out though. Maybe some kind of competition? That's separate from infamy.
    3. YEAH nerf the god damn torps!!! And the fire bombs!!! And the mines!!!!! Overpowered as hell lol, but it does take skill and chance to use these, and as everyone says "just avoid them" (stupid imo, like I was trying to get hit by a legendary torp shot from a speeder flanking me) but honestly, torps are alright except for one thing. The ridiculous splash dmg shouldn't be taking 2k hp out of everyone around the person that got hit! That's just op
    4. I think that the calendar could be more rewarding, as well as the season rewards. However, as for daily shop it's working fine for me. Would like to see more rare perks, or be able to buy parts without waiting 5hrs for a reload, but it's not detrimental. I think the devs put the Pearl deals right where they should be . I suppose I'm biased as a ftp player, but it's hard enough already with the wallet warriors and even combating the lower spending players.
  3. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    I had been trough a lot of no fixer vs fixer losses before i posted this, no idea which tier you play, probably at an upper tier things are different, but at ace 3, if you get 2 fixers especially if mk5 its auto-win, you deal 10k, 2 of your mates dealt another 10ks, enemy fixers cured 15k each, result they mitigated most of the damage their squad took while you didnt and you couldn't, after 30k damage your team dealt, your team stands with few to no hp, other team stands full healed. It's not right. Perhaps they should introduce an effect like dot fire damage would reduce healing effect by 50% or something.
    About losing streak, yea you get matched up with worse people but i mean even worse than that like you are 2500, you drop to 2300, you can still get matched up with people from 1900 to 2500not, i am saying if you drop by 200not in 10 matches you should get matched up with 1400-1900 not players.
    About guild fleets and 5 premade, overpowered teams will reach a point where they will need to face just other overpowered teams and this will get seriously competitive.
    Torps are braindead atm yea problem is the splash damage, they shouldn't have splash damage at all for the ridicolous damage they deal, mines are not i said mines need a buff, not in damage but in the activation time because they have no point now, if you want to zone you napalm the area, you want short range burst you use grenades, mines are pointless if they dont get reworked
    Season rewards ace and higher give legendary parts i am saying, but the daily deals you see the price tag set to items you can purchase with gold and you feel the urge to uninstall
    behumble likes this.
  4. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I will admit, as a fixer, I'm usually in for a win if I'm the only fixer in the battle. But that's not always the case. Two mk5 fixers at around 2500 infamy is difficult yeah, I can see how that leads to a loss (I'm Ace 2 at 2700 so we're around the same I'm thinking) but again, it all depends on team work for them. Have had it where even at 2500+ if I'm the only fixer, they will go off, be the hero, gets killed, and we are now fighting a losing battle. Sometimes it's frustrating because I think some players don't have the patience to play with fixers because it can prolong the game so long compared to in n out shooter v shooters.
    Still don't agree with the fleeting up with lower players though. You think you can carry them? The 1500 range is a terrible mix of good, bad, and overpowered players. I'd rather be challenged with players that match my skill and load out.
    I mean, it was really frustrating that last season I started out at 2700, but fell and couldn't get up for the full two weeks.
    Finally beat my top score, but still in that range. I wouldn't change anything tho because it gave me a chance to improve and battle with more drive to get back to where I know I should be. The daily shop is too expensive? Just for parts, perks, and pieces...idk, I think I play enough that the shop works for me at least. Hopefully some other opinions will come in on that one lol
  5. Jdm7

    Jdm7 Active Member

    14 Jul 2017
    100% agree with behumble here. As far as nerfing torpedoes I don't think so. It seems as if players want all the weapons they don't use nerfed. Key to avoiding torps, plain and simple don't bunch together and stay off walls. But, some players are very good with them and this is a skill that takes time to learn. The part about a boat carrying all torps is the same as one carrying all mortars. It takes no skill and if your good enough to stay alive 1 on 1 vs them it's an easy win
  6. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    I am currently in Ace 2 and I do not think this represents the average of the player bubble.
    I have about 2,500 Infamy and agree to number 250 in my country (Germany) and something to number 3300 in the world.
    My second account is around the 400 Infamy, so I am number 56 thousand in Germany and number 1.1 million in the world.
    The average of the player's bubble must be much, much lower. I guess so at 800 to 1000 Infamy.

    So we are not just average!
    We are what the League name says - Aces!

    We measure ourselves with the most enduring, most patient players in the world with an experience of thousands of battles, with the best boats and weapons and the most developed crews.
    Rather than get excited about the alleged shortcomings of this game, we should step back and recognize that the endgame does not start in nightmare, but somewhere here in the ace league!
    And @monobrow and all the others who faces at nightmare players are the aces of aces!
    I wish Rovio would a little bit more appreciation this hard, long way and for the money that some people insert.
    Perhaps somewhat less dependent on the coincidences of RNGesus, who has accompanied us to this point.
    I wait for weeks on a bit more speed, on epic nitro and rare turbos but the only thing I get from all the boxes or elsewhere are unnecessary frost launcher and crappy gear lube!

    Maybe this is all a bit offtopic - but I wanted to say this for a long time - somewhere.
    The Otherguy and behumble like this.
  7. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    i agree that the RNG on matchmaking needs to be stopped, because my performance cannot be substantially undermined by crappy random teammates like shooter mk5 with 3 mines etch.... and the other way around my bad performance should not influence good players....
    you are getting a good winning streak good you get matched up with your tier,
    you get a bad losing streak you get matched up with lower not players

    @Jdm7 i've got epic torps and they are just stupid, close range on speeder its free kills, long range on shooter u spam it on a group u hit one or the wall behind them u kill the group, it's not right, about that fixer vs no fixer thing, i've just lost a battle with 2 fixers on my side (1mk4 1mk5 lvl 40) vs no fixer, because the no fixer team had leggy swift torps literaly shotting everyone down, on my mk4 shooter i've got 3k hp, a epic\leggy torp hit its half hp... while my epic3 sniper hits 450, and my epic3 berta hits 800.
    Torp damage should be not even on pair with the berta, torp have no range limit and the splash has no diminishing returns in terms of damage from the middle, the splash range isn't even showed so you can get oneshot without even seeing it coming, it does need a fix, doesn't it? lmao

    it's like the game saying you use torps or you pray to get a fixer in your team else you are not going to succeed
  8. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Torp splash damage should work the same way as mortars. Farther away is less. Seems it's consistently over 1000 anytime I get splash damage from any kinda torp
  9. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    it should, just the damage fades in the very further radius from the middle to where u wouldn't get damage, i have no idea how to explain it but imo the splash damage from torps need a serious tone down
  10. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    New to the forum and again a matchmaking thread?
    You would have read the other 31 before, you would know that matchmaking is not RNG, it's solely based on Infamy.
    Are you serious, at first I thought that is a joke?
    You complain to all serious as players use their weapon slots?
    What is next? Too few mortars or in your opinion the wrong one?

    I'm sorry but I can not take this as a serious contribution. I'm out.
    Before you open the next thread - please use the search function for already made topics!
  11. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    is this a flamebait? did i ask your precious opinion? no? fuck off?
    imo an mk5 shooter with 3 mines that ends the battle with 3 digit damage its toxic, is it not?

    matchmaking is RNG, you are getting in your battle anyone from your not range, despite him performing good or bad in the past battles, check other competitive games, in LoL f.e. u can limit RNG by having premade 5s, and if you are having a bad streak you get matched up in low priority Qs with other bad performing players (on bb it could work basing the AI that matches considering the average score and stars someone obtained past games)
    like 3 stars, 10k damage, okay you get matched up with other players of the same tier that got 3stars 10k damage in past games perhaps against players that did the same, and you guys climb together
    0 stars 0 damage, you get matched up with players of a very lower tier so you have more chances to win next battle and not get frustrated.

    it would make the game more enjoyable for sure
  12. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    1. nerf torp splash damage
    2. slightly nerf big torp damage
    3. increse tritorp damage, but increase cooldown

  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    1. Number of Fixers pr side does not escew winratio by much. Try digging through your past 500 games and note Fixers pr side and results. Ill go for the disrespectful (sorry) assumption that you remember the negative experiences that confirm your biased opinion rather than the truth being what you think it is.

    Im a mk5 Fixer - Last time I ran over a bunch of games it was shockingly close to 50% winrate for every combination of x Fixer vs y Fixer teams. If you dont trust me, perhaps you'll trust Miika who has access to actual stats and claim that there is no major difference in winratio. Im sure you wont trust either, so go look through your last many games and see for yourself.

    Having said that, my bias is that a second Fixer is a disadvantage for me and I would not mind being guaranteed being the only Fixer. But such a change would have nothing to do with ingame reality. If double Fixer is a guaranteed win them every Fixer at your level would constantly be fleeting together (which in turn would raise their infamy to a level where they win 50%). But Fixers generally dont fleet together, and we dont for a reason!
  14. Littl3-R3d

    Littl3-R3d Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    1.Nerf sniper range because you can literally hit someone across the map
    2.Buff blast cannon because people only use sniper
    3.Nerf shooter the most used ship in the game to spread some variety
    4.Nerf fire bomb so the duration depends on where you are at in the ring
    5.Buff gear lube/rudder cause no one uses them except defenders
  15. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I rechecked this now from the past 30 days for roughly Ace3 infamy range. Actually 2 fixers against 1 fixer has slightly less than 50% win ratio... A very good example of negativity bias.
  16. The Afenogaster

    The Afenogaster Well-Known Member

    31 Jul 2017
    Bbay player / free time artist.
    Madrid, Spain
    When you have all torps you are not a 1 vs 1 beast, the other boat just stays close to you and that's it, if you are talking about the torp shooters it ia fine for me as a speeder or an enforcer
  17. The Afenogaster

    The Afenogaster Well-Known Member

    31 Jul 2017
    Bbay player / free time artist.
    Madrid, Spain
    The blast cannon a buff! It is Op with flare, the thing is to nerf the sniper crit chance or have a max crit chance
  18. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Follow up Fixer question. Do Fixers on average earn as many stars as other boats?
  19. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Yes. It is in the TOP3 throughout all tiers. And at MK6 the TOP3 are all within 0.1% of each others so it's really close too.
    Kitterini likes this.
  20. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Cool, thanks

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