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Players beware : Do NOT try new ships or weapons.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Mangchi, 1 Aug 2017.

  1. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    That what I was thinking... there definetly would be a problem regarding the weapons you equip, since you could be playing, for example, a high level epic weapon in 500 infamy range, and that would not be ok.
    To partially solve this your other's ships minimum infamy could be set to be a percentage (I don't know, like 40%?) of your highest one.
  2. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I don't think this would be a problem. Having powerful equipment will shoot you up the ranks in no time and balance itself out. I know this because as some other people in this forum have suggested, I also made a second account to experiment with other boats. With this account the opposite occurred but holds the same principle: my infamy is much higher than my boat and items can handle.

    With 3500 or so matches worth of experience, my mk2 enforcer easily reached 1000 infamy with a rare t2 cannon being my primary weapon. In this situation, EVERYONE ELSE has the "issue" of having the "overpowered" gear compared to mine. The skill to equipment ratio quickly balances out the issues.

    That being said, it would definitely be fair and viable to give each boat their own infamy. I close my statement with a question: how many times have you dealt more damage than someone with better gear than you?
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  3. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Yup thinking about it you're probably right, it would off-balance only a small portion of matches. I still think that it's partially avoidable, but wouldn't be a terrible thing and mostly it would be a huge step forward compared to where we're now
  4. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Developers DO do exactly that. It's right there in one of the hint messages during the game. It's pretty prominent.

    This is just another example of how their incentive structure doesn't align with their stated goals. Part of the joy of me staying at relatively low infamies is that I can experiment with other boats. I'm working up my speeder right now. I chose to grind with my shooter until the speeder's gear was reasonably appropriate. But starting at a season infamy max of 1274 there's no way running the speeder full-time would've dropped me below 474. At my low infamy, I can play with whatever I want, whenever I want.
  5. Crazycyclops

    Crazycyclops Member

    8 May 2017
    My infamy took a biggest hit after the frost nerf because I was a freeze torp speeder. And using frost after that update was pretty much useless. So I changed to flare and cannon setup but since I didn't have the high enough talents for the flare or the cannon too much nor did I had a good flare. It was very difficult doing damage. At that point of time I started with a t2 rare flare gun and t4 rare sniper cannon as my setup. It was like "oh your defender has 12k health, let me hit you with my pathetic flare gun and do nothing". Yes it was tough. I dropped below 800 than my highest infamy at that time which was around 3600. Stopped getting rewards from battle but I eventually made up the ladder. And it's not like I'm PTW. I too have played since the global launch and now almost 13.3k battles done. It took me a while to gain all that lost infamy and get a respectable training done. The whole point is brother you have to endure through the hard times and just power through it. Eventually you'll be there where you belong. So don't get upset. It will be ok in the end. Remember it's only a game. It's not a job. Just have fun with it. Cheers

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