1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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Ideas and improvements for Battle Bay

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Captain_Perry, 11 Apr 2017.

  1. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Hello fellow batlers! Just thinking that an "improvements & feedback" thing should be created like the last forums, so yep. Ideas and other suggestions can go here! :p
    Without a further ado, let me post some of my ideas and suggestions for the coming updates!

    1. Since more and more players are getting stronger, I think that a new league should be added later that works like nightmare (reset infamy at start of season), and nightmare should be an ordinary league with 3 tiers (I,II,III). This suggestion would work opposite too (increase infamy required to reach nightmare, create a league before nightmare)
    2. Following my first point, I think that the more skilled players need a challenge. Create some larger maps that will only allow players of a high infamy/ league to battle in, and those maps will include CPU turrets/facilities that deals damage to players (e.g. An erupting volcano that launches dmg-dealing projectiles in a map).
    3. As weapons have a higher tier and ships are being eliminated more easily, I think that tougher Mk7 ships should be introduced (along with more crew talents). With that being said, I also think that this suggestion should be implemented later when more people have obtained legendaries or epic T5s.

    That's it from me! Do you guys have any ideas? :D
  2. Dr.pie

    Dr.pie Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Well honestly new ships would be cool, but right now the daily battle bonuses should have at least the minimum of 3 epic parts, lets start from that :p
  3. Echo

    Echo New Member

    11 Apr 2017
    Add color to mines. Blue for allies and red for enemies or something similar.
    Currently there's no way to tell from which side a mine is from unless you saw its deployment.

    "This mine is blocking my way but it's probably from my teammates so it should ... BOOM!!!"

    Also platoon-based game mode. Currently the guild and friend system is totally pointless without ways to interact with each others in-game.
    Samwise, dikshift, PCCA494 and 3 others like this.
  4. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    For your point, not sure if you meant item pieces or actual parts (the thing that looks like nuts and bolts). If you meant actual parts, I think you'll get them in higher levels (well I get them), but if you meant item pieces then no. Too much. :confused:
    That's what makes mines work! If they are in different colours, people will avoid them, rendering mines useless. Mines are for careless or unexpected (really, unexpected) ships to stumble upon and blow up, so yep.
  5. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Thank god, someone else has problems in comunication WHAT is talked about. In my Crew we tried to find new words for parts and pieces because the actual designation seems confusing and no one knows about of what you are talking exactly... parts and pieces are to close together if you just look at the meaning of the words
    Last edited: 11 Apr 2017
  6. DrAcvdo

    DrAcvdo New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    The infamy you earn or lose on each battle shout be linked to your battle performance, not only for winning or losing the match, some times we had a great battle but a very bad team and some times some players dont even move and earn lots of infamy
    dikshift likes this.
  7. gsle24

    gsle24 New Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I was thinking a mode where there is friendly fire could be cool. So you have to actually aim properly and play a bit more smart.
    Obviously for higher level players. Maybe a gold buy in, and higher rewards so it attracts people who'll take it seriously?
  8. kurdisch :)

    kurdisch :) New Member

    16 Apr 2017
    I am ok with new loeague but not with mk7 no cuz high lvl players have like 7k hp atleast and you want to give them more, atleast wait for global lunch
    Captain_Perry likes this.
  9. Dr.pie

    Dr.pie Member

    7 Apr 2017
    No, I meaN the daily battle bonuses that give you parts (not item pieces, not powercells), why can't you add epic parts there? Most people need it like hell. Do something, ghawd! I don't even want to imagine how hard it is to get epic powercells when I only need them to lvl up items :confused:
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  10. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Believe me,you will get more parts in daily battle boxes when you get in ace
  11. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Yes @"har"Smash until the end and @Dr.pie, you will get more PARTS from DAILY BATTLE BONUSES the higher your level/league is, as currently every box for me contains epic parts.
  12. Robert Sel

    Robert Sel New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    Melbourne, Australia
    1.Would like to see the boats show actual damage before they get blown up making it more realistic as well as have weapon malfunctions (weapon falls off or doesn't shoot as accurately) when your boat is damaged making the battle more challenging.

    2. Perhaps introduce storm weather and lightning hitting the water perhaps not damaging the boat but more stunning them slowing them down.

    3. Would be awesome to have a submarine weapon. Allowing you to go underwater undetected for a few seconds and shoot your enemies from underwater.
  13. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'd like to destroy mines by shooting them, and be able to break stuns on my teammates.
    Robert Sel likes this.
  14. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    @Stelmo, sorry if I have opposing views, however destroying mines by shooting them renders them pretty much "useless" (almost no one would step on one ever again), thus breaking stun on teammates would render tesla bolt "useless" too (well, almost all stuns would be removed instantly by friendly teammates).
    I would instead suggest separate item(s) to do the above (maybe a yellow item for detecting enemy mines and another one for breaking stun), so people will think twice about bringing those items using a slot, making the battle more "interesting". ;)

    As for @Robert Sel,
    1. Agree definitely. While weapons sometimes land "critical hits" on opponents, a failure chance can also be introduced. Perks or crew can reduce that perhaps, depends.
    2. Agree as well. Map features, maybe not damaging, still makes the map more challenging and maybe even fun.
    3. A submarine weapon, not sure about that. If it is really a submarine item that allows you to go underwater, you should make yourself a bit visible (e.g. A tiny pipe coming out the water where you are / a dark shadow in the water). A pipe is suggested though as you would still be allowed to attack the ship while it's underwater.

    That's all from me, see what you guys think! :)
  15. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Haha Perry:)
    Quite forgiven I'm sure.

    I don't know how practical it'd be to waste a shot in the heat of battle just to destroy a mine, or to use your tesla bolt to break a teammates stun instead of stunning an enemy.
    I really don't think either item would be rendered useless, since you'd have to see the mine first (I usually don't see them until it's too late) or have/be a yellow teammate ready to unstun a friend (a pretty lucky occurence in a high speed bout)

    I'm sure we'll never know how it would really play out, but I still want to shoot mines:)
    Captain_Perry likes this.
  16. Dr.pie

    Dr.pie Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Oooooh I see :)
  17. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Well you got a point @Stelmo, and we'll see what everyone else thinks!
    Also, for more ideas, feel free to comment on this thread!
    Stelmo likes this.
  18. Opa9000

    Opa9000 New Member

    23 Apr 2017
    Add friend requests and profile views to the battle result screen
    ViAdventurer and Captain_Perry like this.
  19. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Agree Opa9000! Nice idea, especially when you want to report a floater / a player who purposely lost, and who won't show up in Global Chat.

    I have an other idea as well. As I saw some people have a lack of parts and some people have too many, I would suggest requesting a certain type of parts/power cells (which the no. of resources requested will be based on level of requester), and everyone in the guild can donate in exchange for gold and sugar. Let me give an example of what I'm talking about:
    Say you are a level30 player. You chose to request 50 rare parts (numbers vary between levels) in a separate place next to the guild chat. Other players can choose to donate at most 10, and receive a small amount of gold and sugar in return of donating.
  20. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    if you guys want to have a submarine boat... it's possible... here's my take on a submarine class
    • submerge ability is an "active" ability with cooldown (let's just say it's not a nuclear powered sub). maybe 30 sec cooldown, when activated, boat submerges for 15 secs
    • when submerged: boat is visible via small protruding periscope and/or dark mass underwater or wave, like a torpedo only bigger.
    • when submerged: boat is invulnerable to surface weapons (e.g. cannons, carronades, missiles, rail guns, flare guns, incendiaries); only mines, mortars and torpedoes can damage submarine when submerged
    • submarine can only use torpedoes, missiles and mines when submerged (mines can't be thrown, they just deploy from the sub and rise up to the surface)
    • submarine will always have one slot reserved for the "submerge" ability, meaning it has one slot less for other items to equip.
    • submarine speed: like shooter when on the surface, like speeder when submerged.
    • submarine only has red and blue slots. (probably 5 red (3 bays), 5 blue (4 bays) for MK6
    • submarine takes 1.5x more damage from torpedoes, mines and mortars when submerged. if stunned or frozen, it cannot submerge. if burning, burning is cancelled when submarine submerges.
    • base HP: lowest among all ship classes
    • turret turn speed: like speeder
    • turn speed: like fixer.
    • armor/defence: weak (speeder/enforcer)

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