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This game needs..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Cozakwarrior, 2 Aug 2017.

  1. Cozakwarrior

    Cozakwarrior New Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Hey battle bay peeps, kinda new here found this game and it is pretty damn sweet. I always need a night time game to play a few hours when i get a moment to my self. I also dont have a ton of time, so i like to spend stupid amounts of money on those games. There are a few things stopping me from making this my next big dumb money game though, so i fig id just mention it so maybe devs could think about adding them, also i can gage how active development on this game is currently.
    In no order:
    A match replay option, so i can learn from my plays wins/loses.
    A watch guild match option so i can watch ppl in my guild and learn from them.
    Id actually like to watch the top 20 leader board players too some how. .. Alot of this is focused arround watching games lol.
    The big one, more communication in game, (fall back, regroup, defend the point .. Thi gs like that.)
    And lastly.. Just MLG level content and tournaments lol.
    -First Rovio game, dont know what to expect. Having a good time so far though.
    :Edits to add ideas here:
    After each battle, in addition to showing dmg done, healing done, also show dmg taken for defenders.
    -the end battle screen needs far more detail showing what all players excelled at, the most dmg is not the only stat that wins battles.
    -healing dmg should count more twards battle stars. Currently i can heal 5k dmg do 1k dmg and get one star last place on a fixer. .. Same goes with crowd control too, that enforcer won us the game with CC, you'll never know.
    Last edited: 8 Aug 2017
  2. Dfer3nt

    Dfer3nt Member

    28 May 2017
    These ideas are pretty good. The thing that caught my eye though is that this is your first rovio game... angry birds? Not complaining, im glad a big company like rovio finally smartened up and made a game that has nothing to do with those damn birds :)
  3. Cozakwarrior

    Cozakwarrior New Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Yea, no the bird game dosent interest me. I like to play vs ppl. Just hope they keep building on this game, a tv ad would greatly assure me of this and thier commitment ;p
  4. Dfer3nt

    Dfer3nt Member

    28 May 2017
    Yeah this is imo the best game they made
  5. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    This. Enough of the damn birds
  6. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    Yes, Yes, yes. If I'm going to be placed with 4 random players, at least let me communicate a simply stradegy to the team instead of spamming TOGETHER!!! I was thinking of mentioning this in my own thread as well.
  7. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I'm a small spender, here's some tips if you are going to head in.

    1. Do not just throw all your money at legendary items and expect to hit nightmare. Captian level is very important too. Balance them.

    2. However don't waste money on buying gold and sugar. Grind that out, then accelerate captain training. You will still need to put the time in.

    3. Pick a few key captain trees to level. In the old min/Max tradition. I.e if U hate mortars, do nothing on that tree.

    4. Main 1 ship only. Git gud with it. Dream about it, once you think you have mastered it and regularly top the charts with ease when you bring your A-game, only then consider another. Levelling more than 1 ship properly takes a lot of time and effort

    5. Buy inventory space. It may feel like wasted pearls but it's not. U want to keep all rares up till u know your loadout, then all epics. Trust me, you will need a lot of inventory space and it's never enough. I have 75 and have 2 slots free. Feel free to scrap all common and uncomon tho. They are junk for p2play

    That's prob the main ones.

    Oh, apart from get a good, active, fun, no drama guild. Playing and chatting to nice people also makes hellla difference to the experience.

    Oh and stay off global chat, get VIP straight away. And hit X out of battles when farming. U don't lose any rewards.
  8. Cozakwarrior

    Cozakwarrior New Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Thank you for this
  9. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    And shots evaded for speeders.

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