Well well well...
If it isn't the infamous tesla items- one of the most controversial topics in Battle bay (aside from matchmaking).
These little buggers can be, at least, mildly frustrating in mid to high infamy. At worst, they are the greatest threat to mankind! ...Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but they seriously can be threatening in a 1v1 situation- even more so when paired together.
As of recently, I haven't heard too many complaints about these, despite many thinking that the previous nerf to then was lackluster. Interesting.
However I've made this small thread in order to make ideas of how to nerf or change these cheeky little items into something more manageable!
Here are some of my ideas:
Tesla bolt: Just to start off, I feel like the tesla bolt should be changed just a tiny little bit in order not to over nerf it. I feel like a nice addition would be to have it have a range effect decrease. Like the opposite of the fault in, the bolt stuns for less the more it travels. However, as I am aware the bolt is used almost exclusively in close range, I feel this should be a little more drastic than the railgun, say 4 boatlengths away. Then it would go down on a percentage. This isn't a drastic change to the tesla bolt, and shouldn't be a large problem for most.
Tesla shield: The previous nerf leaves a little to be desired; the stun at the end is useless most of the time. To help fix this, I feel like the stun should be extended to 5 seconds (not too long, but not too short either), and have a little boot up time like the first .5 seconds where the health is greatly reduced for the shield. This is to accommodate the stun nerf, allowing the shield to be taken down easily in the .5 seconds it takes to boot up. For the majority of people this won't effect them, but it will help stop the situations where a tesla shield pops into existence
right before your shot hits. If this does happen, you have a 5 second stun! So in every other situation, the shield
won't be affected. For example thus will not affect anybody who uses the shield to block damage in anticipation, but only affect people who get a lucky tesla shield right before a shot lands.
I hope you guys can help contribute some ideas and other discussions! :3

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