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Any way to drop infamy without tanking?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SharkTank, 31 Jul 2017.

  1. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    I recently became an MK5 shooter and got myself all the way up to Ace division 2 with 2,600 infamy without spending a dime, leveling up weapons patiently, and trying to play a good, strategic game. I have about 1,700 battles under my belt and about a 53% win rate.

    But all that has done is put me into a league where nearly every game someone has paid to win and are sporting one, two, and three legendaries per boat. I, meanwhile, am "stuck" with mostly all rares because I don't want to spend a lot of money on this game.

    Given that, my question is how can I drop infamy back down to where my weapons and ship are actually competitive? I know I will regress in infamy naturally, but I'm still winning about 50% of my games by default because I invariably get a pay-to-win legendary player on my team as well.

    I don't want to simply tank games, as that's not fair to anyone, but playing in my current league is absolutely no fun.

    It's really too bad that matchmaking isn't in part based on ship and weapon level.
  2. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    The big problem of battlebay...
    Same here, and just got for end of season master, now in ace : 2 rare blue fragment for been 12th. Rovio fuck me.

    And i met full band of legendary.

    Well the solution is to be like rovio. You say "fuck them all" and run loosing infamy.
    Or better i start to use my mk2 defender at ace league... Dont care about infamy stupid system, and well, i try to be an asshole like dev.
  3. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    If it was based on that, then it would be possible to get to legendary league using an mk1 and common weapons.
  4. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    This and it actually was ship mk and infamy based in the beginning of beta. They gave up on it because it was possible to get too high with way too low ships -- no one would upgrade a ship if they can compete with pesky commons and mk 1 ships. 2nd thing is that matchmaking in every single league would get insanely long as it should match both, your infamy and your ship -- sounds impossible or at least really rare match up, doesn't it?

    Last thing which also has some profit for devs and company as it keeps the game possible to run is that they need spenders to get their profit seriously -- no one lives with the holy spirit :D
    If you had been matched by ship and weapon levels, it would not be worth to pay anything as it would only get you longer wait times and no reason to progress -- sounds kinda boring, eh?
  5. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    You should not be dropping down. It does not make sense to get to where your ship is "competitive". It's the player that matters, as much as the ship. If you're winning half your battles, then you are competitive. It means you're a better player than those with legendaries, because you manage to be relevant in that infamy range without one.

    If you find this no fun, unfortunately the only solution is to quit. Battle Bay devs have created this situation the moment they decided to make the starting power of legendaries so far above the other items. There's nothing to be done about it now. If they lowered it, that would be a gut punch to all those who spend thousands of dollars to get one. They're here to stay, and all we can do is deal with it (or not, and quit).
    behumble, - Oskar -, aKifer and 2 others like this.
  6. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    There are nightmare league players with all tier 5 rares, your argument is invalid.

    Keep leveling up your rares, keep getting better with your skills. Everytime I get hit with an infamy wall I try to use the chance to switch to and experiment new builds to keep it fun and sometimes it works and I find my new favorite item.
    P0rthos likes this.
  7. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I share the same sentiments as OP. As much as i agree with you that rares can take you to Nightmare league, as i'm one of them that has done it recently, It's by no means easy and there were times of frustration when games come so close to a win to put you over 4k, but lost due to a few hundred damage that couldn't finish off an opponent. Meanwhile players you face with high level epics and legendaries deal much more damage than you do.

    I compare myself with similar players to me and can't help but notice the disparity. For example, my friend ArctiC, once he got MK6 he easily got over 4k and most recently got to 4500 Infamy and we were initially at the same range about a month ago 3300-3600 infamy as a Speeder(we used to fleet quite a bit). ArctiC has spent considerably more than me and he has both legendaries and high level epics, and to his credit he has both skills and the items.

    I reached 4004 Infamy last season. My best weapon is my T4 Epic Sniper, rest are rares or low level epics.
    Last edited: 31 Jul 2017
  8. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Take your time and have fun, don't play for infamy, that'll simply ruin the game, if losing a league is throwing too much pressure on you, go ahead and go below a league once. If it happened once, you lose some major pressure, I stayed in the same league for nearly 3 seasons, helped me to stop giving a damn and simply just enjoy the game.

    A higher league just means more intense competition and better rewards, please keep that in mind. You will eventually get there, do not worry, it simply takes more time for the ftp players.

    There used to be a period of time when I thought I'd mever make it to masters as a ftp and I got there.

    Even now my biggest goal is ace 1 and not nightmare. I just wanna enjoy and have fun. This isn't some pro esport, I'm not gonna get payed any real money for getting the highest league in the smallest amount of time. Everytime I pick a game to play, I play hoping for some long term entertainment, I wanna savour it, enjoy it, bit by bit at my own comfortable pace taking as long as I need. Not everybody wants a "quickie".

    And honestly I think y'all should be doing the samething. Also keep in mind that a majority of the top 100 players have probably been playing for nearly a year to get where they are right now.
    Shooter@Bay and Cool Penguin like this.
  9. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    I've reached 3120 infamy with 2 4evo, 5 3evo and 1 2evo items last season. I thought it would harder but it wasn't. But after 3100 I started facing Porthos, Orpheus and Christmas... And this is not fun at all... I could even farm decent amount of resources because my damage was nothing considering their one and hp was too low to survive long enough...
    U know I'm glad that I dropped back to 2700 because of an awfull loose streak. I can farm again. I can enjoy games again (legendaries do not scare me anymore. If a player has 2 or 3 legendaries at 2700 infamy I know I stillcan kill him. But I CAN NOT kill Porthos, Orpheus and others NOWAY). But the problem is still here...
    @D3X I do respect your point of view a lot because I got a lot of usefull advices from you. U told me to persistent and wait for duplicates. I did and I'll have 5 4evo items soon. U told me to be persistent and keep battling to kill mk5 enemies with my mk4 with skill. I did and reached 3120 with only rares through guys with legendaries and IV+ epics.
    But the more persistence I put into the game the more I question myself - why the hell I do it? So much persistance into a game? Damn dat sucks... I've had 5 friends in this game. And 3 of them already quit because of lack of content difference in game and TRYHARD necessity to reach any purpose.
    What should I do? Be even more persistent? :D Wait even more for Devs to add smth decent but balance changes? I'm tired of it all but I stil don't wanna quit. The hope is still alive lol.

    P.S. Sorry for the mistakes I've made. My English is not good enough to properly explain things that bother me that much.
  10. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    If it was easy and you reached the top of the game in a very short duration, you'll probably end up getting bored with it and ditching it within a couple of months

    Ftp is always the better way to go, not only will you have earned everything by yourself, even if you got bored and wanted to quit, atleast you wouldn't have wasted any real money in doing so
  11. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    I don't want to make this about changing the MM, as it's been debated forever and clearly the MM won't change, but it really wouldn't be possible to do that.

    If MM is IN PART based on ship and weapon level, then you can find a sweet spot where you are better than most because you've paid to win, but will eventually run up against pay to win players with higher level boats who will destroy you.
  12. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    That really can't happen with how many people play right now I think. Sure, when the game first starts and there are only a couple hundred people, maybe.

    But there are thousands of players already.

    I want the devs to earn profit. The problem is that - in my opinion - they've gone after the "big spender" rather than the "repeat spender" like me. By that I mean you need to spend thousands of dollars to get weapons that basically make every match no fun for those who don't have them. Or, they could make it more enticing for the average player to spend a little bit of money so most people are playing on a somewhat even playing field.

    Anyway, I digress, as this wasn't the point of this thread. I appreciate your insights!
  13. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    In theory, that's true. But I went from first most games to last nearly every game because my weapons simply can't keep up. I'm winning because of my team - not because of me. And while that's the way it's supposed to work, it's no longer fun.

    I worked really hard to devise a strategy that yielded me good infamy and rewards for my level and # of battles. But that's out the door now, because no matter what I do, I'm going to get killed within a minute nearly every game.

    And that's okay - I'm not even complaining about that. Normally, you would just naturally drop infamy and find a new "sweet spot" where you could be competitive. But I can't since my teams generally bring me to a 50% win rate... so I don't really drop that much infamy.

    Unfortunately, I think you're right. Hopefully they don't completely lose all of the grinder-type players like me who spend money over time - but not thousands at once.
  14. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Won't work, your problem is not due to facing higher mk level ships but facing ships with legendary and epic items. You will still keep losing. You will need a more sophisticated system which matches people based on item rarity and level too.

    This will make sure each match up will take you at the very least 1 min. (Infamy+item rarity+item level+ship level, give or take 1 or 2 of those).
  15. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    Yes, there are players like that - but they have been playing forever to get those weapons, and also had the huge benefit of starting before there were thousands of daily players. The dynamic of the game has changed so much that it's almost uncomparable.

    They could compete with the dozen crazy spenders, and still can now because a max epic or rare weapon, but they had the benefit of more rewards per game than now and less legendary players to deal with.

    The problem with thousands of people playing this game is that the pay to win legendary players are all the way down in the 2k infamy range now. So other players - like me - who grinded it out for a couple months are in essence obsolete in battle. Can't compete. Can't drop infamy. Can't find enough rares or epics to compete. Can't earn enough resources to level them up even if I found them.

    I have no desire to get to a higher infamy level, as I'm sure it will be even more legendaries.
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Whoa whoa whoa there, take a pill and chill, don't quit so easily. I know what you are going through and while it maybe sucky it's probably a phase most players go through each time they hit a bottleneck, I had similar issues everytime I was the only ship with uncommon itens while everybody else used rares.

    Trust me it'll take sone time but you'll get over it and do better, please don't make any rash decisions.
  17. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    Yes I agree. But I would rather MM take 30 seconds or a minute and play against players with SIMILAR weapon and skill level than 10 seconds and be blown away within a minute of gameplay by legendaries I'll never have.
  18. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    Again, this isn't about hitting an infamy wall. It isn't about grinding it out to slowly progress. That's what I've done so far and it's been fun getting here.

    My point is that up until about 2,500 infamy I could compete in battle with my rare and epic weapons. I would win about 50% of the time, and slowly grind my way up as I leveled up my weapons and tweaked my strategy.

    But once I hit Ace league, I run into legendary players each battle. I get kicked quickly. I finish last or near last most games. I've tried different strategies, but simply cannot do enough damage to compete with legendary mortors and torpedos.

    If I could drop infamy and forever play at 2k, I would. I can play this game for fun without worrying about infamy, as it's an arbitrary number based more on how many games you've played and how much you've spent far more than skill - but I still want my battles to be fun and somewhat even.
  19. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Alright ok, listen here, try out new playstyles, new ships you've never tried, experiment with new builds, have fun.

    You will automatically lose infamy till you reach a spot you are comfortable with.

    You don't get reported and treated like a seal clubber as long as you are trying and aren't deliberately losing battles just to drop infamy.

    Lose infamy bit by bit OR, stay where you are right now, keep playing the way you play, keeo getting last position, stop feeling ashamed of doing minimum dmg and one day you will have raked up enough gold and sugar to perform better.
  20. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    This is what I'm dealing with. Still won so I gain infamy, but most battles are like this. Top player on my team was a level 40 MK6 shooter with about 1k more infamy than me. And then on the other side, you have some shiny legendaries that killed me before I knew what was going on.

    It's harder to have fun when I'm constantly up against this, but can't drop infamy to get away from these types of games.

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