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Hey everyone!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by behumble, 29 Jul 2017.

  1. Jdm7

    Jdm7 Active Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Well first, my favorite dessert is Homemade Key Lime Pie. As far as the game goes it's great. A few tweaks here and there especially different game modes would be nice. I pilot a mk4 speeder with t3 rare blast n t3 rare swift torp. I was in between boats for awhile, but choose to stick with speeder because I like the ability to get to whoever needs help putting an enemy down. I'll cruise over put in some damage let them get their kill then I'm out and on to the next.
    behumble likes this.
  2. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'll be playing this game for a while, and maybe I'll become a pro in 3 years or so :p

    But let's talk about the more important thing- mint ice cream! :D
    I thought that I was the only one! Nice to meet a fellow brother! Everybody else says it tastes like toothpaste :rolleyes:
    The Otherguy and behumble like this.
  3. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    People must have very delicious toothpaste or terrible ice cream. Speaking of that, I think I'll get some mint-choco ice cream right now.:D
  4. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Not really! The reason yellow ships always use the same gear is because there aren't any better choices for the ship's playstyle. The only way to add more variety is to add a weapon that is potentially better than Flare+Blast, which might be overpowered. Either that, or essentially remove Bigpedo and cannon's fire damage buff from the game, so we would have an incentive to use something else. This doesn't seem to be an issue for the other classes. Shooter has free access to any weapon in the game, but thrives on longer-range weapons (which there's tons of, and all of them are good choices). Defender can easily use long or close range weapons. No one really cares what Fixer is using at all.

    Meanwhile, yellow ships are "encouraged" to use short-range weapons, since they take better advantage of the extra speed and are better dueling weapons since they do consistent damage and generally have higher DPS. However, there's only a few of them available: Blast, Carronade, and Grenade, along with Torpedoes. Hence we use Blasts and Torpedoes. Grenade is kind of unwieldy and Carronade can't hit Defenders, so we got a whopping two weapon choices, plus a standard Cannon or Flare. Of course, there's some guys that use random weapons anyway just because they're more fun, so we COULD just stop being tryhards. That will never happen.

    Sorry to give a speech, you don't want to get me started on this stuff. :p
  5. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Nobody remembers the explosive cannon:(
    The Otherguy and behumble like this.
  6. Jasper21

    Jasper21 Active Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Hey guys.. I have been playing for a little less than 2 months now, and I’m playing Enforcer. I switched from mk3 shooter to mk3 enforcer as I thought I could contribute more to the team, and now I’m mk4.

    I have a sniper and a big berta, together with a frost blaster & OB and mainly I’m using two turbos. I know ppl don’t always see a berta+frost blaster combo on an enforcer lol.. a warning to shooters and defenders not to get too exposed otherwise you’d have no way back :p Ask my buddy @Kustomz what this combo can do as we fleet quite often hehe. But sadly when I get to mk5 I have to give up my berta :(
    Kustomz and behumble like this.
  7. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Ya the graffiti is cool
    "The end is near" mwahahaha
    The Otherguy and behumble like this.
  8. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Nice, yeah if you had stuck with shooter you'd have a long road ahead of you...
    Ive considered a frost launcher and berta combo, would be killer for unfriends that stick together.
    it is also awhille to mk5 but if you want to prepare buy all the rare parts and pick two items thatd work (like the flare gun cannon combo)
    Good luck!!
    Jasper21 likes this.
  9. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Honestly like explosive a lot more than blast cannon
    Explosive seems to pack more of a punch haha
    The Otherguy likes this.
  10. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Lol yeah, just stop being tryhards enforcers!! :p
    Ah i never knew there was such limited options. Luckily for fixer by mk4 you get two slots points, so i can freely choose any weapon.
    @Jasper21 said he uses big berta! seems like a killer combo with frost launcher...
    But i definitely think those blast and big torp, or cannon and flare gun are the most op for enforcer. its just what works :)
    and explosive is an option too!
  11. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Enforcer can't use any 2-point weapon without giving up a slot if he's at Mk 5 or up. :(
    Using 2 1-point weapons is always higher DPS than using 1 2-point weapon. So, I don't really want to use Berta or Explosive since both of those are 2-point weapons. This is the same reason you rarely see Enforcers using a Bigpedo, it's usually on a Speeder.

    Rest assured I didn't forget about Explosive Cannon lol. It's just outside of my range unless I want to leave a lonely weapon slot flapping in the breeze.
    behumble likes this.
  12. Cool Penguin

    Cool Penguin Member

    28 May 2017

    I've played since global launch, tho being Finnish I believe I would've had access to the game earlier.
    I play defender (mk4, soon 5) with explosive cannon (@Flying Bananasaur :p) and rare blast cannon with bandage, standard & big shield and turbo. I peaked at 2000+ infamy last season but have now sunk down to less than 1500 in a couple of days. :(

    I love the enforcer but seem to be way too slow for it, so the big blue it is. My favourite weapon must be the blast cannon (mine's tier 3 rare) but I'd really like to know how to use the grenade launcher as it looks cool.

    Favourite dessert: ice cream all the way!
    behumble likes this.
  13. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Grenade isn't very complicated. :p Just think of it as a tiny, short-range mortar. Lob it and everyone in a small area takes massive damage. When it crits, it lights the enemy on fire for 5 seconds for, if I remember correctly, a total of half the damage dealt. That fire counts as... fire! So it pairs really well with any cannon.
  14. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I only play enforcer because even after 10 months, the RNG devil won't give me a big shield for my sins.
    My favourite weapon is my lovely grenade and I suppose my favourite thing about the game is that it helps a bit with nostalgia for my old life at sea.
    My favourite dessert is Irish whiskey, naturally, but I've just baked you this cherry pie. IMG-20170723-WA0024.jpg Get it while it's hot;)
    behumble and Netsa like this.
  15. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    Well I am not "new" at all, in forum maybe but I've played back In the days, with my first and LOST account, and i started back after that lost, in memory of R Tactical #Gipsy Danger Jaeger.
    I play Defender cuz' I like to create panic, aggressive play style. and my inventory \ weapons \ stuff allow me to do that as well.
    My Favorite Ship it's the Speeder MK5, CUZ it's the only one that really changed in the ship journey, mk4 to 5 now there it's a ship design change :)
    My favorite weapons are Cannon, Sniper Cannon, Explosive Cannon, Blast Cannon, literally the Cannons..(and i own them all) I like to have "direct" fire power" if you don't mind if i call this that way :)
    I don't like torps or mortars, cuz of the people that spam them like the rain make me to hate those weapons :) And by the way i call those weapons the OP Lucky sickness :)
    ( I do have Big Berta 3 of them rare, but i don't see that to be im my loadout in this life..)
    I'd like to se in the game, maybe new maps ? but more than that some night\ rain mode would be super in my opinion but that is just me of course :)
    behumble likes this.
  16. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    That pie looks amazing stelmo, got any leftover?
    Lol no big shield? Where is RNGesus....
  17. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Nice! Defenders are always big distractions, a good torp magnet too haha.
    Yeah! Speeder mk1-4 are alright, but mk5+ is where it gets interesting.
    Always a fan of standard cannon, cant beat the quick reload!
  18. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    BB.png The devs are "pro-pain" :D:D:D;)
    (It's not a very good pic)
    Last edited: 19 Aug 2017
    behumble likes this.

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