I feel like I'm answering a question on an elementary school assignment.
Ship: Enforcer Mk 4 - Lvl 27 so soon to be Mk 5
Secondary Ship: Fixer Mk 4
Dream Ship: I want a Shooter, but I don't have the weapons, sugar, or gold to use it...
Least Favorite Ship: Speeder, maybe it's my Enforcer bias but I'm never touching this thing.
Favorite Weapon: Carronade, but I don't use one. Not practical enough (and it's pretty ugly looking).
Favorite Used Weapon: Grenade Launcher
Favorite Unused Weapon: Big Berta. Unlike Carrot-aid, I've pretty much never used a Berta, it's too slow for me. They are so legit when they land, though...
Favorite Dessert: Ice cream, but I feel like getting militant about pie: cake SUCKS! I don't need a dessert that can't stand on it's own without milk or ice cream.

Best Thing About the Bay: I get the same experience of yelling at teammates about their terrible, crappy plays as I do in a PC team-based game! Why is he going over there? Why is he using that item? Why isn't he attacking? It feels just like Paladins. :l
What I Want Changed: Two things actually. I want a greater blue and yellow item selection, and I want Speeders and Enforcers to have more viable weapon choices. They're the only two ships in this game where you know exactly what they're using without being able to see their build. Speeders are always using a cannon and a Bigpedo. Enforcers are always using cannons and a Flare. Whenever I see a Speeder not using a torpedo or an Enforcer using literally any AoE weapon, I'm surprised.
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