So we all moan about matchmaking, and the "you only win 50%" conspiracy, which i dont subsribe to btw, however....
There is a point, and its around 3200+ infamy, where winning or losing becomes a complete lottery and is frankly, not fun anymore.
The reason is that when you reach about 3200, you start getting matched with the best players in the game, who are fully stacked with max epics and have played 20k+ games. One common response is, " it makes you better", "its good practice", but i call BS to that. Im not ready for nightmare, i know that, i dont pretend to be, yet I am legitimately put against 4800 players such as Orpheus, RNG Bunta, Porthos etc.
The devs recently introduced "seal clubbing" measures, which I believe comes in at about 800 infamy difference, well why are they match making me against players 1600 infamy higher?
The response ive had from devs in game is that "the queues would be too long for nightmare players" well, frankly, thats not my problem. The problem is that we only have such a small poool of top players because the game is so hard to progress right now with so many paywalls. Captain level, parts, duplicate items, sugar, gold..
There is an easy fix to stop the seal clubbing in ace1 and that is to improve progression, as the thought of me having to play "support for the nightmare players" (as a dev told me) is not my idea of fun and by the amount of people leaving, not others either.
Improve progression and stop ridiculous matchmaking and seal clubbing in 3200+
This is a great game, but the end game is a mess right now.
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