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Average Kill per Game

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by RubiksAndRum, 26 Jul 2017.

  1. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Working on it... I'm also working (like, job-working lol) and catching up on Rick and Morty, as well as the H3 podcast series, so I'll be back in a bit with an upload attempt. I'll hit you guys up if I can't figure out how
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    No worries. I just said that because you didn't specify your infamy range assumed you were maybe around 1000 infamy
  3. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    The tutorial has to be bots or else some people would never complete the tutorial. If a skilled player, however, went back and applied some more advanced maneuvers (like flanking, shaking, shifting, distance manipulation, etc.), I imagine the tutorial bots would struggle to even land a shot. I already forgot the tutorial, but those "bots" hardly count in my opinion. I think the actual online battles that follow the tutorial must definitely contain very few bots, and only bots that were designed by rather sophisticated hackers would even be worth making in the first place (most likely for mining and farming of data, account-leveling, supplies, etc.). I doubt many people are botting this game solely because it isn't profit-worthy yet and so far I've seen little speculation that it ever will be, as is the case with most Rovio games (nobody got rich off of Angry Birds except the developers, but, then again, it never had the potential to sell and/or trade materials).
    Again, thanks for your reply.
  4. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Dude, I don't even know what that means. I haven't spent time on data-analysis on this game yet, and I rarely spend much time getting used to the BS terms for "level", "money", etc. that games use until I see a profit potential or easily-dominated mechanic or "loophole". So, for this, is infamy a measure of level or expertise or what? In other words, I'm level 8 (I think). In other words, is level (rank, or whatever) level-dependent or level-independent?
  5. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I played the tutorial again, and I didn't get hit once though out the entire thing. I also got all five kills every time
  6. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    My infamy is in the very top left hand corner in yellow. It's 2814. What are your yellow numbers?

    Also people don't "bot the game". It's bots that rovio added so that new players don't get stomped on right away
    Nikkie! and Joey who like this.
  7. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Yes, that's what I mean. AI is incredible in some games like chess, GO, and such, but in games like this that have had far fewer human interactions over time that have influenced the development of an AI, well, how difficult could the bots be? My contention is that they're either kids playing the game (no disses, it's a kids game after all, and I'm just a big kid), or they're terribly unskilled (which is highly unlikely statistically that average skill would be as low as what I was saying it was), or (the most likely) the game is too new in development to allow for higher level players to separate themselves from lower level players.
  8. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    So, I can't get this to upload, so here's the info that I think you were asking for (kills, stars, gold, sugar, pearls):
    4,3,5037, 2722,0

    Actual average kills/game = 2.625
    Kills/game excluding attempts at new weapons and mechanics (since I don't recall totally which were which I did one with all 0's excluded and one with all but one 0 excluded to preserve integrity as much as possible) = 3.00 or 3.15.

    I like to think that a 3-4 average is high. Someone who is better as pure statistics than myself should run these numbers for me (for real, I'd appreciate it). Thanks ya'll.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  9. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    You are incredibly wrong. There are months and months worth of time difference between the high and low level players. The game has been in production for quite a while now even though the global launch was only a few months ago.

    From the sounds of it you've only just started playing the game. My first 5-6 games I got all 5 kills and barely got hit. I found out later these were all bots. Then I was still demolishing newer players for a while just because I clearly had better aim. But trust me, it does NOT take a long time before you will stop having easy runs. You will have to progress slowly and upgrade your gear and ships (and skills), as it gets significantly harder to climb.
  10. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Also, I should state that I'm only 24 battles deep I'm level 8 (almost 9). The math is about 3 battles per level at that rate. I understand tat the "level-up" mechanic is likely logarithmic (or exponential depending on how you look at it), but that's still REALLY fast. Again, I feel like 8 levels should take 75-100 games at the speed that it takes to play a game like this. I played Tanki online and Trials Frontier on mobile to the extent that I could monetize my mastery of the games (humble brag, screw ya'll) and it took about that many games to get a level 5-8. Is it normal to level this fast? When does a player hit a log-peak of level-ups?
  11. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Dude, first off, that avatar thumbnail of yours will not go without appreciation. Please tell me it's a DarkMatter2525 avatar of God from YouTube and not some ripoff... I'd be forever grateful lol

    Second, how often do high level players get matched with noobs like me? I shouldn't be playing with people that have been around since beta, right, since I just started? Shouldn't they be well off now? Also, if there's advanced AI or bots involved, what are the odds that they are actually good? You seem to understand the AI mechanics of a bot in this game better than myself, that's why I'm asking. I honestly figured a 3D platform for AI was still a few years off since we just mastered 2D boards, but I might be very naive on that aspect.

    As always, thanks for you reply.
  12. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Trust me. Levelling up will get exponentially harder very very soon. This is not a game where the early levels are an indication of what latter levels are. In the first few days I got to level 15. After two months after getting to 15, I'm only lvl 26
  13. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    As a game dev myself... AI in 3D space have been around for YEARS lol. Anyway, you are probably now at the stage where you are no longer against bots (assuming you've been winning games).

    Also in regards to my profile picture. I have no idea who that YouTuber is, but it sounds like he has stolen this image. Because this is the "PC Master Race" guy who was illustrated originally in one of the game reviews by Zero Punctuation, one of the best and funniest game reviewers / animations out there.

    (Proof of origin) http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-glorious-pc-gaming-master-race
  14. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I've been stuck at the 2000 infamy range for about a month and a half and I play every day. Level is determined by your crew upgrades, not infamy. Infamy is used to decide matchmaking, level is not. I'd say that your level is about right for how much time you've been playing. You should see the climb steepen at around 800 infamy. Same as above, I an only level 25 and have played for awhile.
  15. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    I read the whole thread, but I don't really understand what's your intententions, problems or questions. :confused:
    So give me some moments in this fast running thread to have a look in my crystal ball....
    i never saw any AI in the game, cause I started before there was this kind of tutorial.
  16. Jennyfur3810

    Jennyfur3810 Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Mcallen, Texas
    I started almost 4 months ago and gone up to 3000+ infamy. It sounds good reading it, but it does get a lot harder as you progress. I thought I was an amazing shooter (the first ship they give you) and then realized a few weeks in that I totally suck and am now a fixer because of that lol. Your progress will slow at about level 12, you will probably rage quit a few times, but I'm sure you will enjoy it!
  17. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Oh, nevermind... It's eerily similar to a minor unfunded YouTube channel's interpretation of God, just a funny bit, but I think you're right. He's been around since '08 with his God figure, but I think he just bit off the PC master race logo.

    Also, as for 3D AI... I'm aware that it's been around, but honestly, how advanced is it? Is anybody arguing that it's on par with top-tier gamers in similar fields? I mean we're just now conquering grandmasters in chess. Are we really developing AI's that can compete with professional gamers in Halo, COD, CS:GO, etc.? Honestly curious... I'd love to watch some footage on that.

    Also, I'm glad that this game gets more difficult... I might stick around. Thanks for your input.
  18. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Would you mind informing me quickly of how to check my infamy? What does it look like in the HUD, or should I go to another tab/screen to view it? Noob here lol
  19. RubiksAndRum

    RubiksAndRum New Member

    26 Jul 2017
    My intentions were to write a controversial introduction thread that would captivate an online audience into answering my questions... My own crystal ball says that I've spent enough time online to understand forums, because it seems to have worked. Otherwise, my true intentions were to understand the levelling mechanic of this game. In other words, is it linear or exponential in terms of difficulty, and if exponential, how much so? I didn't want to spend several weeks playing ahead of the curve, as it appeared that I was. I honestly wasn't trying to showboat or brag. I started this account solely to ask this question, after all, so I don't really care what it becomes. I was curious about how long it would take to reach honestly difficult competition, as it seemed the opening rounds were quite watered down (no pun intended).
  20. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017

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