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Isn't BattleBay a game of relativity?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shooter@Bay, 25 Jul 2017.

  1. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    I mean when the ships' hp is 1000, say, we and the enemies have weapons which do a damage of 100 per hit. Now, after so much time, our ship's hp is 2000, and we've weapons that do a damage of say, 300 per hit. Our weapons have increased damage now, but others also got the same better weapons. Concludiing it, we are just seeing bigger numbers of damage, but in the end to sink one enemy, we still need almost the same number of hits.
    We get a better ship, but same turbo, or rudder, now the ship will become slower. After some time you get a duplicate, now, you can reach the speed of your "previous" boat.

    I had been at about 500 infamy with MK1 and touched 700 with MK2. When I played with MK1 at 500 infamy, only some players were MK2 (good matchmaking). When I reached MK2, to get a better feel, I dropped my infamy to 400 (by trying new weapons), and found that now I was matched with not MK1s! but MK2s and MK3s. So, I couldn't punch shots at MK1s, but I had to shot at MK2s. So, no feel of two or three shots and the enemy is gone as the enemy's hp is now more and enemy is not shooting me with its earlier tiny weapons.
    Last edited: 25 Jul 2017
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    If you upgrade your turbo/rudder/gearlube high enough to reach your max speed/agility/turning speed upgrading your mk level will actually raise your max limit making you faster... It's tricky, but requires you to get lucky for epic duplicates x)

    For example: The highest speed you can go on mk4 speeder is 1.62, even if you used 2 max level legendary turbos you would never pass 1.62. But if you upgraded to mk5 speeder you could get to a speed of 1.70 with a high enough level turbo. Same deal with rudder and gear lube :)
    Shooter@Bay likes this.
  3. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Understood your point regarding boat specifications (blue items) that it can reach better levels than earlier with "much better" blue items. As, one tier more for reaching the earlier speeds, and another tier for "unlocking" more speed.

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