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Infamy score relative to number of battles that you've fought

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Cyn, 20 Jul 2017.

  1. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    I'm relatively new to the game. The one thing that I've noticed is that I recently logged in 1000 battles. My Infamy is still only around 440, and I can't seem to get past 500.

    My win percentage is just a shade over 50%. I'm a FTP, and haven't put any money into the game. Cpt lvl 17, with MK3s. What I've noticed is a lot of players have Infamy scores right around the number of battles that they've fought, or even much higher. To get ahead, do I need to spend money? Or do I just suck at this game, and need to give up?
  2. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    Hang om there bro . You Will to up eventually
  3. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Honestly, not sure you count as new anymore if you have over a thousand battles. The measure of experience isn't just infamy level.

    Just ignore battle counts. The ratio is completely different depending on when the player joined the game. If they're old, they might have a ton. If they joined around the global release (or whatever it was), like me, they will have significantly less battles than the number on their infamy level because there were less people on the game and it was easier to advance. If you joined more recently, you're probably going to have a lot more battles since there's more players and it's more difficult to advance. There's a few people in my clan with only a few hundred battles, yet are over 1600 (they joined around the same time I did). I'm around 2000 and have clocked about 1700 battles, but over half of those battles were logged after I passed 1000. If you have over a thousand battles and you're barely past 500, it's not entirely your fault.

    You don't need to spend money. It helps for sure and it supports the game, but it's not necessary. Just have patience, refine your playstyle, get advice on the forums, and don't be afraid to try other ships and strategies. I'm not trying to discourage you from spending money, necessarily, but don't spend just because you think you need to to win. Cash should be a supplement, not your whole strategy.
  4. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Just keep grinding up your crew/ship and you will automatically go higher even if you for some reason had zero skill improvement.
  5. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    No need to spend money, as you'll generally win about 50% of your games no matter what you do.

    Just keep leveling up slowly and you'll slowly gain infamy equal with the level of your weapons.

    If you win 51% of the time, and play 100 games, you'll have gained 1,224 infamy (51 * 24) and you'll have lost 1,176 infamy (49 * 24). This means after 100 games at a 51% win rate, you'll have a net gain of 48 infamy.

    Win slightly more than 51% and you'll gain more infamy. Slightly less and you'll lose more.

    At the end of the day, you'll win about 50% of your games, so save your money and get used to the slow grind.
  6. CrawlingSkeleton

    CrawlingSkeleton Member

    22 Jul 2017
    Easy Peasy bruh. Hit 1025 max within 730 with this build.

    You can see these items aren't extremely high levelled, but it supports the team you play for very well.
    Also the firebomb is stupidly easy to land on multiple unfriends. Just keep moving and never stop. The moment you stop, you die. Move perpendicular to the enemies line of sight, to avoid majority of cannons and mortars.
  7. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    There's no reason to pay. Focusing, and collecting a load out of rares (instead of epics and legendary) can get you all the way to the top. ( Check out bittersteel: )

    440 infamy seems a bit low with 1000 battles. Have you tried to shaking up your strategy / playing style a bit? You also mention plural MK3s, maybe try to focus on one in the start - since the skills you train are mostly focused towards one boat / play-style. I recently started a second account on my iPad, to play a speeder just for fun. I got him to MK3 and 1050 infamy pretty quickly just by focusing on the right skills and play smart (400 battles - lvl 17).

    That said, you will plateau infamy-wise for long periods while playing this game. I think everyone seems to hit this magical barrier that's impossible to cross - then suddenly, you get this amazing win streak and do a big big infamy jump. Just part of the game I guess :)

    Check out this excellent thread for general playing tips: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/the-dos-and-donts-a-topic-for-general-advice.10031/
    Last edited: 22 Jul 2017
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I hit a plateaud around 440 @1000 matches and felt like I couldn't go anywhere... the weapon randomizer was not doing me any favors, and it was hard to compete when I kept getting hit for 900 points a shot when the best I could do to others was 300 points on a slow inaccurate weapon that I could land 1 or two times in a match. I was usually top damage dealer win or lose, and it seemed every match was sandbaggers vs newbies, half the time my teammates would be blown to bits and be 5 on 1 before I knew what happened, and the other half my team would clean the map before I could participate with a few shots.

    After grinding it out another 200 games and finally seeing some luck with the item "randomizer", my infamy quickly stabilized toward 900 and now it's a whole lot more fun and challenging when everyone in the battle is semi competent. I know BB tries to keep everyone at a 50% but man some of those mismatches could be ironed out better.

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