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Don't follow an Enforcer!!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kustomz, 19 Jul 2017.

  1. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Why does everyone always follow the Enforcer? The Enforcer acts as the distraction; so everyone else should do they're regular route , not follow the Enforcer to their doom! I just don't get it; don't understand the lack of knowledge in most 1100-1400 infamy players
    Im sure infamy players above 2k know what the Enforcer is doing... so they let him do his important job knowing damn well he can take care of himself, while the rest of the team picks off the enemy who at times is distracted by the agile Enforcer. Mind you not all Enforcers play the distraction role, they can Tesla Shield a fixer or be side by side with the team. I tend to go off on my own and when my team leaves me be we usually do better and win, cause im distracting the enemy.
    Netsa, The Otherguy and LimeOnMars like this.
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    It's just that most speeders and enforcers doing that just ends up dying in the first 15 seconds. Because of retards like that people lost faith in enforcers and speeders wich you unfortunatly have to pay the price for.
  3. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    That's some BS right there. Maybe if you play with crappy, no brain ones! A good Enforcer knows the maps, and knows if he has to turn around to stay alive, also pays attention to see if the enemy isnt aware of him creaping up on them etc. Generally Enforcers that go alone to distract carry a tesla bolt with them and an excellent bandage. I dont die very often unless my whole team is dead. Idk @Wishaal , ive never really died in the first 15 seconds like you quoted. I know what im doing and i do it well. Your obviously talking about suicide speeders and enforcers who dont use tactics, but just go out to die because they wanted to.
  4. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Good Enforcers peek around corners, and Boost from one tactical hiding spot to another all while shooting at the enemy, and this causes the enemy to lose focus on the other 4 that are firing at them. They don't run out like Rambo as you quoted they do Wishaal, lol.
    Riddlerpaji and LimeOnMars like this.
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I treat enforcers as shooters. If they run shield they will shield their team with tesla shield if close by or be on their own and be shielded up when needed (they are multitaskers). And if they use whatever else then that's cool too but never any reason to specifically follow someone just because they are an enforcer
  6. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Many do go on suicide runs though, speeders as well. So safest is often to assume that your team players are trying to get themselves killed.

    I love having an enforcer or speeder running circles or dancing in front of the group, or scouting - spotting the enemy so that the rest of the team can lob mortars/mines over a wall or torps towards a corner. Or speeders that run down that dude that escaped with 100 hitpoints left. But often, at least until 2000 infamy or so, enforcers/speeders go off on suicide missions. Many act totally independent of the group. Takes a lot of battle sense to do those solo runs correctly, to respond correctly to the enemy and your now remote friendly fleet.

    Especially when most enemy players start to get really good at leading the shot (2000 infamy or so?). If you zip by the enemy fleet, make a small mistake and everyone land 1-2 cannon shot on you - you're dead.
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I suggest you read my comment again before responding by calling my comment bs and with such a rude attitude. I don't think I ever claimed that you died in the first 15 seconds.
    Swarlos, SCOOTY PUFF Jr and Excism like this.
  8. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    I'm with wishaal on this one. Y'all are being rude to him when his post specifically stated certain people, in this context he stated "retards", play like idiots which due to a cause and effect situation, makes others dislike the enforcer population. He never said you suck or anything, wishaal merely stated that idiots make you guys look bad.
    Swarlos and Wishaal like this.
  9. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Being an enforcer at around 1k infamy, mk4. I prefer to do the regular enforcer thing, but I like to have a shooter nearby incase i end up getting focused really hard by the whole enemy team (it happens) becuase they decided to take my flanking route so i have a friendly to fall back on and retreat with.
  10. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I see where you are coming from, it takes a metric shitton of skill to play enforcer, which most players don't have. As a matter of fact i hate enforcers even though i play it xD.
  11. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    ok, my apologies... I deff misunderstood
  12. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    No worries man
  13. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Regardless of your faith in the Enforcer, not following him is still good advice. Unless he's moving along the common route or making a point to move with the team, following him for no reason won't be good for you. If he dies quickly, so will you. If he's dancing and shielding, and you're standing right there, people will start targeting you instead.

    If you're an Enforcer and this happens to you often, I suggest just hanging back for a few seconds at the start of the match. Someone else will take charge, then you're free to go wherever you want. If you rush out too fast, since you're not a Speeder, some people might assume that you know where you're going or that you have a plan (that involves them). So, you rush into your regular flanking route and suddenly realize it's not a flank anymore, you're now the front line. Just chill for a few seconds, let your team coordinate, and this will happen less often.

    It won't stop happening completely, since some people will start following you during the middle of the match. Nothing can be done about this. After all, sometimes they're making a great judgement call. Other times, though...
    Last edited: 19 Jul 2017
    Kustomz likes this.
  14. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    everyone follows enforcer because they want to hide behind his shield. and you keep running away, tsk tsk :).

    i follow any genius who decides to break formation and go solo, so i can back him up just in case. if hes beyond help, i just speed away where am needed.

    and i assume there are many casual players who play for fun or kill time, so all the knowledge they have is what they picked up during the tutorial, "get out there and shoot whatever appers on your crosshair".
    even at 2k+ infamy, many dont know basic tactics, dont pay attention to their surroundings, or simply to not shoot someone who is stunned... my tesla bolt is at 9sec and when someone breaks it after first 2sec, i just roll my eyes... ((yah thats not true, i cuss a lot, lol))
    ThatOnion likes this.
  15. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Oh, yeah, that's what I meant when I said "sometimes they're making a great judgement call". Once, I had an enemy Speeder ride up behind me, he was 1 shot away from killing me and he had about 3/4ths of his HP left. Both a Bigpedo and a Blast shot came out of nowhere at the same time from off-screen, killing him instantly. Getting some help is great if they actually help you! Usually, they just lollygag until they die.

    It sounds like you're a Speeder, though. We were (or at least I was) just talking about Shooters, Defenders, and Fixers.

    ...that said, I had a Speeder follow me a couple of days ago on a side route. I sail out the front of Chill Zone, shoot a couple of guys in the back and then escape into our side cave, but the enemy didn't take the bait. A Speeder follows me in, but that's fine he's probably flanking. An enemy Speeder was sitting in the side cave laying mines for no reason. The rest of both teams were fighting behind the spawn points, no one had a reason to be in this cave. I engage on the guy since he isn't fighting, the Speeder with me fires one shot and then promptly leaves. I stay to try and kill the guy, which might have been a mistake since he eventually wises up and runs away. Immediately after the enemy Speeder leaves, our team's 2nd Speeder, who decided to run through this cave halfway through the match for absolutely no reason at all, rushes directly into two mines and dies from full health. We're facing the back exit of the cave, he used the entrance mid-way up the map. The entrance he used meant he had to circle around half the map in order to be back here since the rest of the team was fighting behind the spawn points. Then, our FIXER shows up in the cave for no reason, heals me for the few hundred health I was missing, and then follows me out. Why is our Fixer back here? We have two Shooters...

    Well, we had two Shooters. I'm pretty sure the Fixer left them before they died, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to make it back there so fast (he came from behind me, meaning he circled around). Our Shooters were outnumbered with no Fixer while the other 3 of us were circlejerking in the cave, so they died.

    Moral of the story: I don't even know what the moral of that story is. Just, everybody stop making bad decisions!

    Hopefully, I was able to paint a clear enough picture of what happened in that game, it's kind of hard to explain.
    ThatOnion likes this.
  16. Jasper21

    Jasper21 Active Member

    26 Jun 2017
    As an enforcer I seldom go out alone early in the battle because I’m not using overboost/nitro/Tesla shield. I prefer to stay with the team and help here and there: freeze fleeing/low hp target with frost blaster, freeze the most exposed target for quick takedown (requires teammates to be aware of the frozen sign and attack together), and stun dangerous unfriend ship. I don’t mind teammates follow me, in fact I follow them lol. Not sure if I’m doing the enforcer’s “job” right as I only switched from shooter to enforcer at mk3 (now mk4) but I’m comfortable contributing to the team in this way.
  17. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    I don't think there is a right way to play Enforcer; we have soo many ways to plays as we are the most diversified ship. Play the way you feel most comfortable i'd say.
    Netsa and Jasper21 like this.

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