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New maps

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by wtfack, 13 Jul 2017.


do you need a new maps?

  1. no

    3 vote(s)
  2. yes

    22 vote(s)
  1. wtfack

    wtfack Active Member

    9 May 2017
    I sincerely love BB, and I like the gameplay, design and funny community, but the same maps are already boring. Maybe the developers will want to enter new maps for the game?
    Need more maps! (C) ...
    How do you think?
    p.s. sorry 4 bad english
  2. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I think we have a wide variety of maps but if the devs want to release some more no one would be complaining :)
    The Otherguy and Ian like this.
  3. Bobbafed99

    Bobbafed99 Active Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Stop asking for this... We all know what people vote for, because of personal wish and new experiences..

    These threads comes all the time...
    The devs are doing what they can, and we already got 2 "new/older" maps such as Damaged Depot and Crash'n Burn.

    We all want new ships or new maps but we don't NEED, we only want it.
    + it takes time for creating a map. Making it fair for both sides so none of them have an advantage.

    Something might come along, it has to come, else BattleBay won't get any bigger (and I'm sure Rovio won't let this game down easily)

    Be patient.

    Tip: Old maps are the best :D Learning the map gives you better tactics.
    E.g. Where to fire mines and spotting enemies from a long distance behind a wall.

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    As long as they don't give us another "The Foundry," I'm all for it.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  5. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    LOL, why not? That's a cool and challenging map to play. The one I hate is Destruct9.
    JustinBeaver likes this.

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's okay, but the spawns are dumb. It's not uncommon to lose a game because someone spawned at a different "entrance" to the bay, and was picked off quickly because they were all alone. I don't even blame them! It takes forever to connect to your teammates on that map; the spawns are so far away from each other.
  7. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    The Foundry feels unbalanced for one of the spawns because of the areas around the tunnel entrances.

    - One side has a tunnel entrance with a side wall were you can easily shoot over, mortar over, drop mines over, etc. If you get blocked from the entrance, you can circle around the wall and still be partially useful while transiting.
    - Other side can't shoot efficiently over their wall, it's too high.. And circling around it if your entrance is blocked takes really long, and also brings you out of range of the battle. This tunnel entrance can easily turn into a kill box.. And even if you exit there aren't any good covers in the immediate area.

    It could just be my playstyle, but I have a much higher chance of winning if I start near the first tunnel I described. It's the only map where I heavily favour one of the spawns.
    ThirstySeal and D3X like this.

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