Hello beginners, I guess you've crashed into an ice berg and landed on some strange mystery island (thread). Well, my name is Blake and I held the top 5,000 spot in Australia in just a few days and right now I am going to teach you some of my most favourite tips! Be sure to read them all carefully and it wont hurt to try them out.
- Keep on the move. Always have your thumb / finger on the left pad to keep moving your ship, in fact try and never remove it. This way you'll be a hard target rather than sitting there in the open being shot at.
- Use the map. This means that the creators of Battle Bay didn't put them rocks / ships / whatever on the map for no reason, be sure to use them for cover while your weapons reload or you have an item which regenerates your health, etc.
- Be careful with your shots, in my time on Battle Bay I have noticed many people love to rush their shots and try and get them in as quick as possible. This in my opinion is the worst. Be sure to take your time while aiming down a target, if they're on the move be sure to aim a bit in front of them so they drive straight into your damage.
- Killing. We have all seen those people wanting to get the most kills on the team, although these people usually tend to stick at the back of the map with a sniper cannon and only shoot once an enemy is low. DO NOT do this, be a team player, get hit with a few enemy weapons, take some damage. In my opinion being the best on your team is by dealing the most damage, you may have 0 kills to your name but hey! you have 2000 attack damage to your name, be proud.
- Sticking together. This is a very strong aspect of Battle Bay, always try to stick as close as you can to someone on your team, in fact it is best in group of around 3+
- Solo. Please, please, please do NOT go all out captain of the sea and think you can take on the whole team, you can't. Battle Bay is a team game, don't go all out and die as soon as the game starts!
- Another point for Solo. Do not target someone who has double, triple, quad triple, etc. Your hit point, get cover and if you have to draw some damage to your team mate, it may sound bad but a 2v1 is better than a 1v1.
- Low on health. As I mentioned up ahead, people are all about kills this being said if you're extremely low on health you're most likely going to be targeted, try move to cover or as far away as possible and draw the war between your team mates and the enemy
Thanks for reading and hopefully in the future I will be able to do another one of these, a more updated one. Trust me, these tips are what got me close to being on the leader board but if you seen my Introduction thread you'll understand why I didn't.
All experienced players don't hesitate to comment more tips for the youngies and don't give negative feed back to me, take that somewhere else, thanks!
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