It's really a fine line. There must be some metrics or some rationale as to why the certain nerfs are necessary. Us as individual players will find some of the nerfs unreasonable, simply because we're out to protect what we have and benefit ourselves even if we're saying we're not, secondly, our experiences with the game creates bias.
That said, every game has balance(please mention any relevant game out there right that doesn't?), especially with games where Developers actually care for the product. I sense that Rovio does, because it takes time and effort to do the work required, the testing and QA for every build they create.
As for how to balance I guess is the question, perhaps not specifically decreasing the effectiveness of a weapon, or class of ship , instead buff others to create that balance. Would be an alternative, even though it may be a more difficult task.
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Of course every games have a balance. I'm not saying there isn't and it should.
The game was in beta over a year ago, they had tons of metrics back then. But, every updates, items get nerfed somewhere.
Again, they know everything about everything.
Beside FIX and DMG Don, have you seen another 9k-11k speeder out there ? Nope.
The average is around 6000, give or take.
Remove 1000 health BUT add the additional weapons damage, which is around 2000 on average, and you stand very little chance of surviving.
If you had the speed, you could. But nerfing OB and having a 4sec (or more) period of no speed at all, you become very easy to target and to kill.
Balancing other ships on the other end is THE best possible way.
Problem with speeder vs other ships ? Turret turn, agility.
They can't follow, can't target and can't kill.
Enhance the speed of those turrets and agility, and you get a very good chance a speeder won't stand a chance against a shooter or defender.
I tried. Gear Lube on defender, and wow, what a difference ! Didn't try on shooter but it would be the same. Speeders weren't that fast anymore.
Instead of decreasing health, nerfing yellow items, but adding a difference to others, would help tremendously. They didn't.
Have you seen the differences between a MK6 and a MK7 ? It's very laughable ! And yet, the smallest changes in those areas, made the MK7 much more effective against a speeder.
I've asked a dev someday about increasing stats on ships. The answer ? There is an item for that.
In a way, it's understandable.
They gave us the means to counter the problem, but yet, people want more health (since weapons are getting stronger, which make sense).
The balance between raw power (health) and less power but more agility starts with the players.
If they want a tank as a defender or shooter, it's their choices. If they want less health but A LOT of stats, there should be a compromise.
But why, should speeder (and enforcer) have to endure everything ?
Base health ? Low
Base defense ? Low
Base weapons ? Low
They only close that gap with yellow items.
People say "Tesla shield is OP", "Tesla Bolt is OP", "All freezes are OP".
I've seen and probably you too, have seen how that works. There are flaws on those items :
Tesla shield ? Mines, Torps give 100% damages. Weapon damages more than shield ? Remove the shield + give the difference of damages.
Tesla Bolt ? Someone bolts you, someone is already taking a shot at the bolted one. During a 5vs5 fight ? Bolt average time is maybe 3secs if not less.
Anyway, my point is : Increase stats for ships or let the players make a compromise.
Why should it be only the yellow boats that do ?
(Fixer is another topic, and to be honest, it didn't need a nerf).
Sorry man but I'm getting really pissed.
Nerfed twice in a month.
Nerfed before that too. Every single time, it's a nerf. I'm sick of that. Others are too. They just don't say much but they do.
I hate that they are nerfing the boats that take skill and making the game easier for players who only know how to buy high level items and shoot. Not gonna mention any names *cough* americ... *cough*
Yes, speeder is the best boat IN THE RIGHT HANDS. But not anyone can use it. That's why the ones who can't use it rant about it.
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Sorry man if I "rant" a little over you but every time I see one of your posts, it's something should be nerfed... lol
You can understand.
Fact is, new players want easy access, Rovio wants $$ = makes game easy so they buy things and get hooked and Rovio is happy.
Last edited by a moderator: 13 Jul 2017