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Current Matchmaking system is horrible. It needs to be more flexible.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rock'N'Rolla, 12 Jul 2017.


Should devs make matchmaking system better?

  1. Yes. It's too simple atm. It has to include more factors.

  2. No, it's good enough.

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    @Zeus @Miika
    Dear devs I do know that more complicated matchmaking system will cause longer time to find a game. But the more I play the more unfair games I participate and their percentage rises every single day over fair ones (every second game there are 3 or 4 mk5/6 more than in mine. And the contrary situations are veeeery rare.. ). Of course I can win some of them but this is more an exception than a rule...
    I think that every single player would like to win a fair battle instead hitting mk4 ships with his evo IV-V weapons from his mk5-6 ship (from my side it's very frustrating to hit 4500hp+ ship with 250-400 dmg and get an answer 400-600 dmg into my 3400hp).
    As a solution you can try to pick up 10 ships with the needed amount of infamy. It will take the same amount of time like now. And after that add some lines of a game code which serve to split players into teams according to their captain lvl or atleast ship MK the ride atm.
    Examples of unfair games I lost:
    Screenshot_2017-07-05-11-39-52.png Screenshot_2017-07-05-13-18-17.png Screenshot_2017-07-05-13-30-11.png Screenshot_2017-07-06-15-13-06.png Screenshot_2017-07-06-21-25-52.png Screenshot_2017-07-07-23-24-07.png Screenshot_2017-07-08-02-14-22.png Screenshot_2017-07-10-00-08-57.png
    Examples of unfair games I won:
    Screenshot_2017-07-03-20-26-00.png Screenshot_2017-07-08-23-57-26.png
    I can show more examples of lost games but the message limit is 10 images.
    I'd like to wait 30-40 more seconds and play 1 fair game than die like a helpless kid in 2 or 3 games.

    Thank you for your answers and votes.
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2017
    Mr patron, wtfack and NightXO like this.
  2. NightXO

    NightXO Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Instead of 5 mk5 in one team and 1 mk5 in the other, 3 mk5 should be distributed in each. Or at least, he tends to balance (2 vs 3, 3 vs 4 instead of 1 vs 3 or 1 vs 4 now). I don't think that it is difficult to do.
  3. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    This is why I went from 2477 to 2000. According to the odds it should be 50/50. But I have written down the info of my matches, and I canobjectively say that I am in the "weaker" team almost 90% of the time.

    The devs really should go to work.
  4. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I finally got back to the 2200's and got infamy tankers/afk guys 4 games in a row. So now I'm off the game :p

    Look at my mini map. Lol
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    All mk4s on one team. All mk5s on other.
    NightXO likes this.
  6. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Don't forget to vote at the beginning of the topic :)
  7. NightXO

    NightXO Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Oh! Holy shirt balance!
  8. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    The matchmaking system always assure a 50% winning chance they say. You'll always be in an even match they say.
    (Rovio I hope you're not proud of yourself for telling everyone lies)
  9. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    I agree.. Last week I moved up in the charts from ~1100 to 1779 infamy. Mainly due finally evolving some weapons I use. I was doing pretty well, but 4 days ago it started to ruin for me. I've been getting really horrible teams, always at least one fixer in opponents teams, none on my. Lots of MK5 players that were afk. Now I'm at 1400. Always playing my best. Most of the time our team loses I get at least one star (yes I got two stars with losing too). Some loses were of course my fault too,. Nobody's perfect. But the system is broken, becau it doesn't give you the same chance to win each battle.
  10. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Last game I played was CSR 2, it had these lobbies where you were finding people to race with, and since you started winning too much they easily put you in lobby, where your odds of winning are lower.. I bet the system like that is implemented here as well.
  11. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Well, the system must think that I'm really good considering the fact that my teams ships and weapons are always outclassed by the enemy.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Some serious strawman action going on in this post :)
    The infamy system assure that everyone will graviate towards a 50% winrate.
    The matchmaking system is a compromise between creating even matches & doing it fast enough for mobile gaming gameplay. Is every match perfect? Dear god no. Are most matches winable? Absolutely, the games that spell defeat from the get-go are few & more often than not the team that worked together gets rewarded.

    In my experience the main reason the "weak" side ends up loosing is because some retard shooter decided it was a hopeless game & drives straight in to suicide -- Matchmaking alterations aren't going to fix that :)
    TVNPryde and Stelmo like this.
  13. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Obviously there would be much less "suiciding shooters" if 5 mk4 ships will not face 5 mk5 from fight to fight... Matchmaking alterations can fix that.
    And of course the weak side can win if it has great teamplay. 2/10 games... With 2 man in fleet only there can not be enough teamplay to kill more powerfull enemy 50% of games.
  14. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Nothing anyone says could ever justify this. This is straight up a loss handed to 5 players without a doubt Screenshot_2017-07-12-10-53-49.png
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    My main point is that most games are evenly enough matched for teamplay to be the deciding factor --- There are exceptions, but mostly I can pinpoint the poor decisions from me or my teammates when we loose. The only major issue I encounter is what happens when two top 10 players fleet up at the start of the season -- The system gives up on finding an even match and it often ends in some very uneven battles. But this seems to mostly fix itself a few days into the season.

    I'm sure this thread will turn into me being called a fanboy -- But I really don't see the infamy system and matchmaking as being broken. It does a fine job at keeping people around 50% winrates. If I wanted to be provocative, I would suggest that you spend less time thinking a flawed system is why you loose games and more time thinking about what you did wrong (i.e. what you can improve).
    - Last part not meant as a personal comment to anyone in particular.

    @Joeyaa Your screenshot shows a match with 21mk's vs 22 mk's /// 11422 infamy vs 11277 infamy. Where's the unfair part?
    A mk6 player with 2.7k infamy is either sealclubbing (which they tried to adress last patch) or completely terrible. If he is that bad what is the matchmaking supposed to do? Always match him up against players he will loose too?
    Cool Penguin and Ian like this.
  16. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    As a mk6 he should be set up in matches with other mk6s and in matches with players at 3k+ infamy. Not with players at 2k. But that's just my opinion. He should be hit with the infamy tanking penalty though.


    Usually when you drop on purpose so much the game will still set you up in the range you were before you tanked your infamy.
  17. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I agree with what @Kitterini said. If they tweak the match making system, then there will be people complaining why not use the original infamy because it shows the levels the players are at.

    @What's Up Player, if you rose 600 infamy in a short period of time due to some weapon evolving, then I say that you're out of your league at 1700 infamy. People in that range probably have better ships, more familiar with the strategy in that range, and have better weapons than the ones you just evolving. I also think that you got lucky and rode on some better players' backs to get there. Like I always said, your infamy will always average out to your skill and load out.

    @Joeyaa, you play this game long enough to know that matching bases on ship level is far from an adequate system. Infamy is the best thing right now in telling where a player is at. Any system you can think of right now, I can probably dissect it and give you a list of flaws. Of course the current system is not perfect but there isn't one out there that's perfect. This is the best we got at the moment.
  18. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Don't you see an unfair part in the match where 5 mk4 ships face 5 mk5 ships? Is that sarkasm or what? Or you just forgot about the difference between mk4 and mk5 ship of any type(base stats, item slots, crew talents)?
    It seems to me that you didn't see my point. My only point is not in asking for another matchmaking system. I just want the teams to be equal. And the solution is simple - devs should just let the system swap mk5 ships in one team with mk4 from another. (3mk4 + 2mk5) vs (2mk4 + 3mk5) would be more fair than 5mk4 vs 5mk5! Isn't that obvious?
    Because u didnt try to think about another one. As I already said - simple swap of players in unfair match would make the system much better.
    Forum is made to let players ask for changes and offer decisions. So we ask here to improve things that we have at the moment
  19. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Of course if you do not ask devs for anything they will not add any changes!
  20. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The quoted part is referring to something quite different though!
    But sure your point is valid enough --- In actual gameplay I dont think it would alter games that much, but perhaps it would result in fewer of these threads :) If the mk4 boats have the same combined infamy as the mk5 boats then it likely to be a team of good mk4 players facing off against a team of bad mk5 ones.

    I do see your points, but I disagree that its a major issue. In my experience most games are winable & most losses are due to other factors than matchmaking. Infamy is a much more accurate measurement of ability than you give it credit for!

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