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This problem needs to be addressed soon in order to maintain a supportive community

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by JDAR, 8 May 2017.


Does this need changing or are you happy

  1. Yes this needs a change

  2. I'm currently happy with the infamy system

  3. Your not very smart leave the forums JDAR

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I agree. However currently it is easily gamed to get 3 stars by using a frost canon. It is not perfect, and it doesn't matter because it only affects stars, not infamy. However, I don't disagree one bit, I'd prefer it weighted as well. Unfortunately, I've discussed it with devs, and it is a lot harder than you would expect with a game like this.
    TheRedSpeeder and JDAR like this.
  2. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    I understand it's hard but when they want to charge people 10 dollars a month I think they would get it fixed lol
    Here's a perfect example
    My entire team was dead and I took on the last 3 alone I managed to kill a few of them but that last tank got me. I had to play really well just to finish 2 of them and yet I lost points. Not trying to complain but why should I waste my time playing when it's a 50/50 shot at winning!
  3. Adrian Palmer

    Adrian Palmer New Member

    8 May 2017
    I am so frustrated I started 4 days before general release and the infamy was an ok system then if I finished top2 which was fairly often I would lose 11 or 12 and win 24 that I could deal with, you play with random people who might not take the game as competitively and you are penalised for it. Then they take away the social system so you can't team with friends, I have seen no update post as when we can expect a fix it's seems before global release things were better since global I have gone from 62% W/L to 51.8% and from 906 infamy to 484!! I have screen shots of at least 10 of those losses over 1500 damage as a shooter and 15 games over 1000 damage please address this for us .

    Aside from the negativity it is still a very good game! Screenshot_20170508-135522.png Screenshot_20170508-135522.png
  4. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Thanks for sharpening your thoughts and I'm so excited to have a game like this most of its amazing just a little bit of stuff needs to be worked out
    Adrian Palmer likes this.
  5. Adrian Palmer

    Adrian Palmer New Member

    8 May 2017
    Silly reply to be honest you believe if none of your 4 team mates help you deserve to lose 24 points multiple time please refer to my screen shot further down
    JDAR likes this.
  6. Adrian Palmer

    Adrian Palmer New Member

    8 May 2017
    I feel you so much before global was such a simpler system
    JDAR likes this.
  7. DEWE

    DEWE New Member

    7 May 2017
    And also the star system rewards
    I don't understand how it works
    I made 3k + dmg . First on my team .
    Yet didn't get 3 stars
    ( it happens quite a bit )

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    JDAR likes this.
  8. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Thanks for joining the discussion
    DEWE likes this.
  9. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Stars are contribution. If you win and do double the average contribution of your team, you get 3. If you win and do average, you get 2. If you are a below average anchor on your team when they win, you get one.

    If you loose but contribute a ton, you can get up to 2 stars even tho u lost.

    Contribution is damage, frosting, stunning, getting kill shots, and capturing if that's how ur team wins, etc...
    DEWE and JDAR like this.
  10. DEWE

    DEWE New Member

    7 May 2017
    Thank you for making it clear
    Mr squiqqle and JDAR like this.
  11. Aricules

    Aricules New Member

    7 May 2017
    JDAR as people above have replied, it's a team game, and yes while certain teammates present a difficulty in playing the game right and winning, it's still a team game. You adapt to how you play if you have a bad teammate on your team ex. If he goes off alone follow him and get your team to do the same so no one is alone. You can't blame anyone for being bad at the game, there's lots of those in every single game. Also, don't think they can deal with Infamy just yet due to the game being new, deciding how to reward players and punish players is a big dilemma. Rewarding players for what? Doing lots of damage? A single big bertha shot on a 5 man team can give you 1.2k damage easily. Having lots of kills? You could have just sat next to the ships and waited till your team lowered the foe enough for you to take the last shot. Als to punish players isn't easy because it's not like people intentially are bad. How do they measure to punish a player? Do they do it on how much he/she moves? They could have just been an artillery heavy ship and didn't need to move far to get into position. Do they measure it on how much they do damage? They might not have a lot of weapons (Fixer class) and were only able to hit players a couple of times because they've been healing people, but we can't reward people for healing either because as important as it is, he/she might've just been around a tank spamming heal as it soaked in damage. There are many ways to exploit a system as it comes out so the developers have to make sure it's s fool proof system that works no matter what so it's going to take time, while they can't address this issue rn (probably do idkwhat they are doing) because they are trying to find ways to make Fleet Wars (Team queue), Guild Wars (With bases, Guild Queue), and more weapons for the players to experiment.

    Just b patient
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  12. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Well...I'm understand how you feel, but please understand this situation isn't apply to you alone. When you're reach at some point( high infamy) there fore someone as well will have to carry you too. Because of levels, gears shooting skill and experience that's the line draw between them.
    The game requires more than just a skill, you need captain levels and good equipment. That's why you needed to work as a team to win a match even though some won't corporate.
    Don't upset just because you've done your best but still lost,All the players had that kind of experience mostly.
    You'll have to battle thousands more match to get to the top, you're going to realize after all you need to work as a team to beat stronger players.
    Some players sacrificed themselves to help team win,so it wouldn't be fair for them to receive lower infamy point.
    Last edited: 9 May 2017
    TheRedSpeeder, Mr squiqqle and DEWE like this.
  13. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    I don't mind putting hard work
    First off thanks for your replys
    To start I'm not one to complain but sometimes you have to. And listen I'm fine with losing points because I'm not good enough. Yes this is a team game. But I don't know who I'm playing with and you deserve to be rated by your own merits not that of others. Yes the game was just released but it's not my fault it feels half done and not well thought. I'm not saying it's easy but these people are making a lot of money lol. So it's not wrong to ask for a good system! I just simply want to make it clear that this needs to be fixed for the community to be sustainable. If everyone loses points for the weakest link in the chain nobody's having fun!
    Thanks again for your thoughts
  14. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    There are spots in the game where you kinda get stuck. You aren't strong enough to carry the team alone, but you are strong enough to be the best player on the team easily. Then the lower tier boats just kinda anchor u down while you fight against the quicksand of their noobishness and claw your way up slowly as you get stronger. But u will get stronger, and you will pull out of it. Just keep a good sense of humor and know when to walk away for a bit and take a break. Also... whiskey helps. :rolleyes:
    TheRedSpeeder, Sifa and Mr squiqqle like this.
  15. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Hahah ya I'm not actually upset by this I like the game lol I just worded it very strongly to get responses and peoples opinions! people like to side or argue with strong feelings on game forums I found! And this one was the same lol! I actually put that in an edit. people thought I was lazy apparently
    Last edited: 9 May 2017
  16. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    guys i have an idea only the top player in the losing team gains infamy
  17. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    But again, how do you determine the "top" player? Was it the fixer who did his best? Or the speeder with little damage, but distracted the other team? Was it the defender who went and sat in the capture zone till he died? Was it the shooter with heaps of damage, but the team still lost? This is the point @P0rthos made earlier.. determining the *top* player isn't black and white. Even when it seems clear cut. I've seen a MK 6 shooter rush in and die in 30 seconds in a mk3-4 dominate game, yet he's done twice the damage of anyone else in that time, but his team loses... Is he the top player?
    TheRedSpeeder and JJf like this.
  18. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    This is an interesting thread and I think there ought to be change but not so much a reward for the top player of the losing team but a mitigation of the penalty for losing. I've been on the receiving end of this scenario and find it a little frustrating too, especially if you have a couple boats on your team that are on auto-pilot and don't do anything or as mentioned previously, you performed better than everyone in the game but still come out a loser. An example I've had is that I came out on top of the losing team except only I had a penalty.

    As a suggestion, the top player of the losing team perhaps shouldn't incur a penalty nor gain infamy. The second best player of the losing team perhaps receive 50% reduction. The bottom 3 would receive the full penalty.

    An alternate option would be if you're in the top 3 of the whole game and on the losing team, then you don't get a penalty. In terms of infamy, you'd be reasonably infamous for doing that.

    In terms of performance evaluation, just keep to how it is already as though you were on the winning team.
    JDAR and Adrian Palmer like this.
  19. Adrian Palmer

    Adrian Palmer New Member

    8 May 2017
    I Just got similar and uninstalled the game I will stick around to see updates and patches but for now it's staying uninstalled!

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  20. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I don't get it... It's a TEAM GAME. if your favourite football team is playing and 1 or 2 of the players don't play well, and the team loses, do you carry on and say the whole team shouldn't move down the ladder? Do you give up on your team and football all together? No. If infamy was so easy to gain, then the top leaders would be in the tens of thousands. And would still be rising. of course if winning means that much to you, then you're playing the wrong game and should probably leave it uninstalled...

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