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why why why ...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by AhmEDEXpress, 3 Jul 2017.

  1. AhmEDEXpress

    AhmEDEXpress Member

    14 May 2017
    the games are just too unbalanced =( .

    Screenshot_20170703-013914.png Screenshot_20170703-014018.png Screenshot_20170703-013914.png Screenshot_20170703-014018.png
  2. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Honestly it looks like you are losing on purpose.

    I am in a mk3 shooter and struggle to fall below 1000 infamy. I'm current at 1300+ ... You are doing something wrong.
  3. AhmEDEXpress

    AhmEDEXpress Member

    14 May 2017
    Why would I lose on purpose?
    The game is truly unbalanced, many times where I have teams full with mk3 shooters against teams full of mk4 ones!
    This is really getting on my nerves ...
  4. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Damage isn't everything. Work as a team if you want to win. If you are dealing 6000 damage and only killing 1 while no one else is stealing your kills (as seen no one else killed an enemy) you are doing something wrong.
  5. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Because there have been lots of people doing it so they play easy opponents where they can get 3 stars / good resources easily.

    I play against Mk4s all the time. And win as a mk3. Don't tell me the game is unbalanced. It should be almost impossible for you to be 700 infamy as a mk4.
    And what is the only thing consistent in those games? The fact that you were playing on your team. Stop blaming balancing and bad team, and focus more on how your gameplay can help your team win even if they are bad.

    Personally I now do a lot of "call-outs". As I use a Rail-gun, I try to get an initial shot, which chunks them hard, then tag them with the "attack" call to my team mates so they can focus fire.
    mk3v4n1.png mk3v4n2.png
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    That 1 stat for carrying mk4s though. Praying for you
  7. AhmEDEXpress

    AhmEDEXpress Member

    14 May 2017
    I don't know for how long you have been playing? me for quite 2 months, and you should know there's a lot of mk4 are hanging in those ranges of infamy.
    of course they only appeared in my listings after upgrading to mk4 myself, and that I don't know how the game manages to do it.

    I am not here for sympathy, so don't dramatize by calling I am playing on my team, that's such a bull, of course anyone would do anything to make his team wins, what do you mean?
    and me calling the game is unbalance, because, check for yourself the opponent arsenal vs ours, it's total lose hands down from the very beginning.
  8. AhmEDEXpress

    AhmEDEXpress Member

    14 May 2017
    or may be I was the only one trying to do something actually right, but no one really helps!
  9. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Well of you have that many losses as the top level player down there you MUST be doing something wrong..

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