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To the Devs, regarding Infamy

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 28 Jun 2017.

  1. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Wow, you're a c@&t.
    Your arguments are trash and when you have nothing left to counter us, you just put us on ignore.
    I'm legit pissed now.
  2. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Wait what
    How come a couple of your posts just vanished
    I can see your other posts, so this is weird
    Anyways, I know you can't see this, but you're the one who threw the first insult.
    Everyone was calm until then
  3. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Well if anyone's reading this and can't see the post like I can't, pretty much what happened is that he put us on ignore for some (probably stupid) reason, throwing insults at us. So yeah.
  4. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    I dunno why I'm even bothering anymore. So uh, I guess I'll leave now.
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ok well let's hypothetically speak of improving the infamy reward system, what would you as UX designer do to solve this problem?
    • How would you recommend on measuring individual performance per game? By a fair contribution aside from just one metric? what kind of algorithm would that be?
    • On a sports team, why would individual players be awarded(not monetary) but stat wise a better winning percentage than those that didn't perform as well?
    • Wouldn't it undermine the whole idea of teamplay and encourage selfish players that simply boost their own "performance" in game by sacrificing others?
    • How would you measure the intangibles as "performance" like sacrificing themselves to kill a fixer. What about overachievers(players that are under equipped and do well) and underachievers(players over equipped but did poorly), how would you determine that?

    To be honest, that's a very hard and complex problem and would take a lot of calculations to determine this. And for what? It's a team game right? So at the end of a sports game it's either 1-0 or 0-1 or a draw. So that's what Rovio is doing, keeping it simple. those that play well with teams get awarded and will naturally win more

    As for your F1 analogy, you're only a race car driver if you have enough training and experienced enough to be one. That's why FIA you need to go through the ranks from touring car all the way up to F1. So sure, someone can buy one but you'll like crash it if you haven't drove anything like it ever.

    What i'm trying to say is that, you may have bought your way up with your defender and your legendary items. But it takes more than just money to climb up to the top of the ranks. You already have all the tools though, so only thing left is getting that teamplay skills up like how Orpheus, Christmas etc are to allow them to have a top 10 rank. They climbed it through the same system you're complaining about.
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2017
  6. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Also, one last thing, I'm assuming that the reason I can't see the post anymore is cuz he deleted it.
    Ok I'm leaving for real now.
  7. Principal Moo

    Principal Moo New Member

    7 May 2017
    I can so both sides of the argument here:
    Pros - It can be very frustrating to lose when your teammates are ineffective (as I'm sure people feel when I'm ineffective). Since the game employs some type of analysis (stars), it makes sense that infamy would be scaled as well.
    Cons - People do other things to help that are not evaluated by the system. For example, a speeder rushing through a tight group to break it up helps the team in immeasurable ways, but we won't see it with stats. So, it suddenly becomes difficult to analyze performance.
    I share the OP's frustration, but unsure of how to fix the problem.
  8. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    This guy is p2w and doesn't understand the game. One of those guys who can only buy high level weapons and shoot. I think we're wasting our time trying to knock some sense into him...
    SlowSpeeder likes this.
  9. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    You are wasting your time, cuz he blocked you and I.
    He announced it while throwing insults at us but he deleted the posts where he did (or so I think).
  10. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Yep, I can second on that, he likes to go solo, he doesn't lead even with his high infamy rank, battle from far away and don't attend to SOS and together commands, and then he asks why he keeps loosing... Err... Maybe it is because he is not a team player and only when a Fixer backs him up that is when he excels, but other way around he just doesn't deal as much damage and dies alone. Here is a perfect example of such statemens I'm doing:

    Here Nightingale took the leading role and guess who didn't follow and cooperate as a team, oh and it wasn't the speeder, he was doing his job scouting as expected.

    But this guy is too proud to listen advices from "lower" infamy players, he doesn't realize some of us are F2P gamers and don't have his kind of gear, but we do our best in every match and have gained a fair amount of experience. I don't consider my self and expert, that is P0rthos, but I have learned a thing or two since I started playing around last november.

    Let's move on people, keep things civil on the forum and release your frustration on the bay, there we can tear each other appart having lots of fun.

  11. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    He saved himself some humiliation then! Haha
  12. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I'm a lvl 25 shooter hovering around 2100-2300 infamy, yes my gear really sucks compared to others, but I have alot more experience than alot of others. I have almost done 4k battles, how is that for someone as low as me?
  13. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    thats doing pretty well in my opinion. i peaked at 2114 and im lvl 26 (fixer) with items i cant upgrade further, just waiting to get lucky on duplicates here.
  14. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    This was last night. I played two games at the end of a long beach day and was tired and the system was acting wonky. And yes on certain maps i will break off from the group because shooting missiles inside The Fight house and a couple of other maps would be stupid. Half your shots won't make it inside and if you're inside you're a sitting duck for every ship who is faster and can turn better. That's every other ship.

    And you're full of crap, who should i follow when everyone breaks off in two directions? Why would i follow right into a place i can't use my primary weapons? Should i fight in close proximity with a Defender with no gear lube or rudder? The answer is no. Oh and you should fleet more with your guild mate Kofy. He rocks. You? Not so much.
  15. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    You want me to right off the top of my head come up with solutions to a complex problem. Yeah, that's not happening. And I went through the leagues. One by One. I was #1 last season in Master Division 2 at the end of the season and I started at position #96 this season in Ace Div 1. Now I'm #3. I think I've earned my spot so far. Oh and like i mentioned in a previous post, i killed Orpheus twice in one day. It's Moistener who scares me - that f---ker always kills me. And when i did finally kill him the other day i was so happy and somehow i either backed into one of him mines or he got off some shot and i died right after. LOL. When I see him i sweat a little. He's a killer.
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Player from the 800s here. And I know that this is gonna hurt my rep big time. I'm still gonna say this in this thread.
    I am an ant compared to the Titans on this thread. And I am saying that the system is right. Because I am a speeder mk3.
    We don't do much by way of raw damage. But you bring down one of ours, we gonna get you with single minded dedication. I'm good at all ships. Not a pro. Good. Better than most. 1300+ battles. But I know every ship, I know how far every weapon throws. The speeder is built to annoy. Thats what we lower players use it for. I mean, you try doing something else. Low armour, low damage. But, used correctly, we turn matches around. I average 2k damage. Fourth on my team 95% of the time. And the only reason I'm down here is because I still haven't mastered it. I deserve my infamy. But when we do win, I deserve my just reward as well, cos I pulled my weight. Simple. If you did read the whole post, now you know. This system is good as it is.
    ThatOnion likes this.
  17. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Some of the top players use speeders. Or did until the update. The system is not working if you get infamy as a team but your personal infamy is what designates what league you're going into and at what position. This means your personal infamy is reliant on other people. That's a flawed method.
  18. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    I will say that they have a method of designating the stars. It could be tweaked and used for infamy scores. Just need to make sure Fixers are accounted for better. They tend to get treated poorly in the star system.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  19. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    I'm I?
    If so, does it matter?
    The point is that if you see you have issues with a particular map, then why don't you lead? You have the higher infamy, I'm pretty sure that almost everybody will follow you. But also sometimes try to follow, your presence alone could be enough to turn things arround, if you loose it is just 24 points of infamy not that big of a deal.
    And yes Kofy rocks, that is why he is our guild leader and sure as hell he can lead and I try to learn as much as I can, from him and every body that can point out my flaws and help me correct them.
    Arrogancy won't take me anywhere and the thread will just turn in to an ego battle.
    If you can listen, fine, if not it is fine too.
    See you at the bay.

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hey Marauder!

    I've been seeing you on the Bay more frequently lately. You've got some pretty great gear, and I'm super jealous! I'm not surprised that you typically do the most damage on your team; after all, you also main shooter. But with five weapon slots, your JOB is to deal damage! Other classes of ships contribute to the team as well, for instance the speeder. Rather than weapons, they are given the base stats and yellow items required to debuff, distract, and debilitate the enemy. Sure they don't have the same damage-dealing capabilities, but with your proposed system, a speeder that does its role perfectly won't be rewarded if it does not deal as much damage.

    Furthermore, a system that rewards only damage would mean that all I have to do to boost infamy would be to equip a ton of mortars/big torpedos, hide in the back away from my team, and spam shots without finishing kills. When my team sinks one by one, and the unfriends come for me, I won't be concerned because I'm gaining infamy; after all, rank is now based on damage, not winning!

    But your complaints aren't uncommon in team-based video games; ever since first person shooters have existed, people have complaint about crappy teams and why they shouldn't be punished for losing the game when they have done so well. To take it a step further, in real sports they don't distribute winnings amongst the players that scored the most points as opposed to the team that won in say, the NBA; that would be absurd!

    To conclude I'd like to share a post that has been quoted a few times by other Rovio "fanboys" like myself. It's pretty self explanatory.

    Thanks for listening to my 2 cents.
    Bradley Thorinsson and D3X like this.

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