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[Patch Notes] v. 2.4 "We're gonna need a bigger boat"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 22 Jun 2017.

  1. McZanders

    McZanders New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The game has changed for Speeders. You need to learn when to flank and engage and have a plan to bail. Before, you just smashed the Overboost and didn't have to manipulate cover as much because you could just create distance. I use Explosive Cannon + Grenades and get extremely close to the group huddling the Fixers to capitalize on AOE Damage.

    With that being said, I had to become a better player to adjust. I had a huge plummet on my infamy initially because I didn't adapt to the Overboost nerf. Now I'm getting into 2000+ range again and doing pretty well. I'm landing in top 2 per game.

    Epic Tier II Explosive Cannon
    Rare Tier III Grenade
    Epic I Overboost
    Rare I Nitro
    Uncommon Tier III Turbo
    Rare Tier II Shield

    Attached Files:

    SHOCK151! likes this.
  2. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Exactly like McZanders said, speeders doing good require skills and should start out with a plan, by reflexes it means thinking fast and going with the team.
    Speeders are no way downpowered in ANY infamy range and with proper tactics they score big wins.
    Also there are many good players who play really well. Just try to catch their ideas and actions and learn always. If someone is complaining this is bad that is bad thats all well but there are some who are still winning like that, fair way.
    Also, i would like some recommendations for my speeder..rn the setup looks like:
    McZanders likes this.
  3. McZanders

    McZanders New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Turbo & Standard shield. Use big shield and turbo at MK6.
    Tesla Bolt looks good. But around our infamy range, people don't understand that they can deactivate the stun by shooting them. I'm running Nitro + Overboost at the moment... sometimes I'll put my shield back in.
  4. r4z

    r4z Member

    7 May 2017
    @ McZanders , ty dude , I have a epic nade and started buying the perks but I don't have the resources to lvl it up yet
    Nade with burn chance perks + canon with burning perks sounds like a good combo, been thinking of that

    I run a lvl30 rare cannon (dmg perks), lvl 10 epic big torp, lvl 10 rare overboost, experimenting with turbo/freeze cannon/tesla bolt
    I tend to think nitro+overboost would work for me to compensate for the nerf
    I stopped using the lvl10 rare tesla shield 366 hp is nothing. When I can get it to lvl20-30 might be usable again
    The problem is resources man, if you have them you can tweak stuff, but now my kit is crippled and I can't farm resources (to invest in other kit) because my infamy dropped too much.
    I've spent more than 4h yesterday trying to climb, no matter how well I did and how much I tried to carry I kept loosing as I got bad teams.

    Edit: the punishment for the infamy drop seems to have been taken out at least temporarely
    Ty devs! I can at least farm to adapt to the changes now :D
    Last edited: 30 Jun 2017
  5. r4z

    r4z Member

    7 May 2017
    +1 tested tesla bolt but people deactivate it by shooting at the target :(
    at higher levels they maybe know better
  6. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Ah thanks. Am thinking of putting turbo and overboost at mk5 :)
    And Your very right in saying people dont understand that stun is broken by hit..i stun to personally get some time for reload and get to other side of enemy to break stun and attack tactically but others break in and the stun gets cancelled..thats frustrating lol.
    Last edited: 30 Jun 2017
  7. McZanders

    McZanders New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Yeah, I would definitely keep the stun in your back-pocket for later. If you find yourself in a 1v1 situation then it's great, but your teammates will make it useless at this point.
  8. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
  9. WilbertCh

    WilbertCh Member

    17 May 2017
    Screenshot_2017-06-30-21-42-27.png Screenshot_2017-06-30-21-42-35.png A mk 4 fixer (Ace Div 3), on the top of my league, even beyond from my league (Master Div 3)! So?
  10. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    @Zeus the post battle screen shows incorrect healing done by fixers. It is often to low and when double checking the battle log from the menu post game it appears correct.

    Hopefully this doesn't have an impact on stars earned and rewards gained, but it does feel like it does.

    Also why is damage taken a negative impact on battle rewards? Surely a player who gets focused fire but manages to escape and recover has done a better job then one who dies?? I have monitored this over many games and it's easy to see it is definitely a factor in battle rewards.
  11. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Pretty sure selfhealing has never counted, neither for achievement nor stars.
    Or do you refer to wrongful displaying of healing done to others?
  12. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Wrongful displaying of healing. Couple of matches ago the post battle log said 500, rechecked the battle log and it jumped to 3.4k.

    Next March screen showed 3k, then rechecked and 5.4k.

    I didn't take 2.9k damage or 2.4k damage in either game.
  13. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's showing self healing. The heals from my bandage are showing up there anyway.
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    IMG_0094.PNG IMG_0095.PNG

    Right after the patch I could see others bandages aswell - Did a few games to test and I also have slightly higher scores in the Battle log than in the post game screen. But I do the difference is selfhealing as bandage heals only show up in the battle log now (atleast for me).

    Pictures above to show my last game as an example. Bandages added & higher numbers for all Fixers.
    Edit. Infamy gains are also different, odd!
    Last edited: 30 Jun 2017
  15. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Firstable I never said I wouldn't be against this update. I am speeder user for sure and actually feel like sitting duck now if I don't use 2x overboosts. So get your f**king head out of your a** and speak more respectly to others as I did speak to you before you answered like a d**k.

    I do have username which includes word speeder for other reasons than this game only, sure it effected a bit but not alone.

    I have given my questioning and criticism already before you did and I do stand behind my words then and now. So please search for actions of others before yacking "how dare you", etc. Besides I have other ways too to communicate with devs than this over active thread.

    For this comment - Devs do play with other mk ships too and they have multiple accounts to investigate the game as they have said. Even I do have 2nd account to investigate what's going on in lower ship/rank matches so trust me - I do know something.

    End of this discussion - or at least I'm not answering to you as far as you start answering more respective way. - A fanboy, pfff, right...
    Sure you can name yourself as the real speeder... but you're one more than I only in your dreams.
    Last edited: 30 Jun 2017
    Cyberfisch likes this.
  16. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    A key question would be, if it is the case that self healing doesn't show after the battle, why not. The fixer still has to do a hard job in keeping themself alive, especially now with the new target system and regular hunt to kill actions against them. The job of a fixer isn't just to heal the team, it's also to take focus away from the team, while staying alive themselves.

    @Zeus please provide a valid answer as to why fixers healing done to themselves shouldn't count??
    Fatherof5 likes this.
  17. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    This update sucks balls. The overboost nerf and TS nerf have made it much harder for speeders to get in closer. So this means the meta has changed to shooters/defenders with long range weapons - which is fine... and boring.

    Can the devs explain the logic of the TS nerf? There are other ways to balance the TS. For example, spill over damage to not be absorbed, shorter duration, longer reload time. But to put a 4s stun??? What's next? Nerf overboost by having a freeze effect after duration wears off? Sniper cannon crits do 10% of dmg to self? The TS nerf is knee jerk reaction.

    OB nerf - I don't like it but fine. In and of itself, its fine. But in consideration of other factors, it seems the ploy is to nerf speeders HARD. (i.e. MK7 adds like 300hp?)
  18. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Off-topic but after update i see some unreleased equipment on some of the higher players' ships. mostly from Cereal Killers. Such as wrong username and a few others..some unique epic equipment, red and yellow slot types.
    Anybody knows what they are?
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2017
  19. arvind

    arvind New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Though fixer is nerfed it still have the potential to change the game its purely depends on you how you play i have mk3 fixer m in gold 3 league and today won back to back 10 fights without lossing by healing all my team mates to 5-6k repair in every match have 1138 infamy now from 898

    Attached Files:

  20. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Gold 3 league wtf? If you mean nightmare your nowhere getting near it without an mk5 fixer atleast.

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