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To the Devs, regarding Infamy

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 28 Jun 2017.

  1. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    I know I don't speak for myself when i say, the whole way you're doing infamy is total BS!

    Why should my "infamy" be based on some random players you happen to assign to my game? Today I dominated twice in a row, that's taking out 10 opponents in two games, yet the games that followed, i'm paired with weak players that bring my score down. Why is the player who scores less than 1000 damage in a game awarded the same as someone who scores 24,000 points? That's freaking ridiculous. They get points for just showing up? Does the game hand out participation rewards? Yes, it does. And that's total bulls--t.

    Just like stars, infamy should be based solely on merit. I don't care that this is "team" based. We don't play equal and we shouldn't be rewarded or penalized the same. If i lose but still score 24,000+ damage points why should i lose -24 points when my floating buddy who scored 1300 gets the same deduction? How is this fair?

    You need to take a look at this and come up with a system that rewards good players and penalizes bad ones. You're going to lose players like me who get tired of doing well, but not rising up where they should be. Hey, I'm not perfect and I have royally screwed up while playing. And when i do, i expect to be penalized. But I am tired of my "score" being tied to others. It's always one step forward, two steps back. It's getting old.

    Infamy and how it's scored, needs a total "course correction". And yeah that pun was intended. Thanks for listening.

    / end rant
    American Marauder
    Last edited: 28 Jun 2017
    Ultrah, Bobbafed99, lolawola and 3 others like this.
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Don't stress over infamy. Just keep battling and earning star crates and resources to level up and upgrade your items. You will see that once you have leveled up your items and such your infamy will rise naturally.
    Last edited: 28 Jun 2017
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Ah.. Well only fix I could think of is subtracting less to a player who got 1 star from a loss and more to the players who got 0 stars for a loss.

    For example:
    0 star loss -24/-25
    1 star loss -20/-21
    2 star loss -15/-16

    (Not always our fault if we lose)

    I don't think handing out less rewards to players who didn't contribute as much as the next guy would help much because sometimes people help without damaging much. Like if a speeder is distracting an enemy team and stunning a lot but not doing much damage he could still be a reason his team won.
    Last edited: 28 Jun 2017
  4. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    As a ACE1 Player like you, you do need to play as a team. Doing 24k damage and losing means there's something wrong with your style of play and that you need to run support for your team rather than going complete solo or not trying to protect your teammates from dying. As a player at that high of a game, you should already know that dealing damage is not a decent measurement of a good player.

    And if your high is indeed 3838, then you're winning quite a bit already. Not sure why you're even ranting.
  5. Darwin nailed it

    Darwin nailed it Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I'm pretty cool with infamy.. there are other factors ab8 this game that really takes the cake when it comes to annoying the hell outta players..
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  6. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Lol.....Ur worried about Infamy system, well I am too....It feels so annoying to be stuck at 1000 - 1100 infamy, not going up at all....Either I get teamed up with bad players or my enemies are loaded with epic weapons..... Recently I got paired up against a MK3 enforcer who had Legendary Blast Canon and I got blasted in seconds. Screenshot_2017-06-29-21-30-29.png
    ShøckWãve and FAILEDKNIGHT like this.
  7. TxHornyToad87

    TxHornyToad87 New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    How about gettting stars now. Wth were they thinking. This is ridiculous
  8. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    You don't know me. Don't act like you do. Don't act like you know my playing style. If I scored 24K in a match, i was helping my teammates. And yeah I'm in Ace Division 1. I'm also #3 and going into Nightmare next season. And your comment added nothing to the conversation or the original topic. Just an obnoxious slam for no reason. Can't wait to see you in a match buddy.
  9. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I have seen your style. Last to die, hoarding damage like it's worth something against a fixer squad. Well done on that star you got.
  10. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    He wasn't even being rude, he was just giving advice on what you might be doing wrong lol
  11. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Yeah right....Doing 24K Damage and loosing doesn't make anyone a bad player or his play style is bad....This game is all about teamwork....I did 8K damage and was top in that battle but still lost....Not bcoz my play style is bad, but bcoz my teammates didn't help in the battle as much as I did...It all depends on how u and ur teammates do in the battle together.
    ShøckWãve and FAILEDKNIGHT like this.
  12. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Awesome. Another imminent close on a thread because OP isn't acting his age online.
  13. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    You know the whole reason to do damage is to kill your opponents and win. I don't care how much damage i've done if i lost because then i'm down -24 infamy points. But then again I've never seen you in one of the 3800+ matches i've been in. So i'm interested in knowing how "you know my style".

    "Hoarding damage" LOL. You're damn straight. I'm trying to hoard damage, kills and wins.
  14. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
  15. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    And you... always have something to say about everything. Instead of trolling the forum board, you should try and raise that 1600 infamy score. And he was being rude. You're just too naive to see it.
  16. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Now can we stop talking about Infamy system....Just report those players after battle, who are floating or the ones who just suicide by running into enemies and die.
    Remember - we can report players now in battle!
    ShøckWãve likes this.
  17. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I've played with you before. So maybe you haven't noticed? Not sure why a comparison is even necessary either as there is nothing to really prove.

    Wasn't saying i knew you either, and i wasn't slamming you in anyway. Just seemed a little short sighted, being focused on how much damage isn't something high level players typically do , as most start talking about teamwork, flanking together, cutting off pathways, catching strays, being a distraction, protecting the fixer, covering or blocking damage, focusing fire in a single enemy etc. Which are all things that are far more team oriented.

    Dealing lots of damage is always fun, but that's only a single aspect. There are damage dealers, there are support roles like scouts(speeders), fixers and protectors(enforcers) and it's not always about damage that brings success to a team.
  18. Nova

    Nova Member

    30 Jun 2017
    The only troll here I see is you. You seem insistent on getting yourself and others pissed at each other, with the way you're throwing insults around like there's no tomorrow.
  19. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Which part was rude? Just because you flaunt your bigger number and me saying something more elementary or basic, you were offended?

    This has always been a team oriented game, despite majority that you play with are random. You need to adapt and change each game given the players you are given. Some players like to rush in, some you recognize as strong players, and some you know you can work well with them. So you take advantage of knowing this.

    Most players are familiar faces already as the pool is small up beyond 3K+. I know exactly this since i'm up there as well. That said, you can't always win every game.

    Each game is a learning experience. As your approaching and facing off some of the best players in the game. So you can't possibly win every match.
    The other thing is, it's really less about yourself and more of how you can contribute to the team so you can win. Often times, the player that makes the first move / takes a risk could create a turning point for the team. Sure, he didn't deal plenty of damage and died, but he created an opening and possibly taking down 1 player with him.

    I've seen this unfold many times.
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2017
  20. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I've killed your p2w boat many times over the past couple weeks, and im not surprised at all that you don't remember it. Luckily you can trawl your battle log now if you doubt it.
    What stands out more than that is your all legendary/ high epic ship hiding while a rare enforcer fights while you shoot from the shadows.
    You have specifically annoyed me with your 'tactics'.

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