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Weekend Weaklings: it has begun

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Major Major, 30 Jun 2017.

  1. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Like clockwork, the weekly Friday afternoon onslaught of losers has begun. I keep getting teamed with people who either don't know how to play at their level, are floating and never move, or are deliberately losing to tank their infamy. From Friday afternoon through the end of the tournament Sunday, it will be impossible to play without losing infamy over and over, no matter how well you play, solely due to these Weekend Weaklings. I lost at least 20% of my infamy just this afternoon, going from about 1180 to about 940. Oh well, I won't be getting into the next league at 1300, since everyone is determined to lose and take me down with them. Hell, I want to get OUT of this lower league so I can stop playing with people who are deliberately tanking!

    Developers: you must take action to stop people from ruining the game.
  2. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    They already did. Here's what the did:
    - If you intend to lose your infamy with lower mk ship, you will lose your rewards
    - If you float and lose many points of infamy in short time, you lose your rewards
    - If you do 0 dmg and 0 contribution in game, you will lose rewards

    These lost rewards stay lost even when you start winning again. The duration of lost resources haven't been told but it will take a while/more than just a few games
  3. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    That explains a lot. Every time the weekend comes my infamy tanks and I could never figure out why. I'm guessing that less experienced or younger players come on during the weekend and screw with the matchmaking. Good thing I play the most on weekdays!;)
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Every week this post - As a math person the lack of logic bothers my brain. Let me explain why:

    1. If more bad people play during weekends your infamy should improve. Judging by your post, your selfperception puts you in the good player category. Meaning your team has 80% bad players and the unfriendlies have 100% bad players. On average the opposing team is also more likely to have players tanking.
    If you honestly think the game is rigged to team you up with bad players, while putting the good players in the opposing team then I dunno what to say :confused:

    2. Having read your post I'm unsure but you do realize that for every player that loose infamy, others gain? Its a zero sum game.

    3. If you consistantly loose infamy in the weekend its a symptom of better players playing, not worse.
    Season ends sunday, not exactly strange if more people are playing optimal setup to try and reach a higher peak infamy.

    TLDR - Influx of bad players is a benefit to good players, not the other way around.
  5. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I'm a fixer, so I depend on teammates to stay together so I can heal, so I may see things from a different perspective...
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Im a Fixer too!

    More than anything the point is that a 300infamy drop is no big deal & that your rating will gravitate towards your "true" position if you play enough games.
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    It's not that simple. I know good players, lots of players also say that I'm a good player (wich is surprising since I myself also screw up alot of times). I have played with several good players, but why can't we win with good players? I think it's simply because we are a mismatch with eachother. Even tough we are good, we conflict eachother too much when teaming up. Good players or not, we're not a good match together in the same team.

    It's al about teamwork after all.
  8. LightningBolts

    LightningBolts New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I agree 100%. I've had bad friendly players (floaters, poor skills, etc) hand me a loss. However, I am confident I have gained an equal number of wins from bad unfriendly players. Over a range of games the only common denominator is yourself. Don't worry about what you can't control, just focus on your own skills. In the end, you are what your record says you are.
  9. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Then again, it could be because I fleet more on weekdays too... It could also be the "I don't play well until after the third or fourth game" and since I play less in weekends...
  10. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I agree with @Kitterini and @LightningBolts. It's really sad to say your teammates were bad after every battle you lose. You do get bad players or players having bad games due to setup/map combos. However, that is always average out the same for both sides. You get to learn a lot if you watch the battle after you got sunk. If you got focus on, it's really hard to keep cool. I contribute that to my terrible skill.

    I had a battle last night on Flounder where 3 of my teammates in shooters kept hiding in the entrance tunnel and peak out and fire a shot and hide again. The mortars at the edge of tunnel keep causing damages to them and they keep doing it. Me and a defender charged out and battled around the capture zone. We eventually sunk but cause some damages to the other teams. I found 3 of my teammates still playing chickens. Got me pissed but eventually the other team charged in and they battled. My team got the win but from watching the battle, the other team is playing even worse than my 3 remaining shooters. The unfriends just stood still and fired when they got in range. The 3 shooters were causing massive damages because the unfriends just thought they can overpower the 3 remaining.
    Last edited: 30 Jun 2017
  11. Vidar-Z-

    Vidar-Z- New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    The game doesn't have the communication mechanics to coordinate attacks. Don't expect team work.

    This is a soft pay to win game. Unless you spend money to buffer the poor players effect. This is how it will be.
  12. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    It's not working.
  13. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    it needs time for dropers to note it. Also it does give them penalty after getting too low so when they start droping, they won't see it until they have stoped droping and starts to farm again. Then they note it and probably stop when they hear why they won't get resources so please be patient :) It will end soon
  14. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Your logic would be impeccable, if you assume people are playing to win. They are not. You also assume people who are playing are competent and will play competently. They are not. You assume the weak players will always be opponents. They are not.

    Here's a screen cap of what I'm talking about, I shot this last weekend. There are two players (including me) who are competitive with 2200+ points. Third place is a probable bot with 773, then two players with less than 200 points. The other team has a good spectrum of scores from 4700 down to 1500. All the losers are on my team. This is a matchmaking problem, made worse by the large number of Weekend Weaklings who are playing to lose.

  15. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I'm sorry but that's not a bot. Bots does not get or lose infamy in matches so that is a real player.
    SAME DIFF3R3NC3 likes this.
  16. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    It looks like a bot with the adjective-birdname-3 digit number format, I suppose it could be a human copying that format. If it's a human, they are trying to lose. My points are triple theirs. Our team lost 5-0.
  17. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I assume that, given a large enough sample size (i.e. on average), the weak players/the players not trying to win & the incompetent players will be evenly distributed.
    But yes, given that you are always 20% of your own team they are more likely to appear on the other team.

    What I really wanted to say was something like this; stop blaming factors you cant control and focus on the one thing you do control (yourself).
    If you are consistantly outperforming the average player in your games then your infamy will increase. If not, it decreases.

    That is not to say that different types of players might play on different times of the week or day. But then it falls on you to notice the meta difference and adapt accordingly, rather than blaming Rovio, the weekend or what not.
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  18. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    My natural infamy should be at 5000. Unfortunately I'm always teamed with newbs and can't seem to get there. :p

    When you play has a pretty big impact on how you do actually. At least, that's what I've found. When the bay is full of certain kinds of players... I stay out.
  19. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Play after bedtime. Kids will be sleeping by then. ;)
  20. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017

    There is inherently variance in people's scores. One match, torpedoes might be handy. Another time it's mortars. A third time the match devolves into a series of 1v1s. Any loadout will have varying success in each situation, without accounting for player skills.

    Additionally, the best player on your team could be caught out by opponents first, and get blown up before he can do much damage. It happens to everyone, and a single scoreline is hardly conclusive. I've personally dealt over 12000 damage in some matches, yet less than 2000 in others. I play to win in all of them.

    At the tier you seem to be in, it's common to have people who score less than a thousand. Many of them are using weapons they can't aim properly, I bet.

    I can do that much damage in the majority of my matches now. If I did the same damage as you, am I slacking off? Not with your logic. What if some of your teammates have weak weapons or don't know how to aim properly, or happen to lack map awareness?

    There are so many factors that determine ones success beyond innate skill and their apparent desire to win.

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