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Need Campaign Mode

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SleazyP.Martini, 28 Jun 2017.

  1. SleazyP.Martini

    SleazyP.Martini New Member

    11 May 2017
    You know, you get really good with a ship. But then you wanna try out a different ship. You give it a shot and realize really fast that you're no good with the ship and you really need some training on it. The way we are set up now, the only training you get is in the bay against normal opponents in ranked play.

    Now, if you get in there with this ship and you suck, you start dropping infamy. You'll make your teammates lose. All because there's no training mode. And then later, you'll be accused of seal clubbing (is that really the best name we have for it?) because you're dropping infamy faster than....

    So I propose a campaign mode. Several missions, all with a mini boss, or an under boss. You keep having to chase the un friends from region to region. All across the map. At the end of each mission you fight the mini boss. Now a mini boss doesn't have to be a current ship in bb. It could be a ship designed specifically as a boss for campaign. Anything like a pirate ship with canons and carronades. A man o war.... A giant oil tanker. A tug boat.... And then, if you're able to make it to the very end, the final boss could be something humongous. Perhaps each mission can require a specific ship that you'd have to use. Or perhaps a specif9c ship would be easier to use than others on that mission.

    But this essentially would give you a place to train at and hone your skills. You would of course get some resources or something from each battle in campaign mode. Just a thought.
    Wishaal and Flying Bananasaur like this.
  2. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Well the least they could do is to add a sandbox mode
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    We had 3 games of tutorial... haha. Campaign enough
  4. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I really like that idea, that sounds like really fun. Any Admin watching this? Plz pass on his idea to the developer team

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