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Notes from a Fixer

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Principal Moo, 26 Jun 2017.

  1. Principal Moo

    Principal Moo New Member

    7 May 2017
    Hello everyone,
    I feel the need to get some things off my chest in regards to expectations that many people have regarding Fixers, as well as, some insight as to how I feel when playing a Fixer. This is not to say that I represent the majority of Fixers. In fact, I hope that others chime in and give their input so that non-Fixer players can get a glimpse of what it's like to play a Fixer.

    I'm just going to post random thoughts:
    • Together! - I try to stick together as much as possible, but I cannot follow everyone. If a couple of people break away from the pack, I have to make a decision as to who I'm going to stick with. Don't knock my decision either!
    • Standing our ground vs. running away - If we are getting pounded by mortar strikes, I am not going to stick around. For some reason, people tend to stay put and get pummeled. I won't do it! Just because you have a healer, it doesn't mean that we can negate the massive amounts of damage coming in.
    • Get out of my line of fire - I know that you want to get healed by my repair pulse, but please do not get in front of me as this causes me to hit you instead of them. I have a legendary sniper cannon that will hurt Unfriends, so let me use it!
    • Duct tape vs. Repair Box - Personally speaking, I don't understand the opposition to Fixers using duct tape. I am rarely paired with another Fixer, so most of you should be used to not having a Fixer on your side. I try to heal as many people as I can with my Repair Pulse, which is a lot more than what you have without a Fixer. I personally like duct tape for survivability; with my legendary sniper cannon, I can wreak havoc on the other team. I don't understand why it's okay to comment on the equipment a Fixer uses, but not Shooters or Defenders.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    New fixer here: we love it when someone remembers us, friend or unfriend. We love it when we get to heal a ton of health, and when we truly save teammates which go on to alter the course of the match. We love to tank up and throw down as well, but fixing is what we enjoy. Of all the classes, fixers doing their jobs and doing them well have the greatest impact on the course of the match.
    Oldmandragon likes this.
  3. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Your priority as a fixer is to heal others, your weapon is an added bonus. You lucked out with a legandary, giving you more damage than the usual fixer but it does not excuse you from your primary job. Go play other classes if you want to abuse that sniper, otherwise playing duct tape is extremely selfish.

    Using a repair box not only allows you to self heal yourself as well but enables additional heals to your team mate. If you can't throw a box to heal yourself in clutch situations, then that's an issue with your skill set and using a duct tape to rectify that is just bad.

    Edit: Also don't act as if the team should be grateful for having a healer at all, they might as well bring another fully loaded class dedicated to their role than someone being subpar in their job
    Last edited: 26 Jun 2017
    TVNPryde, SK2300 and behumble like this.
  4. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Fixer for life here. Have been since I first laid eyes on that sexy MK1. X)

    I've never known anything beyond my Cannon. Every other weapon I've tried doesn't help me as much as the Cannon has in terms of reliability and consistency. I have an epic Big Berta, but it's not upgraded enough yet.

    As an MK3, this is probably how it is for most of us. Repair Pulse and Repair Box are the only two I use when it comes to healing. I don't think I'd ever switch one of the two for Duct Tape until I get MK5, or whatever MK gets me the extra healing slot.

    I can definitely agree that the team has to stay together for the full benefits of a Fixer on a team, but I've lost some hope on that belief, since I went from 1600+ to 1200+ on endless Defeat streaks from Suiciders and Rambo Shooters (wait, what's the difference?).

    I wouldn't switch out though, since it's nice to have the power to fix the whole team from nothing and turn the tide of the game. And with the new healing tool, I can't wait to try it out.

    Just watch out for those Big Torpedoes!

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    LOL, dude, you are gonna piss off a lot of fixer out there with your comments. Maybe you should have a go with the fixer to have a feel of it and share your thoughts.
    Most of the threads I read in the forum here were comments on how the fixer is OP and selfish. I think we can accept a fixer player to share their frustration once in awhile.
  6. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Uh I've been a fixer since I started? This is my viewpoint as a fixer and how I think the role should be used. If anything most GOOD fixers would agree duct tape is bad???
    Oldmandragon likes this.

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Well that depends what is your definition of a good fixer, some players are having trouble with boxes and they would want to survive as long as possible in a game to do more contribution fixing others with their pulse. Some fixer have better items to provide additional fire power to assist on the attack. We can't brand them as bad fixer if they think this way. With the latest patch note updated on the pulse nerf on fixer itself, some fixer might need to take into consideration switching to duct tape.
    If a fixer thinks his/ her setup is the best for their play style to contribute to a game, so be it. With the current match making system you just have to take what it gives and make full use out of them.
    I'm not saying duct tape is very good, I myself was using a pulse and 2 boxes combination on my MK5 fixer. But after seeing the patch note for the coming update, duct tape seems like a good alternative now but still need to try out the update 1st before further comment.
  8. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Why would you even need a tape when a box can already heal yourself??? On the other times when you don't need it, you can use it on your team mate instead. I can see no good argument as to why anyone would choose a box over tape, is it because they can't aim with a damn box in front of them? If anything, the box would be better than the tape for survivability because of it's instantaneous heal vs the heal over time provided by the tape.

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Well, a box is always better than duct tape on theory and specs but practically there are also some cons in my opinion.
    1. You practically let unfriendlies know where to keep a look out at for the next few seconds.
    2. It can be set up as a trap when unfriendlies lay a mine in it.
    3. Not all friendlies have the maneuverability to pick up a box you dropped in a skirmish unless you can drop it directly in their path for them to pick up.
    4. Coming update, boxes will disappear after 60 secs, making those boxes you dropped at the start of a game near the spawn area useless.
    5. RNG of items. This is for my case as I can't get another duplicate box for upgrade but combination of pieces kept giving me duct tape, although I scrapped most of them before the patch note, I might keep them in the future depending on what is the feel on the nerf after the update. Most of the time a player use the best item they can have as their standard load out.

    With the new green item to be introduced soon, it might replace the box and duct tape, who knows. All I'm trying to say here is every player has their own opinion on how their best set up is. Boxes does make more sense than duct tape, but some fixer have better result from using duct tape. You can think box is better and they can think duct tape is.
  10. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    What I'm trying to do is stop spreading bad information and furthering the use of duct tapes based on some notion that it's remotely viable when the other slot can be used for box. Before MK5, this is extremely important for newer fixers as if they choose tape, they'd only have a damn pulse to rely on for heals.

    1) This is assuming you spam boxes left and right rather than on top or in the path of your target. Sounds like a personal problem
    2) You're grasping straws here, how often does this work that it's considered a drawback? Furthermore new update removes boxes after a set timer, similar to mine so it ain't a trap for long
    3) Again, this is a skillset problem that doesn't take long to master. Dropping a box for yourself or in the line of path of your target only takes some practice
    4) How is this a con when it's main purpose is to provide instant heals DURING battle, the ability to set some boxes at start was a bonus
    5) This con applies to any item, not just the tape and has no weight

    As for the tape against box disadvantages

    1) Heals yourself vs Heal yourself + team
    2) Heals over time, susceptible to burst/crit damage compared to instant heals from box. This alone makes it a better survivability option when being focused fire

    Again, I don't understand why you're remotely trying to advocate the use of tape when in all scenarios, it is INFERIOR to the box slot in every way. This holds true for below MK5 and those with 3 slots would either continue the use of pulse or use the new item. Misinforming people that the fact tape is remotely viable just promotes bad fixers and lessens game play for others, when they can just use an item that surpasses it in usability.
    David Bonaparte and Miathan like this.
  11. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Zangetsu Are you mk4, if yes what is the highest infamy you have reached?

    I agree with everything you said in theory - In practice a newer player might not have the luxury of choice yet. I rocked Duct Tape at mk3+4, didn't find any rare+ boxes before getting to mk5.
    While it might not produce the highest hps to your team, I did manage to reach 2985 (or so) infamy in a mk4 with Duct Tape -- Its not an item for endgame play, but for lower levels it can work just fine if you put some though into your setup.

    I wouldnt fault a mk4 player with a good legendary weapon for prioritzing selfsurvival, heck Id be inclined to think that his teams arent really suffering either.

    Edit- Its not inferior in every way, its vastly better for selfhealing on the move in a hectic situation.
    Now for mk5+ play its a different story (atleast pre patch) - Dont think you'll find many advocating for Duct Tape there, I can only think of 1 high level Fixer that used tape atm.
  12. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Yes just recently, my peak was in the 2100s as an MK3 but I've hit my limit in terms of gear level otherwise I'm just being carried hard if I go any further.

    I'd argue against your point that duct tape is more viable at lower levels. As a lower level in this current meta, I speak from experience on the importance of prioritising team game play over selfish game play. This is why I'm concerned with the use of duct tape around our infamy level, if I'm paired with another fixer being damn selfish with his heals, who is being a leech now? If anything those MK5 or above would have leniency due to the option of a secondary heal BUT no fixer below that should be rocking a singular heal.

    So if duct tape isn't a good option at lower level nor is it recommended at higher infamy, clearly it's bad??? Don't use anecdotal experience to justify a bad item, like the other guy you lucked out but for the vast majority people should stick with the more logical choice.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It works at mk3+4, whether you like it or not :)

    Given the choice between an equally leveled tape & box I would also pick box -- Not everyone gets that choice in a world of rng though.

    I mostly bother with this argument because you argue that its selfish, which is common and these forums & a poor argument every single time.

    If Duct Tape enables someone to win more, then their team also wins more. Helping your team win more is not selfish.
    Im not saying that Tape beats Box in every scenario (it rarely does), but I can imagine that some mk3+4 boats will be able to put it to good use until they find better items. Them working with what they got does not equal them being selfish.
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  14. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    You can't just dismiss it as poor argument when the only claim you have is if it helps someone win more, that is just as easily said with the box BUT with the fact that it's actually GOING to help more than whatever duct tape user thinks they're contributing.

    You talk as if the tape is the deciding factor in how the team wins more, it's really not but you're clearly slacking in fulfilling your healer role while everyone else is fully loaded. Dying? Use a box, no excuse to use a damn item that heals only for yourself. If you're getting focused fire, learn how to dodge, stop trying to tank, aim your box and heal yourself much faster than a tape to get back in action faster. Honestly, all these variables aid with escape and protection, using the tape as an excuse to help survive more is just a lazy way of self preservation.

    I mean, you clearly understand how poor it is in comparison but still recommend it and that's giving bad advice, seems like you're a terrible person for doing so. I've seen you in the fixer's union and even if the likes of Leonut and many other fixers, you remain extremely stubborn. Using the basis of it helps "win" when that argument could be used for the box which at least got more going for it. Maybe these fixers would "WIN" even more if they switched to the damn box, wooooow never thought of that. Anywho, I've said my thought and if others have failed, there's no way I care enough to persuade you with my logic.
    Ultrah likes this.

    SCOOTY PUFF Jr Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    also try to break the mindset that fixers should be only fixing. because carrying that over towards the top end is just silly, fixers also have to throw shots as well
  16. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Well ain't that obvious, I said fixing is the priority, not the only thing they should do. Clearly though if duct tape users can't handle throwing box, I doubt they can multitask and hit stuff as well.
  17. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I agree with you 90% of the way, but that I dare have a less black/white opinion is clearly upsetting you. Sorry about that!

    Try, just try, actually reading what I wrote - Its not that controversial if you leave the trenches. Ill break it down for you:
    1. I agree that Box is better than Tape.
    2. Items acquired are random & a lvl 20 epic Duct Tape will result in more wins than a lvl 20 uncommon Box.
    3. In some rare cases low level fixers can utilize Tape and work just fine within a team.

    Not to burst your fanboy bubble but there is a higher rated Fixer than Leonut who runs Tape. Not I would not advice that for mk5/6, incase that wasnt clear!

    Kind regards from a terrible person ;) Aim for the ball eh?

    SCOOTY PUFF Jr Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I was on your side until the sarcasm started. good luck trying to have any sort of a discussion with that attitude
  19. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    You're using extreme examples to justify your argument WHEN AGAIN it can be reversed. Yes I understand if in some bizzare situation you have a legandary duct tape vs a common repair box, it would obviously prove beneficial. See my extreme examples too?

    I understand that what we have is determined by RNG but if said person looks across the forums or wherever for the advice and see people advocating tape, this encourages them despite having similar level of equipment. This mostly stems from the fact that people simply, just want to look after themselves so it's not hard to be convinced wow I'm immortal with all this self heal. Again, low level teams are better off with someone who can output more heal. Also, fanboying because I specifically mentioned that particular guy? Should I have included others who disagreed with you as well? Not my fault his name stands out the most.

    In the end, people have to deal with what they have and make the most of it. If you have the choice however, box > tape :)
  20. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    I don't care. If my message is understood, in most cases (99% yes made up statistic sue me) box > tape then that's all i'm trying to get across. How you feel bears no relevance to the discussion so keep them feelings to yourself.

    Edit: I probably derailed this thread in trying to make arguments against something obvious. I did come across slightly aggressive (woops) so I'll apologize and will be done with this specific thread. I still stand by everything I said for any new fixers looking.
    Last edited: 27 Jun 2017
    Ultrah likes this.

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