Personally I never tried the mine tank myself as I am not really good at it and it require a lot of time to practice but I am a bit surprised with how certain players trying to witch hunt without solid prove.
The most interesting part of the BB is that the devs constantly change the game which makes player struggled in it and we all trying to find a way out, the ranking system, the plug-in, the weapon, the buffs, the nerf…etc. I should say no more, where I believes that the mine tank is the result from this outcome, every player will try to farm the coins in the most efficient way, since the event coins doesn’t carry to the next round and the match up system pretty much ruin your life.
I believe the TOS did says suicide intentionally is forbidden but what if suicide mine works and help your team mate wins? Does that counter in the TOS or doesn’t that indeed is part of the game play? I am sure these methods ruin the game experience for some players and they can post dozens and dozens of the replay pointing out that those suicidal didn’t contribute in the game and looks like bot but I can also provide the wining replay to show you that this method just simply works.
I mean who will waste the time doing the same trick over and over to lose the game and earn teeny-weeny bit of coins? It’s require a lots and lots of time to constantly play the game to farm enough coins in the events to get the things you need and while you are too tired you just looks like a drunk player in the game throwing mine to nothingness, yes and I know most people doesn’t like it but it’s better than doing it in event rather than the rank game, how many people encounter player contribute no dmg and lose the game intentionally just to drop the infamy?
Here are the collection of the wining game using the same technique with amazing dmg.
I hate those players who ruin the game, for example floaters, instead complain about it and hope the devs do something about it I might as well improve my skill, farm as much as I can to win the game and rank up rather than sit there chit chat complain the life the universe, everything.
I should start to grab a mine tank and see if it works, who knows?
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