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Arms Exchange Between Guild Members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Plume Nimbus, 19 Feb 2019.

  1. Plume Nimbus

    Plume Nimbus New Member

    19 Feb 2019
    I think it would be nice if we could exchange weapons between guild members. Sometimes we get weapons we will never play but someone in our guild will so we could exchange it for a weapon with the same rarity. That could be very useful for legendary weapons for exemple because it takes a very long time to get one. But if you exchange a weapon that is level 22 for exemple, you won’t have it level 22 but level 1. We could establish a ticket system to limit the use of this function. Let me know your thoughts and I hope to have an answer from Rovio :)
    RACK STAR and DangerousMartyr like this.
  2. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    Great idea, but there would probably have to be a level range for who you could give items to, such as someone who is within 5 captain levels of you. There also would have to be a way to prevent people from passing a high level item down to someone who is low level. But other than that, solid idea!
  3. Plume Nimbus

    Plume Nimbus New Member

    19 Feb 2019
    Yes, that’s why the weapons must have the same rarity. I had this idea when I had a legendary big torp that someone in my guild wanted and this person had a legendary fire bomb that I wanted :)
  4. Plume Nimbus

    Plume Nimbus New Member

    19 Feb 2019
    That could be like the card exchange system in Clash Royal.
    RACK STAR likes this.
  5. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    someone will take away good item and left the guild
  6. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    This has been brought up since beta days, i don't it will ever happen... for us players, it makes a lot of sense but from the perspective of a dev, it will potentially result in lower IAPs, lower revenues, etc... i made several suggestions on having barter/trade system in BB, none of them got even a pip from the devs. one of which was a ticket system where players have to earn via certain gameplay-based achievements that would reward a player with a trade ticket. This was a very restricted mechanic (something like an average player can do once a month), so as not to create that much "disruption" in the in-game economy so to speak. But nah, devs still never gave it a thought. So this suggestion of yours, would just be ignored. though, it would be nice if you can elaborate further on how you would go about allowing a trade system in Battlebay.

    the bigger issue here though is the torturously slow and frustrating meta for item acquisition and progression/upgrades... unless you are willing to spend considerable amounts of money, it would literally take you between 6 - 15 mos to complete one T5 epic (this is based on an average of 2-3 hours of play time per day). many suggestions have been posted to help hasten item upgrades and progression but the recent updates have basically failed to address that.

    This recent update has improved completion rate of commons, uncommons and probably rares too but has little or no effect on improving the build time for epics and legendaries (for F2P players)
    ShinkuMoon and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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