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To the special thanks of battle bay Maker

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by You what, 9 Feb 2019.

  1. You what

    You what New Member

    16 Oct 2018
    mikko,L ,Edvard,G,mikka,a ,Matt,w, Ismo,h Daniel,f ,Kim,h llmari,h , and other four special thanks too.
    I've been playing this game for two years and made $300 in purchases ,the game is lame now ,the matchmaking already suck ,now you putting warriors in ranked games with Ace , Won't make another purchase fix the lamest in the game.
    Su-57 likes this.
  2. PallabKumarS

    PallabKumarS Active Member

    22 Jan 2018
    If that warrior player got a gs of that of ace....its ok then...if not then theres problem....
  3. You what

    You what New Member

    16 Oct 2018
    The warriors don't have the infamy to upgrade to master but playing with Ace's in rank . That is a problem
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I posted this in another thread... but it's important to repeat. Here's the situation... the devs believe that you are ok with broadening matchmaking criteria rather than wait up to a few minutes for a match. If you are ok waiting longer to get a fair match, particularly in ranked, you have to let them know. Go to Discord and vote on the suggestions, several of them address this. Open support tickets with Rovio and tell them you are ok waiting up to several minutes to get a fair and competitive match rather than what they are doing now.

    There's a reason most players stay in casual and events, and it's because ranked matches no longer make sense. As a 2500 Infamy player I see 1800-3700 Infamy players, and we all see a bunch of 100 Infamy players stuck there by the seal tanking penalty that is now misguided. That's not fair and competitive, it's effectively RNG, and is a bad input to Infamy, which brings to question the entire league system. As a player you should be able to choose 1. I'll wait for a fair match, or 2. I don't want to wait, give me anyone you can pull together. Voice your opinion.

    Here's one of my Discord suggestions:
    If in ranked mode you can't put together matches of equals, don't adjust infamy at the end. As a 2500 Infamy player, why should a 3700 Infamy player or a 1900 Infamy player affect whether I should move toward 2600 or 2400 Infamy? A proper ranked match is a match of equals around MY Infamy (+/- 10%), so I should see no one outside of, say, 2200-2800 Infamy in a ranked match. Too-broad matching for the sake of time is OK Casual, but never OK in ranked.​
  5. You what

    You what New Member

    16 Oct 2018
    Thanks for info
  6. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    For all we know it was an infamy tanker who belongs in Ace but dropped either purposefully or by other means into warrior.
    If that's the case then it is natural to have them compete with ships at the level they are supposed to be at.
    What was their GS and captain level?
    Knowing this will help us determine what a tally happened there.
  7. Wainwright

    Wainwright Member

    31 Jul 2017
    The only way to get ranked games back on track is to cut the casual games awards by 90% and the guild quest contributions in half to force the small pool of players to players ranked again.

    Match making is screwed because we don’t have enough new players to take the place of old players leaving. You can thank all the seal clubbers and GS manipulators for scaring off the new players.

    The biggest fault lies with the devs, who never stopped this behavior and allow top players to cheat without any penalties like with the big bandage issue.

    I’m done also giving money. I stopped my vip this month and I’m pretty sure I will not restart it unless this game is sold or we get a whole new dev team and management.
  8. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017
    Be helpful if it doesn’t seem that the devs have abandoned forums compared to say how much they posted here just after game came out. If you don’t want to use discord for whatever reason, it now seems devs don’t want to know about your opinions.
  9. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    trust me they just saved the game because of casual . if they remove reward from casual and think people gonna play ranked with very unbalanced teams then thats not gonna happen . now people play some ranked then move to casual but stay at Battle bay game but what if they have no events no casual only ranked with bad match making where they can't make much progress they are gonna leave the game .

    to fix the match making they need new players . they need to improve game experience and need to do advertising to attract new players .
  10. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    On top of this then need to inspire players to play more often.
    With the new league rewards players can essentially login once a week and get crazy rewards.
    I made a suggestion to provide us with a monthly quest. To get this reward players would have to complete all weekly quests in a month which would require logging in and playing at least a handful of matches every day.
    This would create a larger pool of players daily and in turn provide better matchups.
    Aether_Zero likes this.

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