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Bug Validation and Status System

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Putsch, 23 Jan 2019.


Would you use this to check bugs against other users?

  1. Yes, this could be great

  2. No, I'd rather just bitch and moan in my own threads

    0 vote(s)
  1. Putsch

    Putsch New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    This is a bit of feedback regarding how information is shared and displayed.

    It seems like this forum could be much more efficient with a single pinned thread that had the top 10 issues players are experiencing, whether or not they have been investigated and links to their respective threads. Perhaps even in a tabular format. Sort of like a service status page. It would be great to see what other players are experiencing, if it is an actual bug, if it is lag or settings (we call them ID-10-T errors in the industry)

    The real money would come if we could see a developer's or Product Manager's response to these. I would feel much more confident in the future of this game if I could see the devs reply more often- at least to the top 10 issues. This would probably make their lives even better and address matters more efficiently! There will always be complainers, trawlz and generally dumb individuals, but if we had a single source of truth with feedback provided by the community, we could be on to something.

    If I get some interest on this, I would be happy to create a wireframe for the user experience.. and help develop this if needed. Let me know in the poll.

    Peace, love and ganja

    a.k.a. Drunk Uncle ;)
    JoshW and R4Z0R like this.
  2. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    You should add this to the suggestions page on the Battle Bay Discord.
    The forums have become more of a place for player interaction rather than developer interaction.
    Adding it to Discord will guarantee that Zues will see it provided you get the necessary votes.
    Putsch likes this.
  3. Putsch

    Putsch New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Sure thing. I think I am on there- what room should I post this in?
  4. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    i wana share a screen recording of a bug with Zues . steering control keep resetting to center . i posted a forum before and save some other mentioned same issue . but dev need a proof . replay don't show controls so i recorded a screen .

    anybody know where to share it on discord . i have know idea about any id or group .

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