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Defence perk or HP perk

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by GraveDragon, 18 Jan 2019.

  1. GraveDragon

    GraveDragon Active Member

    25 Oct 2018
    Which perk do u think is more useful in the long run. The shield defence perks or the shield HP perks? I use an epic standard shield and epic big shield (no bandage:()
    Is it better if i use all defence perks on the shields? That would make the defence 72. Will that be any use?
  2. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Don't use defence perks. Just don't 26AHvB2NwETSTLwv6.gif
    SlayerofSergeants and Su-57 like this.
  3. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Short answer, no.

    Long answer, noooooooooooooooooooo.

    HP perks are a much better value. Compare an Epic perk of both qualities. The Epic Defense perk adds +9 points, compared to an Epic HP perk adding 150HP. But that later number is further increased by the percentage-based talents in the Shield trees - so if you're sitting at +50% effectiveness on your Big Shield, that perk is actually worth 225HP instead.

    But leaving that aside, the Defense perk will save 9 damage each time you're shot. In order to make up the 150HP you'd have instead, you would need to be hit 17 times before you "break even" in terms of HP, and after that many hits, you're probably sunk unless you have a Fixer patching you up - which makes the Defense points even less valuable, because you want a big HP pool for the Fixer to be able to repair you from.
  4. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017

    That’s if fixers ever bother to fix a defender say though, in my experience as defender over last 18 months even with 23k health fixers seem to favour shooters over defenders for healing but I agree defense perks are complete waste of time and need taking out of game
  5. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Deciding who to fix is always a delicate balancing act; the 23K Defender can certainly soak up the damage better than the 10K Shooter, but the Shooter has a higher damage output and is better equipped to deal with an attacking yellow boat.

    Ideally, both of them would stick together to get hit by the same Pulse, and be easily alternated between for Bolt and Box action.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  6. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Defender that sticks with the team?
    Never seen that beastie.
    envylife and GraveDragon like this.
  7. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    i always get excited by this debate, I think it’s best to compare all the factors.

    Early game, you don’t have the training for the shields so you only get that 150hp not 225(big shield) or 203 (small shield), but regardless of not receiving extra hp from training, that’s still 150hp on a low level shield that could be supplying you just 600 or so in total!

    It doesn’t matter much if you are taking 9dmg off of a 300 dmg projective vs a 1300dmg projectile for this comparison because as Chris mentioned it only matters if you can survive those 17-25hits. But while that may seem like a lot of hits, you have to remember that carronade, missile, Cannons and even some mortars or frost torps could count for more than one hit(because defense reduces damage before the effect(frost/fire) and the crit multipliers)..
    (Carronade 7x, missile 5x, frost torp 1.78x, frost mortar bullseye 3.56x, cannons Up to 4.347x (sniper with 3fire and 1crit dmg perk))

    Anyways the defense quickly can add up. But with low hp you could also quickly be dead.

    [TL;DR] survive 25 or more projectiles and defense will always be better. Survive much fewer and hp is better. Just remember that multipliers could be considered in the projectile count.
    GraveDragon likes this.
  8. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    That's really the summary, and right now those multi-projectile, low-damage weapons aren't prevalent enough to defend against specifically. The meta is still strongly favoring "huge burst damage" and removing 9 damage from a flaming Explosive Cannon hit that does 4000+ is like putting a layer of Saran Wrap on a highway and expecting to stop traffic.
    Nikkie!, Djradnad and Ash KOT like this.

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