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New 4.2 infamy system rewards floaters

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Major Major, 14 Jan 2019.

  1. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    Well, until they fix the event's cheaters, and either revert or explain how infamy works for ranked matches, I'm playing casual matches. I think I'll stop watching ads too. Maybe that will get someone's attention. LOL
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  2. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    There is something very wrong with the new system. The person who lost least infamy in this game played in the worst possible way. There is absolutely no way one would conclude this result is fair or representative.


    Attached Files:

    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'll wind up posting this in several threads so here it goes:

    The new match infamy has nothing to do with individual performance. All it is is a representation of how many matches you've played in some amount of time. Initially you will be +/- 24, and the more matches you play it will drop to +/- 10. I don't know if it goes lower, and I don't know when it resets but overall it's as simple as that.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  4. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    I'm afraid you might actually be right. Pretty ridiculous approach if truly this simple.
    It's as if Rovio is actually trying to actively sabotage this game ...
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  5. m1au

    m1au New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    Mhh that would be really scary.
    But why would they want us to play less?
    Last edited: 15 Jan 2019
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Per Zeus, granular Infamy has been reverted.
  7. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    Im going to guess its ship level. The game expected more from you compared to them.
  8. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    Again the only thing I keep seeing is your ship is a very high level compared to your teammates.
  9. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    The Elo[a] rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in zero-sum games such as chess. It is named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physics professor.

    The Elo system was originally invented as an improved chess rating system over the previously used Harkness system, but is also used as a rating system for multiplayer competition in a number of video games,[1]association football, American football, basketball,[2] Major League Baseball, table tennis, Scrabble, board games such as Diplomacy (game) and other games.

    The difference in the ratings between two players serves as a predictor of the outcome of a match. Two players with equal ratings who play against each other are expected to score an equal number of wins. A player whose rating is 100 points greater than their opponent's is expected to score 64%; if the difference is 200 points, then the expected score for the stronger player is 76%.

    A player's Elo rating is represented by a number which increases or decreases depending on the outcome of games between rated players. After every game, the winning player takes points from the losing one. The difference between the ratings of the winner and loser determines the total number of points gained or lost after a game. In a series of games between a high-rated player and a low-rated player, the high-rated player is expected to score more wins. If the high-rated player wins, then only a few rating points will be taken from the low-rated player. However, if the lower-rated player scores an upset win, many rating points will be transferred. The lower-rated player will also gain a few points from the higher rated player in the event of a draw. This means that this rating system is self-correcting. Players whose ratings are too low should, in the long run, do better than the rating system predicts and thus gain rating points until the ratings reflect their true playing strength.
  10. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    Yeah, Elo is solid approach for 2-player games, but I'm not sure it generalizes to a team-based multiplayer game in a straight forward way. Also there is plenty of evidence in various screenshots to indicate that it was not the system used. In Elo-style systems, higher ranked players will lose more and win less against lower ranked players and this was not always happening.

    Anyway, none of this matters since the change got reverted.

    It was a great concept to have better alignment of infamy and performance/relative rank, but the implementation that materialized was severely lacking. Hope they revisit this concept with some more research into things like TrueSkill (including TrueSkill 2) and other work in this domain and do better validation before release next time.
    Last edited: 15 Jan 2019
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  11. Lucent

    Lucent New Member

    3 Aug 2018
    How many weapons do you have?
    How many weapons does the defender have?
    1/3 as many?
  12. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    If it was a rage reaction on just this change I would agree with you, but people are fed up from continuous introduction of new bugs. You have excessive lagging, target hopping, matchmaking on all levels, graphic problems, bots and cheaters, floaters and now this ... should I continue explaining all this rage or do you get their feeling?
  13. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Unfortunately I do not. As part of this same community (for some time now) everyone is exposed to the same ups and downs. The vast majority do not rage quit. I am frustrated by the list of negatives you mention. But I would advise anyone who lets frustrations get to actual rage (throwing controllers/phones, quitting announcements, deleting the game, or scrapping T5 stuff... etc... all read in forums) to seek some help. No game is worth that aggravation. Games should be fun or move on.
  14. Fiorell

    Fiorell Active Member

    24 May 2017
    I think it is nothing new that you are rated so low after you lost a big chunk of infamy. During last year I had two big infamy drops (more than 1000 infamy lost in a short time) and I noticed that the game is reducing the rewards (stars) you get - even if you were clearly the best player in your team. My guess is that they have an active algorithm to penalize cheaters which intentionally dropped their infamy. This is really sad for us poor guys which simply had a long loosing streak...
  15. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Everyone has his own character and limits on what they can take.
    I've seen people fight for a parking spot on the supermarket when there are 1000 other spots to park!!! Its not the spot its the behavior of the person on the other side of the table.
    When I found Battle Bay I hadn't played a game in 10 years. I said wow what a great idea and what a great game. The players flocked to play the game. I would start a game and there was no wait to find a match!!! I would play and even though I lost and lost big sometimes, I wouldn't mind because there was fun in the game. Steady but surely the game changed for the worst. Every update brought new bugs without fixing the old ones and all the changes had the clear orientation of milking the cash cow. I don't mind Rovio making money but please don't make the game annoying in order to force me to pay.
    Sure some people pay and pay big but these people wont play when there aren't any other players to play with.
    So in conclusion FIX THE BUGS, DON'T INTRODUCE NEW ONES & please please listen for once to the players. If you don't then Rovio will be the one that steals the parking spot and all the players will be the ones that come out of their car to fight about it (metaphorically speaking always)
  16. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    P.S. I think nobody from Rovio reads the forum anymore. Its just a place for the players to blow off steam. If they seriously read the forum they wouldn't head the way they are heading.
  17. Lucent

    Lucent New Member

    3 Aug 2018
    If they could easily fix the bugs, I’m sure they would have already done it.
  18. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I let the system adjust my infamy from 3100 to cant even stay above 2k...smh...kind of tough bring penalized with crap rewards and no stars....this is what fuels all the bad players....its a big snowball that keeps getting bigger.

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