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Why can’t issues be repaired

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Tessa Rose, 13 Nov 2018.

  1. No Time 2 Battle

    No Time 2 Battle Active Member

    24 Nov 2017
    It is understandable to Rovio is busy fixing bugs and issues after a large update... BUT, look at the date that Tessa first posted: Tessa Rose, 12 Nov 2018

    Today is Dec. 4. It's been almost a month since her post and OOOOPZ was having issues well before that. I'm thinking at least 3 weeks of trying to get it fixed. So, saying that Rovio is very busy... well, they seem to have busy for over 6 weeks with little contact with OOOOPZ to update him on progress or lack thereof. It's common curtesy to update someone. I work in a school and "Amplify" which does all the reading software (online system) for schools all over the country sent me 4 update emails when I had an issue about 2 months ago. When they emailed me to tell me:
    1. that they had received the work ticket
    2. that they were still working on it and had escalated it
    3. that they were still working on it
    4. that they fixed the issue, they also sent a customer service survey
    I wonder if Rovio will do that?
    I personally had no money invested in Amplify or their product. However, it was nice to know that they were working on the issue and they even said, "We haven't forgotten you." It was nice. It was kind. It was what you expect of a quality service provider.

    I truly hope that OOOOPZ gets his problem fixed and I hope that Rovio does something wonderful and nice for him when they do. Like giving him a credit towards his VIP that he paid during the down time. One or more of the new ships would also be nice because I think he has missed EVERY single event where you can earn coins.

    Please, Rovio, show us the quality company you can be. Fix this and give us our guildmate back. We miss him in guild chat and in quests.
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Thats a little harsh, Rovio were looking at ideas for OOOPZZ and how they could fix the problem with the profile of his main account as it has never been seen before.
    They did have an idea but OOOOPZZ then sent the wrong ID which caused a lot of confusion and nerves which delayed things further, and Rovio have now referred him to support now he has the correct details.

    This is a forum to discuss issues with the game, we should not be discussing player specific issues, that should always be a job for support but I have tried to help best I can as can see he is missed.
    Nikkie!, Tessa Rose and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. No Time 2 Battle

    No Time 2 Battle Active Member

    24 Nov 2017
    We thank you for all your help. You have actually been a shining light in the darkness!

    And you are right about several things:
    1. forum isn't the best place for player specific issues
    2. he did give the wrong ID (and we are mystified at how he could be so far off!)
    3. if it's something that's never been seen before, then I understand it can take some time
    4. he IS very missed

    And I will say that I only have what OOOOPZ has shared with us. Rovio have or has done more contact than I know of. Because, rightly, Rovio would not be sharing player specific information with me.

    When you have a close relative that does great IT customer support then you have high expectations of other companies.
    Tessa Rose and Ash KOT like this.
  4. Tessa Rose

    Tessa Rose New Member

    10 May 2017
    I understand the developers are busy and have been working very hard to keep the game exciting. In the meantime others are dropping out because of lack of proper support for game issues. Please have someone fix Oooopz! I miss him in the game and what effects him also effects others. He is leaving his guild he has been apart of since the beginning. Please help!
    No Time 2 Battle likes this.
  5. Tessa Rose

    Tessa Rose New Member

    10 May 2017
    This was received by Oooopz today. Blew me away. I would hate to believe that after this amount of time that there is no way to resolve this in a more timely fashion. It sounds to me as if this has been booted over to the “lost and found” box. The one that no one looks at or pays attention to. How hard could it be to just start him a new account, load it with his things and be done with it. Can anyone explain why this hasn’t already been completed? Why in the world would anyone want you to go to the forums for information on your account? Is there something posted on the forums for individual accounts?

    Stefan (Rovio Entertainment Corporation)
    Dec 9, 14:10 UTC

    Hello Steve,

    and thank you for contacting us.

    I assure you that we did not forget your case. Unfortunately, there is no information that I could currently provide you and the status of the ticket is still On Hold. I understand that you are frustrated and I really hope that you will be able to access your game soon. As soon as something is found in our investigation we will communicate it on our official forum here: https://forum.battlebay.net so I highly recommend checking it for updates.

    Best regards,

    Stefan aka "Kondycjoner"
    from your Battle Bay Crew
    Join the Battle Bay discussion in our forum: https://forum.battlebay.net/
    Rovio Entertainment
  6. Bar1

    Bar1 New Member

    8 May 2017
    Why has support placed his ticket on hold?
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  7. Tessa Rose

    Tessa Rose New Member

    10 May 2017
  8. Bar1

    Bar1 New Member

    8 May 2017
    Is the status of this ticket still on hold? His account has been useless for over 90 days now!!
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  9. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Damn, this still haven't been resolved? :eek: What is the support staff doing in Rovio?

    @TheAntiSnipe any update on this?
    Tessa Rose and Agile Vanguard like this.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'll ask
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  11. Steve M

    Steve M New Member

    3 Dec 2017
    California USA
    Yeah Mad Bulls, this has not been resolved yet. I’ve sent probably 5 support tickets to Rovio with nothing more than it’s been sent to the dev team and your status is on hold. It’s been since the 18th of October, 71 DAYS!!!!!, 10 weeks now and nothing. Rovio has no support and they certainly don’t keep you informed of anything. I guess they don’t care that much about their die hard players.

    Tessa Rose likes this.
  12. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Damn, sorry to hear this. I hope the issue gets resolved before new year. Merry Christmas and have a good one . :)
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  13. Steve M

    Steve M New Member

    3 Dec 2017
    California USA
    Thanks man
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  14. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    why bother he would have quit anyway.
    the game s*cks now
    the events are redundant
    the issues with crashing not addressed
    rewards are aweful and grind time is near impossible (to those who have lives to live)
    you had a great game rovio. i too am one of those who spended more or less 1000$. i enjoyed the years you were responsive and fixing things. but you screwed up when you were just after money. you gave things but took back when eveyone enjoys.

    i thank you it was fun.

    HOT • Pandesal
    Last edited: 30 Dec 2018
    Steve M likes this.
  15. tipsy

    tipsy New Member

    28 Dec 2018
    New to the forums to check and see what's going on with this game... and was afraid that there isn't anything being fixed anymore. Chat issues, item issues, items unuseable, certain players with an impervious boats... I hate that a fun game is now quickly becoming a shit app. Why are we getting updates with more shit to buy and no fixes of the probs? This game has an extremely expensive pay to play mentality to have such shitty repairs, or lack thereof. Rovio get greedy much?
    Last edited: 29 Dec 2018
    Tessa Rose and Steve M like this.
  16. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    I understand your frustration regarding this problem however we regrettably can not do anything to resolve it at this time ...
    This phrase and some others has been so copy/pasted from Rovio Support that if you do a search you could have a 1000 hits easily.
    Bugs with no solution:
    1. Black blocks instead of splashes or explosions after last update (RE: I understand your frustration regarding this problem however ...)
    2. Disconnections/extreme lagging (RE: your wifi/network connection has problems)
    3. Target hops from ship to ship (RE: your wifi/network connection has problems)
    4. Target is over or under ship (RE: your wifi/network connection has problems)
    5. Hits not registering (RE: your wifi/network connection has problems)
    6. Horrible Matchmaking (RE: we are working on making abetter game) YEAH RIGHT
    7. New chat message indication reappears many times on the same message (RE: no reply)
    I think we could all agree that these and many more have been plaguing the game for many months now.
    Please Rovio stop giving idiotic replies and start fixing problems.
    Tessa Rose likes this.
  17. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    there is always the quit button
  18. Steve M

    Steve M New Member

    3 Dec 2017
    California USA
    If I hadn’t invested some money into this game, that would be easy to do.
  19. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    well i did invested as well. i could have bought 2 really high end smart phones with it or a console with 10 games on it. but no, i have to buy imaginary things on this game.
    to make it easier for you just think where does your money really went?
    can you even sell the imaginary weapons/ships you acquired with real money?
    when the game does die, so is the money and time you've wasted.
    we're all losers here except Rovio
    Last edited: 3 Jan 2019
  20. Steve M

    Steve M New Member

    3 Dec 2017
    California USA
    Hahahahaha, good point. And it’s not like I’ve been patient, but after a month, you think, WTF are they doing to help me?? And after 3 months, you realize they will never help you.
    Tessa Rose likes this.

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