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Seasons and imfamy

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Bunnywabbit, 2 Jan 2019.

  1. Bunnywabbit

    Bunnywabbit Member

    25 Mar 2018
    Don't you think that this is sad? Screenshot_20190102-085021.png
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    what is sad ? what you are trying to say ? higher level player on lower infamy . ???
  3. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Meanwhile at this month's meeting of Seal Clubbers Anonymous...

    Sidd gamer likes this.
  4. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    imo, it wouldnt be sad because of a higher level player on lower infamy, simply because every random bob and joe has insanely good items and levels and ships these days. The only people who really have 'bad' items are complete beginners. The removal of crew training and requiring an actual steady grind that takes time to get the ability to level your explosive cannon to tier five is to blame for this, I'd say. Now, as soon as some person at 1k infamy gets three epic explosive cannons, they have a tier 3 epic explosive cannon and can almost one shot anybody on the bay. Meanwhile, people like me who are scrabbling for a second rare turbo for gods sake, we don't get anywhere. We stay at 1.3k infamy (partially because we bad, I know) but mainly because we can get 2, maybe three shotted by a tier five epic sniper cannon, or snuck up upon by a speeder using two insanely powerful carronades. Now, you might just say, "Well, if you can't handle those conditions, then you have to stay down there at a low infamy."
    I do not think that's fair. At 1.3k infamy, that's barely out of beginner level. People will NOT have had the time or experience to learn how to handle such intense, dangerous conditions and opponents like that. The ability to get killed in two shots means just one little mistake in your movement or timing, and you're half dead or more. Rookies and higher level beginners will make those mistakes and will die instantly, because they haven't had the time to learn how to not make two mistakes a battle.
    Regardless, I think this entire problem could be solved to a certain degree by re-implementing tier upgrades. Of course, by now, people with 700 infamy already have tier five epic weapons, so there's really no going back. I think rovio really made a huge mistake there, and it makes battle bay just.. miserable to play for little shrimps like me who get two-shotted.
    Su-57, _devill and Sidd gamer like this.
  5. Bunnywabbit

    Bunnywabbit Member

    25 Mar 2018
    Ok ok but I'm talking about the fact that I'm playing with level 49 and 50s at level 38
    Su-57 and Alpakaa like this.
  6. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    I'm at level 31 and I'm with other insanely high levels. I feel you. Last couple of updates have let new players become insanely overpowered. I've talked to a lot of nightmare players, and they say to just be patient and not lose TOO much infamy while you're getting your weapon training and items to tier five, rare or epic. But it is hard. Every game, every single player has about two or three t5 epic weapons and most likely each team has 3 legendary weapons in total or more. I have terrible items, due to luck and the fact that I can't decide which build to play. I'd love to play a grenade and explosive speeder, but I haven't gotten a second epic grenade, or any perks for it. I do have enough epic explosive cannons to get mine to tier four though. That will be the best item I have eventually.
    Su-57 likes this.
  7. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Same here, as a captain level 44 with a level 39 shooter in Ace 1&2 I regularly battle level 50 and even former NM opponents.
    I for one enjoy the challenge and the only way to get better is to play tougher opponents.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    T5 epics are OP for an average newbie, but leggies are really, REALLY overrated. Also, though nade explo is a good build, it has marked weaknesses to blast flare or ex flare, because of its short range. You *will* get there eventually, but here's a tip from someone who had to fight Ace 1s when he was in Challenger: Play at range if you wanna push hard. Play from afar, play with a bandage for sustain. Those punks with legendaries may even have SOME measure of skill, but there ain't nobody who could snipe down a good speeder at long range.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    scrapbook1.png scrapbook2.png scrapbook3.png scrapbook4.png
    As I've said before, there will always be punks. Even when I was in that league(captain level for me was ofc lower), there were people 8 levels above me on the leaderboard.

    I'll tell you something. Level doesn't mean squat. Gear means a little more than that. What makes the most difference is skill.
    P.S. I notice there was a level 32 on your leaderboard, I wanna be that dude/gal's friend, and I wanna be your friend. My tag's #SHRNBCQR
  10. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    I definitely know what you mean. I'm just trying to be patient. At first, what brought my infamy down was me trying a HUGE number of builds and not settling on one. And what prevents me from coming back up is all of the seriously overpowered players right now. And the fact I switched to speeder. However, I'm still very, very proud of these two images.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  11. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    True. I've heard other nightmare league players say that the only was to get into nightmare and stay there is through having to carry your team almost every other game. You cannot rely on anyone, ever, not even a fixer with two powerful bolts or a defender with 20k HP. Also another reason why I think playing speeder has got to be the best choice in the long run. No boat that can save a game quite like a well played speeder.
    Su-57 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Well said! Playing speeder helped me push my way through ach 3&2.
    Alpakaa and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  13. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I play mainly shooter sometimes Interceptor. I have a friend who play Speeder we both were at same infamy then reached 600+ . then i saw him gaining infamy very fast he reached 1300 infamy in few days and then 1500+ infamy . this happened in just 10 to 15 days . what he is using a legendary standard cannon which do dmg equal to my t3 rare cannon . and he use a legendary mine . he got it both by achievements . speeder can help achieving infamy faster then a shooter or other boat. Hit and Run strategy really help.

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