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Algorithms to prevent getting last piece of legendary item to push more sales?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shano, 17 Dec 2018.

  1. Shano

    Shano New Member

    8 Jul 2017
    What the actual efff-ort. I have been stuck on 9/10 pieces for my red and blue legendaries for MONTHS - and i can't shake the feeling theres something shady going on. Almost every time i get a legendary its the least sought after type - ie the one i have the least of. Probability-wise this is so unlikely its ridiculous - unless of course Devs are messing with the chances of getting those final pieces to push us player to spend $$ on chests to get them. unethical if you ask me.... I have scrapped a ton of epics , got 2 legendaries from league and then won enough pearls for a significant number of chests - the only legendaries ive received (since the 9/10 for red n blue) are green and yellow. Anyone else notice some shady patterns?

    I wouldn't put it past Battle Bay based on the ludicrous prices they have begun charging vs. progression.
    Last edited: 17 Dec 2018
    What's Up Player and RACK STAR like this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Highly doubt it.
    Though I've been lying around at 8/10 Y and B pieces for ages. There's a 20% chance after all, to get the one piece you want.
  3. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    I've been playing for over a year and getting 10 legendary pieces of any color is very slow. I Think Red was first, lol first time I ever fired a missile launcher.

    I did have good luck when we could buy pieces with battle coins but the true is unless you are in an active guild and can get to the bonus round constantly you will be waiting quite a while.

    The algorithm is probably set to randomly award a piece of various colors with a 25% chance to get the one you want.

    Oh, I just realized.....now we have Teal too......your odds are now 20%.

    I guess your next piece might be Teal?
    Sidd gamer and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    *Insert savage meme here*
    Agile Vanguard likes this.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think the drop rate for each coloured piece reflects the number of items of that colour. That’s why red pieces tend to be far more common. In all the time that I’ve been playing, I have acquired: 6 Green, 8 Blue, 13 Yellow, 28 Red (and recently, 1 Teal).

    I don’t think there is any system to stop you from getting what you need, it’s just luck. Remember that the chance of ‘not’ getting what you want, is the drop rate for all the other colours ‘combined’, so probably quite high.

    The first time I got to 9/10 legendary red pieces, I decided it was probably worth saving up some pearls, and buying a crate to get the last one. I ran pearl diver for quite a few weeks to get there, but the legendary piece I got was Yellow. At the time I was a bit annoyed, and part of me wondered if it was a fix.

    Shortly after, there was a deal to get an Epic Crate for relatively cheap (I think it was one of the Easter deals). I decided to roll the dice again, and I got my 10th red piece.

    I imagine if the system was genuinely ‘fixed’ then they would have tried to string me along for a bit longer. Hitting what I wanted on the 2nd try, was neither lucky nor unlucky. It seemed to be in line with the ‘probable’ drop rate for red pieces.

    In other areas of the game I’ve had worse luck, but I’ve also had crazy good luck. So I think it’s just random.

    However, a lot might also depend on your outlook. It’s easy to focus on bad luck, and forget all the times when you’ve been improbably lucky. All things considered, I’d say I’ve been pretty lucky on Battle Bay. I’ve had my share of bad luck, and things that never seem to drop, but on balance, I think RNG has been pretty good to me.
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That makes 1 of us anyway. :D I have never been surprised to the upside by any RNG in this game.

    Overall, RNG tends to level out, but RNG can require so much time to level out that unless you are lucky, it will feel like the system is rigged against you. Legendary pieces are exactly that... 5 colors, and outside of NML, players will receive one every 1-2 months. How long do you think it would take to do a combine of a single color? Took over a year for my first combine, and post 4.0 we're back to that miserably long waiting period.

    Moral of the story: Pretend Legendary don't exist... you will be happier.
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Yeah, pretty much.

    The cost of upgrading them (let alone finding duplicates) is so high, that any legendaries I do get will likely be stuck at level 1 for the foreseeable future.

    I just look at them as a little bonus, mainly for questing/variety. You get something that’s similar to a level 50 Rare, without all the hassle of having to build it yourself.

    Nowhere near as powerful as maxed Epics, but adequate for messing about with, or filling a gap until you can build something better.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Leggies are overrated is what I always say lol
    Nikkie! likes this.
  9. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    9/10 on red, blue and green and the NML rewards come, teal! Lol, i dont need legendary that much but it was funny.
    CaffeinatedChris likes this.
  10. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Happened to me too, but I'm hoping for a Yellow. And then for those Yellows to combine for a Nitro.

    I got a Teal, and I fully expect a nice shiny Defense Aura from the result. :p
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. Shano

    Shano New Member

    8 Jul 2017
    Thanks for all the replies guys - for the most part they all make sense. it's been over 10 legendaries - zero reds n blues. thats a streak of luck huh? From a business perspective, im pretty sure it would increase some impulse sales if they did manipulate drops.. i mean i almost blew cash just to finally end the wait on several occasions. Especially since id like to try playing enforcer a bit more but theres rather limited effective weapon options IMO.

    ... ah well ive been at this game since it came out and everyone was naming themselves after the stupid bots - really enjoyed it, but its kinda scary too see how much it would cost me to get to where i am now if i had to start anew.
    TheAntiSnipe and envylife like this.

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