View attachment 24382
I get this offer all the time .. so, it's 16,000 pearls for 100 epic powercells or one max epic.
I haven't done the exact math, but it's something like 4k epic parts to max an epic item (or 48.4 million gold: 50 parts @ 605,000 gold), plus the gold for tier upgrades, plus the gold for lower rarity parts ...
The epic parts alone would take a max captain in NML around 2,000 matches to earn that much gold.
So ... after you've put in the time/money to get 6 epic duplicates, spent 120-130 hours in the matching queue and in battles to get the gold for the epic parts, you hit a paywall in the neighborhood of $114 for the privilege of upgrading the item you worked that hard for.
It comes down to the question of is this going make us money or piss people off and remove the incentive to spend money ...?
For me, it was simple.. I'm not spending that much to upgrade an epic that I'll use 1 out of 20 matches so there's no need for my VIP subscription, no reason to watch ads, and no reason to buy crates for more epics I can't upgrade.
Anywho, I can see how it's good to have another reason that's valuable -- assuming you don't want gold to have any value (since there's no reason to collect parts), don't want people leveling items, or taking advantage of the full spectrum of content you spent time creating --
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