So here's the "Uerguy brushing his teeth" joke backstory:
I was playing custom battles with players on the chillzone chat (I think it was with babablacksheep, Shadow moon, TurtleFloaties, behumble [I think], and a few others who I can't remember at the moment.), and for the first few matches, my team lost. Since it was almost my bedtime, I told everyone to wait because I was going to brush my teeth. After about 5 minutes, and to everyone's relief, I finally resumed playing. During the match that followed, I was freaking destroying everyone with my double swift torp + sniper combo on an enforcer. When the match was over, I returned to the chillzone chat, just to see everyone saying stuff like "freaking Sewerguy" or "Uerguy never runs out of torps!". But the one that stood out the most was USS Cancer's comment, he said: " We only won because Uerguy brushed his teeth!" And we all died from laughter. And I added: " First I brush my teeth, then I shoot my Uer lasers." Good times... good times...
[Edit]: So I found the screenshot of the chat, and realized that TurtleFloaties was on the enemy team, and that USS Cancer was the one who said "we only won because Uerguy brushed his teeth". So here are the screenshots. Enjoy!
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