Common parts
Common power cells
Common items
Uncommon parts
Uncommon power cells
Uncommon items
Rare parts
Rare power cells
Red Rare item pieces
Blue Rare item pieces
Green Rare item pieces
Yellow Rare item pieces
Rare items
Epic parts
Epic power cells
Red Epic item pieces
Blue Epic item pieces
Green Epic item pieces
Yellow Epic item pieces
Epic items
Legendary parts
Legendary power cells
Red Legendary item pieces
Blue Legendary item pieces
Green Legendary item pieces
Yellow Legendary item pieces
Legendary items
Ship Pieces
Raffle Tokens
I added items here as a currency because you need duplicates to upgrade and progress. Probably should have broken those out by color as well, but you get the idea.
All of these are involved one way or another in upgrading your progress. Once you hit the epic level and higher, FTP is SO SLOOOOOW. I guess the ads are not worth enough to fund the game cause FTP just hits a brick wall after a few epic items get to level 50.
Here is what my progress looks like at retirement. Most of the epic items you see on the right have enough duplicates to get to T5 but no powercells.
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Nothing more for FTP to do when it takes this long to progress. Thanks for an awesome game while it lasted. Guess I'll start reading books again till I find something that catches my interest. Met some great people that probably kept me playing longer than I otherwise would have.
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