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Quality of life balancing

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by dikshift, 6 May 2017.

  1. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    Start out by saying I'm really enjoying the game, and the overall gameplay is smooth and addicting. Having said that, there's a few issues I've noticed in my first 5 days of playing: matchmaking, upgrades, and time gaps.

    First is matchmaking. Having just hit 1k infamy, I'm noticing that I'm going into games where I am severely underleveled. Opponents have over 3k health, tier 2 or 3 weapons rares or epics, tons of perks, etc, while I'm at 1k health and all tier 1 weapons. Yes, I understand the reasoning that my team also has these people too, but it's frustrating when I'm taken out early because a mortar shot deals half my health. I average roughly 1200 dmg per game, but it's overshadowed completely by people who avg 4000 dmg. I'd rather have a bit longer matchmaking time to play a "fairer" game. Tightening the infamy gap between players who queue could also be a solution. This has held me back from playing as much as I want to, unfortunately.

    The next thing is upgrades. I touched upon how I only have tier 1 weapons, and that's primarily because there are just way too many components for upgrades and evolves. I'm fine with needing 3 separate rarity parts for leveling up, but evolution requirements is ridiculous. You have to rely on RNG to bring you a 2nd copy of a weapon, then you need power cells, then the correct trainer leveled up, and finally gold. I say the duplicate item requirement has to go.

    Lastly, time gaps makes the game feel incomplete. What I mean is that between shop refreshes, free and star chests, and quests (all of which, I may add, have like an 8 hr cooldown time), there's not much that makes you want to log back on, even though I want to. Trainers also take a long ass time to train, so there's no point in checking up on them. I might be biased because I came from clash royale, where you can log back on for donations, requests, friendly battles, etc. I want more to do basically, besides grinding battles in the questionable matchmaking that I've addressed.

    Yeah idk, maybe I'm just inexperienced in the way this game works, so any and all responses are appreciated.

    TL;DR The game is still in its global infancy, but matchmaking, upgrade requirements, and long time gaps need a bit of work to make the game more captivating.
    Last edited: 6 May 2017
    Vesios likes this.
  2. Vesios

    Vesios New Member

    5 May 2017
    I agree, I also cane from playing CR and I already see these problems myself. I still enjoy the game but we need a fix. MM Could take a bit longer I wouldn't mind. Even at my low infamy, I see players with higher tier everything that take me out rediculously fast and it's frustrating when I'm trying to complete quests. Hopefully we'll one day have a form of requesting so we can log in more often for a reason. I love the game, but I hit that moment of "no more reason to play for the day" too quickly.
    dikshift likes this.
  3. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    Yeah well said. CR has the crown chest and clan chest, as well as chest slots to work towards to before you call it a day. But in battle bay, 3 daily part boxes and the occasional quest is it.
    Vesios likes this.
  4. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    First of all I'm know how you feel and I'm understand all of its. So please bear with me what's I'm about to say. Yes it's seem to unfair that your ship and Health are low against Higher lvls players in a match which I'm have the same experienced when I'm were same lvls as you too, because of matchmaking doing its job to fast up queue match and most balanced but sometimes there no similar infamy to match with that why its occur.

    Right now you're doing out standing job with low lvls to reach high infamy which mean you're highly skill that's why you facing stronger players because of more infamy points.All you have to do work as a team follow one of highest infamy don't act all by yourself if you're lowest or low guns power,keep on grinding upgrade all your guns as soon as you can and buy every parts perks that's see fit as much as possible. Leveling Captain is the most important priority to become stronger bigger storage capacity giving you to spending more time in game to gain gold and sugar as much as capacity.

    Yes with starting everything is kind of slow and weak that's why you need to be patience it's free game after all but you can rush it up with pearls if you want to.This game take time to progress same apply to all higher lvls players not just only you some may take month just to reach 1k infamy.Every week you're able to get a chance to receive at least Rare or even Epic so as Daily quest,also everyday having free crate and stars crate can provide decent equipment too if you're in luck.As beta players this updates is the most best provide a good chance to get more equipment than before global released.

    Please give this game a long shot you'll know it isn't bad as you think. As rpg&fps you'll need To be patience to become stronger. Overall this I'm hopefully this can clear out the idea you're having right now.
    (Please apologizes for my English I'm trying my best to explain all the experience I'm have met)
    Last edited: 6 May 2017
    Vesios and dikshift like this.
  5. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    Thanks for the explanations, I'm definitely not going to give up on this game. I always spam "together" at the beginning of every game, but not everybody listens haha.
    Vesios, TheRedSpeeder and Memorize like this.
  6. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    First: Matchmaking works pretty much as @Memorize told you. This is unfortunate but it stops you just for not getting into even higher matches. This game actually places you to average infamy that is set by your skills and equipment. You can get it higher by improving your equipment (and skills).​

    Second: I totally agree with evolving and I have been trying to tell that same thing about that copy has to go to developers but no change so far. On the other hand, they have been busy on preparing global launch and fixing it after release so can't blame them about not fixing these "secondary" things on game.​

    Third: Yes, training times are long and sugar gets to top but this is why parts should be cheaper or we shoud get more gold from matches. Also getting stuck with evolves effects to this so the topic about getting rid of that copy of the item gets more important. Anyway, good thing about these training times are that it gives you opportunity to use sugar to your guns too. That's why I disagree with you about making the times shorter but it's not the solution for sugar problem (in my opinion).​
    Last edited: 6 May 2017
    dikshift likes this.
  7. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Thank you and you're welcome.
    I'm trying to explains out all the problems you're having right now that is all.
    I'm glad if these words can help you to understand how the it's game. If there is something need to improve I'm sure Devs always be there to hear all of players Feedback.
    Last edited: 6 May 2017
    dikshift, Vesios and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  8. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    We have currently no plans on changing this. We do know that the instinct for many players is to want more, easier, and faster but it does not necessarily lead to a better game. Excellent games require to have some choke points in the progression so that when you finally overcome those obstacles it creates this huge rush of great feeling. In some single player games it might be for example boss fights, in Battle Bay it's the feeling when you open a box and you finally get the item you needed to get to the next tier. Taking that away would just make the game more boring.
    dikshift likes this.
  9. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    Valid point, but in that case shouldn't evolving give a bit more? Right now, evolving gives the exact same stat increase as leveling up does. In my opinion, that's a bit underwhelming for so many resources. Shouldn't there be a bigger stat change for the rush of great feeling?

    Also just wanted to say that game Devs who actually communicate with their playerbase are the best.
  10. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    That is a valid point. Evolution does often unlock a new perk slot though which alone can be a major upgrade for the item. Also making the evolution step bigger would lead the upgrade steps then to be relatively smaller, making the upgrade journey slightly less exiting so we need to balance between them carefully.

    Thank you! We're a very small team but trying our best, juggling between communicating and developing the game.
    dikshift likes this.

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