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VERY Weird Issue With Aiming

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by KillerArcher96, 3 Oct 2018.


Do you notice the same thing?

  1. Yes! It's bugging me too

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, you're hallucinating

    6 vote(s)
  3. It's been like this all the time, no big deal

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Possible solutions:
    • Increase/Decrease joystick-aiming in settings (try both settings to find which is better for you)
    • Enable/Disable center joystick below finger on touch (again try both settings to find which is better for you)

    If the solutions above didn't work try this:
    • Make sure that stamina mode is off (because it limits device performance specially touch sensitivity)
    • Increase touch sensitivity in settings

    If all the solutions above didn't work try to use a gamepad..
    KillerArcher96 likes this.
  2. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Thanks for the suggestions mate :) but I've found that neither BB, stamina mode nor sensitivity setting has anything to do with it.. the phone itself is faulty as u can see on the last post, I've used a multitouch testing app to visualize my touch input and it clearly showed the same thing that happened in BB.. so I believe there's nothing I can do via software to mitigate the situation. The only solution I can see right now is a change of phone (I'm currently forced to use my relative's tablet just for BB)
    **Edit: a gamepad will do too but I figured it would be better to save up for a new phone instead! Not gonna stick with my current phone for long now..
    Nicolas likes this.

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