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Battle Bay Hall of Shame

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by capphil11, 6 Oct 2018.

  1. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I honestly don’t know. Strictly speaking, deliberate manipulation of your gearscore, could be interpreted as violating the EULA.

    I haven’t heard of anyone being punished for it ‘yet’, but that doesn’t mean it is allowed. If the devs feel that a player is deliberately abusing the system for advantage, then they could well start dealing out punishments. It would be entirely at their discretion.
  2. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    even if they are gonna punish players and force them to use as many item as possible ,still I(we) won't forget that our Devs have a logic that though that seal clubbing is OK and completely fair .
  3. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    So, do not name and shame, but can we discus this persons setup?

    (Pic removed by moderator)
    Last edited: 8 Oct 2018
  4. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Nobody has been punished.....
  5. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Lol ...

    So, that's different than seal clubbing using a mk3 with T1 legendaries. Mk7s are being matched against Mk6-7s .. so the crew talents are similar.

    XXXXXX (and half the leaderboard) have been using their Mk7s without blue items for events .. and they're usually matched against people with similar infamy and loadouts.

    They get the same rewards either way .. so why do it?

    Because the matches go faster. In NML TDM, it almost always goes the full duration. It takes forever to chew through a 22k HP defender 3 or 4 times. Players are very good at surviving.

    What you're seeing is basically a player-created event within an event .. Everyone is a glass cannon. Other than matches being shorter, it's a something different .. something fun.

    For the normal loadout Mk6s, you'd probably still end up matching against these players in some matches .. and you'd be destroyed. This way, you have a shot at sinking them.
    Last edited: 8 Oct 2018
  6. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    simply not everyone is adult like us ,there are some young players and kids here .
    Rogue Blueberry likes this.
  7. RecklessPie

    RecklessPie Member

    8 Oct 2018
    I understand what you’re saying but you’re wrong. I’ve ran into many members from the top guilds that drop their blue items and yellow items at mk7 with T5 Epic weapons and T1-3 Legendary weapons. This doesn’t make them a glass cannon when going against mk5 and mk6. They end up having about the same amount of health but with weapons that are significantly stronger. The Mk3 and Mk4 seal clubbing is less of a thing now.

    When these member do it they are top damage and faceroll the game 90% of the time. What makes it worse is they usually fleet so there is 2 of them just dominating the game. It makes it almost impossible to win or to have fun in these games and ruins the game for all “legit” players trying to get their event rewards. It’s not so much a matter of these players not being skilled, because usually they are, it’s more the fact that they are manipulating the algorithm so they can get rewards while completely ruining the game for all players they play with. It’s an issue that needs to be looked at and addressed.

    Think about it this way, I’m any other competitive game, sport, or event there is rankings. This is true with battle bay. So when the rank 1 player goes against the rank 10,000 player, by using gear score manipulation, and completely dominates them that’s okay? It shouldn’t be a “he did it so I’m going to do it” type of thing and it shouldn’t be something for the players to try to “work around”. This is a legitimate issue but those high ranking players are the ones says “it’s fine, just change your ship and gear score and you won’t have to worry about it”.

    Most likely nothing will happen because they pay a good amount of money for their gear so the devs will just overlook it but that’s my 2 cents on the situation and I know many people around my rank feel the same way.
    Last edited: 8 Oct 2018
  8. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Events are changing and this issue may be resolved by next week, so this is purely fyi if you're interested.

    In theory, you're right .. like, in theory, communism works.

    In reality, the pro athlete and ranking analogy doesn't hold.

    1) Pro athletes are compensated a thousand times more than amateurs. In BB, skilled MK3s are getting more event coins per minute than MK7s, despite Mk7s needing far more rewards to continue their game progression.

    2) If you use infamy rankings in events, players would float their way down to 500 infamy because league rewards are immaterial for high level players, so ranking is not (and should not) be used in event MM.

    They look to gear score .. and there is no good way of stopping gs manipulation without a large amount of collateral damage (for "legit" players with large item level differences). This is where theory fails and reality sets in.

    3) In reality, in every game, sport or competition, people look for competitive advantages that are allowed (or not explicitly denounced) in the rules. This is a fact of life. There are multiple interpretations of any rule - but the strictest (or widest reaching) interpretation is rarely the correct interpretation.

    4) Mk5 and low-level Mk6s are not seeing these players in the majority of their matchups (unless their item level differences are triggering the anti-sealclubbing measures), so the occasional matchup is not that large of an issue considering they'd still see these players in some matches due to a limited player pool.

    5) I have made multiple suggestions on how to fix the event reward issues, but if they are unwilling to implement these changes then this type of behavior will continue to be encouraged.

    Obviously they could start issuing bans or penalties, but these punishments would be directed towards the players that have generated vast majority of the game's revenue. Does it seem like a good idea to punish those that are paying your rent? ... when the system was already punishing them with lower rewards than new players.

    6) My last and probably most important point ... What you consider fairness and fairplay is subjective.

    We all download the same game. We all start with the same things. We all have the same options to upgrade and the same items to use. The ship stats are all identical. There is no advantage for race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or otherwise.

    If you are more skilled than others, or if you have invested a greater deal of money or time in BB, then you should have better items and be more effective with them. So, is it fair to always force you to play others at the same level - as it is in infamy matches. Or, is it more fair to allow those that have worked so hard to build and develop their skill and item levels to compete against everyone else in events - considering they are getting the same (or fewer) rewards as everyone else.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I've known that Blue and Yellow items are over-rated in terms of gear score, but I didn't think about the effect of shortening the match time plays a significant role. This contradicts the point of this thread, that it isn't as much about seal clubbing as it is about farming coins faster....(though seal clubbing is also a way to farm coins faster).

    We've talked a lot on these forums about rewards not properly scaling... I hope that problem is addressed... and being rewarded proportional to Gear Score is one way to do it.
  10. RecklessPie

    RecklessPie Member

    8 Oct 2018
    I hope they fix this with the changes to the events that are coming up. Like you said, we will have to wait. But until then, what they are doing is wrong. It's an exploit and all we are doing is calling them out on it and hopefully it gets noticed.

    1) Never mentioned pro athletes specifically just any sort of competitive game, sport, or event. It wasn't a matter of compensation it was a matter of them playing the system and ruining the game for others. The point I was trying to make is that you would NEVER in any SPORT, GAME, or EVENT place a number one ranked person against anyone ranked in the thousands, period. This is because the clear disadvantage that puts the person at. I agree, they higher ranking players should get more rewards then the lower ranking players in events just like the season rewards.

    2) I never once said infamy should be used in events. That's a terrible idea. Events are so you can play with people at your own ship/equipment level, experiment builds, find things you can't in ranked (because you're worried about infamy) and to get cool rewards.

    There is a good way to stop that from happening using gear score and it was mentioned in #1 as well as the comment after you.

    3) You are completely correct, it happens in everything. But does that make it okay? There needs to be a rule or something in the game the prevents it. I can think of many different option to combat this from happening including rewards based on gs, unable to match with rank 1-10 or 1-20 items (unless legendary or some cases epic) based on ship level, matches played, or any combination of things, create a hidden bracket for events that won't let you play with certain ships/weapon levels, etc. I came up with those in about 5 minutes without having the data on the player base, ships/weapons in the game, and so on that Rovio has.

    4) I am a Mk5 and low level Mk6 user. I have my shooter at Mk6 and everything else at Mk5. I just got captain level 40. I can tell you straight up you're wrong. I have a nightmare player who manipulates his/her gs in at least 3/5 games. It's not an "occasional" issue, it happens ALL the time. I have stopped playing the events as much as I used to solely for this reason. The level difference doesn't seem to matter even though it clearly should. I shouldn't have to go against someone who has played 15k+ games (in some cases 35k+ games). They are better, they have better gear, and it's very hard to compete. Again, this is only for events. I play against those players in normal games and I enjoy it. It's how it should be. If i'm good enough to gain infamy with lower gear then that's fun. If I'm getting slaughtered by people with significantly better gear then me in events it's just dumb.

    5) 100% agree. All you can do is suggest things and hope something sticks.

    I said this in my last post, they won't punish these players for the sole reason that they spend money. It's the same thing is paying off cops to look the other way. Obviously one is a lot more drastic but it's the same concept.

    6) Yes and no. Clearly someone with 3-4 level 50 epic items will do more damage then someone with level 30 epics and some rares. That's a fact.

    We do all have the same game but we don't start with the same things. It's all rng based on what you get and when you get it. This not the case when you factor in two things; time and money. One or both of which the top players have that most lower players don't. The ship stats are identical but that has nothing to do with this argument, they aren't using the same ships as me, and the race, gender, etc. has nothing to do with what we are talking about so I'll leave all that out.

    To your other point it's not fair to solely exclude them to play with the top ranked players. On the other hand it's not fair for anyone else to place them with the rest. If they want to play with other players them maybe try using weapons that the other players use? Maybe not use things that you know will clearly stomp they lower ranking player if you want to play with them. it also doesn't place them with exclusively "good players" just players at their same gs. So they won't play the same players that they always do in infamy matches. And with this I'm done. I hope they took all players suggestions this time and not just the ones in the highest ranks who pay the most money. Good luck on the Bay.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  11. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Take a screenshot of your battle log - any 5 consecutive games - and then screenshot the 5 match results. If you're seeing them 60% of the time, it should be easy to prove your point. I'm curious to see what loadout you were using if you truly were drawing the ire of the BB matching gods in this way.

    As far as the fairness thing goes. There are people with all max epics with 2500 infamy. They've obviously spent a fair amount of money in the game, but get murdered when they face me or anyone else in upper NML (with a similar GS). Is it fair to them? It would be a fair fight against a Mk5 with lower gear and higher skill, but they can't enjoy events when it's purely GS-based. In other words, they're punished for leveling their gear beyond their skill level.

    If you can't use infamy and gear score doesn't take into account skill, then how do you make matching more fair - considering there is a very small pool of players to pull from.

    The point is it's never going to be "fair" for everyone.
    Last edited: 9 Oct 2018
  12. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I do well enough regardless of whether it's on the ladder or in an event .. regardless of whether they have better items than me or not .. so I don't really care either way. But, I do think it's unfortunate that players are penalized for upgrading their gear .. It would have been better for their coin rewards to never have upgraded.

    3 of my final ladder matches:
    Screenshot_20181008-210341_Battle Bay.jpg Screenshot_20181008-210444_Battle Bay.jpg
    Screenshot_20181008-210520_Battle Bay.jpg

    Then I switch over to event matches ..
    Screenshot_20181008-210702_Battle Bay.jpg
    Screenshot_20181008-210741_Battle Bay.jpg
    And these 3k players are getting 1 coin for losses and 5 coins for wins.
    Last edited: 9 Oct 2018
  13. RecklessPie

    RecklessPie Member

    8 Oct 2018
    203DED33-E483-4C36-87DB-3FC18CB6B03A.png A980F024-869E-4CBE-9FFE-6A2546CF2351.png EE411F8D-23FE-4D82-8A50-F1346EE43456.png 765421B3-D876-408E-8E5C-894B4CF652E4.png 17F9A7DE-90AB-4D45-A0B9-3169878C5E41.png BD9D2284-5E16-47FB-B9C3-F7F2A37DA9BC.png
    I’m not sure if this will loads properly because I’m using my phone but here is a screenshot of my battle log with the 5 games in it. 4/5 games someone is using GS manipulation in order to get an advantage and you can see it in the damage numbers. This is exaclty what I was talking about. Like I said, it’s more prominent then you think.

    As far as the people who have good gear and can’t compete, I say that’s not anyone’s problem. They chose to speed up getting good gear without knowing the game well enough to make it useful. That’s a skill gap thing and again, has nothing to do with the point of this thread. If you aren’t good you shouldn’t get rewarded as much as someone else who is. At least you are on a fair playing field as far as gear goes. In those cases, use the event to get better at the game and practice using the weapons.

    You can use gear score for event matchmaking it just needs to be revised. I noted a few improvements that could be made in my last post. Refer back for that.

    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Lowering your Blue items raises the relative strength of your own weapons, which are decent. It's your way to fairer matches.
  15. RecklessPie

    RecklessPie Member

    8 Oct 2018
    I think you’re missing the point of this thread haha
  16. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I think you are missing my arguments against this thread. You can choose to adapt to the game, or you can choose to bitch about it.
  17. RecklessPie

    RecklessPie Member

    8 Oct 2018
    My fault, you’re correct. Everyone should drop their shields so we can all play with no shields and no yellows for the events. Let’s just all agree to not use them. I know it’s hard to tell but that was sarcasm. That’s not the point and that’s not a legitimate fix. Try again.
  18. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Really!!! Those players that are getting exploited are now b****ing? What happened to attack the argument, not the player?

    So hypothically let’s say everyone ‘adapts’ to the event. Let’s play out that scenario. Basically everyone drops gear. The skilled players get good rewards. Everyone else gets average rewards. The noobs get no wins and quit the game in frustration because they have no one lower than them to exploit. With no new players, the game dies. Game over for everyone.

    Perhaps the people who refuse to ‘adapt’ are choosing not to be selfish.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Look, I've outlined the solution... you can either do it or not. As I've pointed out many times over many months, the core issue is two-fold:

    1) Gear Score doesn't properly take into account training. I don't know why, but it's not the player's fault. Direct your comments and suggestions at the Devs, not the players, as this thread is doing. That, and Blue/Yellow GS is overrated compared to Red.

    2) There's no good reason all boats shouldn't be leveled up at once. Leveling all boats at once would solve a lot of problems in both Ranked and Event matches. Again, this is a suggestion to be directed to the Devs. It makes no sense a NML player should be doodling around in an MK2 boat, right? Talk to the Devs about this.

    In the mean time just adapt to what the "exploiters" are doing. If they lower their Blue GS and you lower your Blue GS, you will no longer be overmatched because they will disappear from your matches. That's a work-around that will help avoid being overmatched even with equal GS.

    Again, it's not a player issue, it's a systemic issue that only the Devs can fix. The cause of the imbalances are clear, and if it bothers you that much, it is your obligation to do something about it. That something is not productive by calling others out... it needs to be directed at the Devs. In the mean time just adapt to the game. That being said if Events are changing, these problems may be reduced in some form or anther.

    I feel like a broken record here, I'm not trying to be argumentative just to be argumentative, I'm trying to help everyone understand how to redirect their negativity into more productive means.
  20. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’ve been trying to ‘adapt’ to this stupid game for about a year. But with the high cost, long waits, and random nerfs, it’s almost impossible to get anywhere with that ‘can do’ attitude.

    Bitching for the win!
    ShipCrusherCz and envylife like this.

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