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A Better Matchmaking Algorithm

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by RealChampion, 8 Oct 2018.

  1. RealChampion

    RealChampion Member

    27 Oct 2017
    Hi Battlers,

    Here is an idea on matchmaking as I see there are lot of people complaining about mechanics of matchmaking dynamics of the game and get annoyed to lose because of :

    1) Players manipulating gear score by adding lesser weapons to get easier opponents.

    2) Sometimes game just try to balance 50/50 win / loss ratio; or whatever

    3) NML Players sometimes appearing in "average Joe" matches and annihilating them.

    We have seen that developers too have been constantly trying to strike just the right chord to find balance in matchmaking and this is more apparent during Events.

    Phew.... So much for the preamble. Here is a suggestion for a better matchmaking :

    "The matchmaking algorithm should take into account the total number of matches a player has played (win or lose don't matter) and try to match it up against players who also have played nearly same number of matches."

    The gear score or weapons level or player level all depend on the number of matches a player must have played to earn those. So, a matchmaking system that find matching based on players total played matches would likely to yield a fairer and even battles.

    What are your thoughts? Let me know.

    Last edited: 8 Oct 2018
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I don't think number of matches matter.

    The problem with Events is that Gear Score isn't based on item output, it's based on a flat formula applied across the board, ignoring training, ignoring that Blue items aren't as valuable as Red, etc, and so forth. I disagree with balancing by MK level in ranked matches as well... it's a duct-tape fix to a larger issue.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  3. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Best solution will be the combo of crew training gear score and most importantly the captain level badge.
    Flint likes this.
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    This 100%

    There is nothing wrong with gearscore matchmaking in principle. It’s just the crappy implementation.
  5. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    Basing it on number of battles is n good.
    Yes it should be part of the formula but not the defining factor.
    If you based it on that, you would get players upgrading weapons without battling so they could win.
  6. RealChampion

    RealChampion Member

    27 Oct 2017
    Gearscore matchmaking ignores the experience one gets from extensive battling.

    The above does not apply since one has to battle and battle hard to earn experience, more rewards etc. in order to upgrade weapons.
  7. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Battle Bay is a competitive game, and as such I can't agree on principal of trying to nullify skill in matchmaking. If you like 50/50 odds, look for a coin flipping competition.

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