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Rovio, sometimes... you're allright ;D

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Dr.pie, 5 Sep 2018.

  1. Dr.pie

    Dr.pie Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Still had 3 of these baby's.Thank you rovio.... thank you...

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    Ultrah likes this.
  2. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    LOL. That is awesome. Can't believe it was intentional though. Wishing I had kept all of mine.
  3. Dr.pie

    Dr.pie Member

    7 Apr 2017
    hehe ikr! I also had 4 epic lubes, I was able to convert them into 2 epic turbos (or any blue items of my choosing) and finally my epic turbo is t5 ready now, and the other two lubes I converted into epic small and big shields! Wish I kept my turret perks as well, though, I would be bangin xD

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