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How would you fix Event Seal Clubbing?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by xArrogance, 18 Aug 2018.

  1. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I was at mk5 when the events began so I'm only using my experience as an example. Iv'e never been a mk2-3 being sealclubbed so I prefer not to discuss a topic I have no personal experience with, although i agree lower level players have it worse than we do. The original idea i suggested would balance all levels of players to match us up with players of the same skill/ gear levels. The issue isn't necessarily only seal clubbing, you can also get lower skilled players who got lucky and got high rarity or duplicate gear who don' know how to use said gear effectivey therefore hurting your team. The infamy/ season system isn't perfect at keeping players grouped at similar levels but it is still more effective than the gearscore only system. I feel that using a combonation of the two systems would be the best way to level the playing field for all players without slowing anyones progress or giving a disadvantage to specific players.
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I played few battles with mk3 (but only in few first events) and many in mk4, it's imhp getting worse every event
    adding infamy is not a good idea-it can be easily manipulated, I met many mk6 ships with strong enough items to be in ace, yet they had only 1k infamy, infamy is just not that good
    even "no skill" players can get easily to to master (maybe ace, probably not) if their items are strong enough, so infamy can't be used as sort of skill meter
  3. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Think of it this way, a no skill player can only gain infamy until he reaches a "cap" where his strong weapons are inefficient enough to win battles and his infamy drops again. He will always be playing within this range meaning he can still be effective in battles at least to the point where he isn't anchoring his team. As for manipulating infamy, there is a system in place for this although I feel it is incomplete. Currently if you drop x amount of infamy you get decreased rewards. This is effective in a way that stops people from tanking infamy but does not account for people who just play at a lower infamy. My suggestion for this is to pair it with a system that measures your average damage output. If you do below your average for x amount of battles in a row it will know you are trying to manipulate the outcome of the battle. It could also have a baseline or expected average range for every given ship at certain ship tier. If you always fall below this average it could be a red flag for developers to inspect your ship and gear to see if you'e rigging your infamy.

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